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The bigger the computer, the bigger the balls. I have learned more on here than I have anywhere. This is the best group of guys around. I enjoy the entertainment value of some of the blasting and arguments, but behind it all I am usually learning something of value. And Brad, don't ever stop posting your knowledge.
I aint never met anyone I couldn't like, and I aint never met anyone that couldn't annoy the hell out of me. ANd the more I might want to fight 'em, the more I end up just liking them. So, what? nothing.
I agree entirely! No one could be more tired of it than me!

Thank you. And that's all I care to do. I have no way of stopping the crap that inevitably floods into most of my threads anymore. As the saying goes, a couple bad apples spoils them all. It's almost not worth posting anymore, and nothing would please the trolls any more than that. I'd love to see site moderation do a little policing.

Brad, this is not the first time I've heard you gripe about the site needing a "little more moderation". Does that just apply where it concerns you and your friends? That's how it reads to me.
The "last fiasco" of yours left a big enough hole in the forum, it took canning six threads, deleting a thousand posts and banning 4 or 5 guys just to level it out. That my friend, sure as hell had nothing to do with the moderation or lack of thereof and everything to do with YOU!
The BS that follows you here from ratsaws has NOT ONE THING to do with any moderation or lack thereof either. That was something you got into on your own, on another site no less.
The other overwhelming common gripe, of you placing yourself on a pedestal, also has nothing to do with this site or it's moderation either.

Brad, you can dig holes all day every day, but don't complain about the policing here when you are in them, that's BS. And you've said it often enough that I am replying to it, it isn't just this "one time".
Brad, this is not the first time I've heard you gripe about the site needing a "little more moderation". Does that just apply where it concerns you and your friends? That's how it reads to me.
The "last fiasco" of yours left a big enough hole in the forum, it took canning six threads, deleting a thousand posts and banning 4 or 5 guys just to level it out. That my friend, sure as hell had nothing to do with the moderation or lack of thereof and everything to do with YOU!
The BS that follows you here from ratsaws has NOT ONE THING to do with any moderation or lack thereof either. That was something you got into on your own, on another site no less.
The other overwhelming common gripe, of you placing yourself on a pedestal, also has nothing to do with this site or it's moderation either.

Brad, you can dig holes all day every day, but don't complain about the policing here when you are in them, that's BS. And you've said it often enough that I am replying to it, it isn't just this "one time".

I'm not one of the "haters", but I do hate the whining.
No, but as the OP I know what the intention of the thread was. Argueing is fine but it shouldn't break down to bashing and personal attacks on others

Threads rarely follow an intended path. If this was an oil thread, we'd be talking about guns by now.
Threads rarely follow an intended path. If this was an oil thread, we'd be talking about guns by now.

I swear I ain't mad...even though you have gotten my guns all oily. At least it was 40 to 1.
Brad, this is not the first time I've heard you gripe about the site needing a "little more moderation". Does that just apply where it concerns you and your friends? That's how it reads to me.
The "last fiasco" of yours left a big enough hole in the forum, it took canning six threads, deleting a thousand posts and banning 4 or 5 guys just to level it out. That my friend, sure as hell had nothing to do with the moderation or lack of thereof and everything to do with YOU!
The BS that follows you here from ratsaws has NOT ONE THING to do with any moderation or lack thereof either. That was something you got into on your own, on another site no less.
The other overwhelming common gripe, of you placing yourself on a pedestal, also has nothing to do with this site or it's moderation either.

Brad, you can dig holes all day every day, but don't complain about the policing here when you are in them, that's BS. And you've said it often enough that I am replying to it, it isn't just this "one time".

This is what I'm talking about. Exact opposite of the intention of the thread. If you have a problem with someone take care of it privately but dont make the rest of the forum suffer for it
Brad, this is not the first time I've heard you gripe about the site needing a "little more moderation". Does that just apply where it concerns you and your friends? That's how it reads to me.
The "last fiasco" of yours left a big enough hole in the forum, it took canning six threads, deleting a thousand posts and banning 4 or 5 guys just to level it out. That my friend, sure as hell had nothing to do with the moderation or lack of thereof and everything to do with YOU!
The BS that follows you here from ratsaws has NOT ONE THING to do with any moderation or lack thereof either. That was something you got into on your own, on another site no less.
The other overwhelming common gripe, of you placing yourself on a pedestal, also has nothing to do with this site or it's moderation either.

Brad, you can dig holes all day every day, but don't complain about the policing here when you are in them, that's BS. And you've said it often enough that I am replying to it, it isn't just this "one time".

So now I'm responsible for all the mean and nasty posts made by only a handful of troublesome members? Wow! You also bring up RS. These last few dealings have had nothing to do with RS. You haven't heard me say one negative thing about them in some time now, and you won't. I'm done with that.

In no way shape or form am I saying I haven't earned some of my lumps. But I've owned up to those problems and dealt with them! There's a handful of guys who have made it their mantra to crap on my threads and posts. They're not there just to state there opinion or engage in a good honest arguement, their posts are made in flat out meaness. It seems quite obvious to me that there goal is simply to tear me down. So you're going to blame me everytime they come after me? Yes, I will always be at the center of those fights. Duh, it's me they're after. Care to explain how I can stop them from attacking me every chance they get? You seem to think it's all my fault now. Are you denying there aren't a handful of guys just looking for any opportunity they can to crap on what I do? My point, deal with that handful of guys, and you won't have thread like this started, complaining about all the mean spiritedness.
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So now I'm responsible for all the mean and nasty posts made by only a handful of troublesome members? Wow! You also bring up RS. These last few dealings have had nothing to do with RS. You haven't heard me say one negative thing about them in some time now, and you won't. I'm done with that.

In no way shape or form am I saying I haven't earned some of my lumps. But I've owned up to those problems and dealt with them. There's a handful of guys who have made it their mantra to crap on my threads and posts. They're not there just to state there opinion or engage in a good honest arguement, their posts are made in flat out meaness. It seems quite obvious to me that there goal is simply to tear me down. So you're going to blame me everytime they come after me? Are you denying all of the above? Yes, I will always be at the center of those fights. It's me they're after. Care to explain how I can stop them from attacking me every chance they get? You seem to think it's all my fault now.

I've really never been a contributor nor a detractor to your threads/postings but, you have to admit some have been relatively self serving. Some take exception to that. So, for you to claim that this is a personal affront may not be true. However, to attack site moderation might not be your wisest choice. Albeit it noble, arguing with a moderator, should be a point with which one should consider further reflection. If in fact you feel you've been totally wronged, please continue.
I was always taught that WD-40 around guns is a no-no, any truth to this?

This is correct JJ. WD40 and guns DO NOT mix. Others may tell you otherwise, but from the one that I know- that knows best (my dad), WD is a big no no. The guy that taught him what he knows, has most likely forgotten more than most will know about gunsmithing and gun care, and I take their word on it. To each their own though...

Brad, for what it is worth- I don't think that Darin is pointing a finger at you as you are soley to blame for the negativity that seems to follow you. From my perspective, it is just seemed that in recent months you had put yourself on a different level than most folks here. A "More holy than thou" kind of thing. I don't think that is what your intent was, not for a minute.
I just think some of us here would have rather seen "I'm sorry, I screwed up" coming from your mouth instead the other responses that I have seen. Perhaps, a little better business practice- not having a double standard for your buying/ selling practices.
And lastly, I don't want to sound as if I am knocking you for a second. I would give you the shirt off of my back, and I don't even know you. Why? Because I would do that for anyone that I think wouldn't take advantage of me or the situation. I think that you love saws, and working on them- which is what keeps you around. I think you are a guy that makes a bad decision every once in a while, just as any other human will do. It is just what a person does to correct that decision, or mistake that makes the result what it is.
Do I think there are a handful on here that just lurk, and wait to give you BS at any given opportunity? You bet, just have faith that the rest of us aren't oblivious to the fact- and wouldn't give those same bozos the time of day for it. It is the internet, I am just as bad in conversation on here, as I am in real life haha. And in "real" life, 99% of the garbage that does happen here, would never happen at all. Just my .02, for all that it is worth. -Jeff S.
This is correct JJ. WD40 and guns DO NOT mix. Others may tell you otherwise, but from the one that I know- that knows best (my dad), WD is a big no no. The guy that taught him what he knows, has most likely forgotten more than most will know about gunsmithing and gun care, and I take their word on it. To each their own though...

I figured this was the case but had to make sure. I figured Jay would set me straight, since he's my go-to guy for all things firearms...
I'm not sure that it's healthy for people to vent freely under the guise of "anonymity." That indicates to me they have undesirable, repressed personality traits or feelings that are unacceptable in "normal" social situations.

I've never found a need to be anything other than I am or to express myself any differently here than I would to someone sitting in the same room with me.

As far as the personal battles go- we have a saying in the fire services "Be a big boy and don't get poopy pants about it."

And if that doesn't work, there is always Midol®.

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