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I've really never been a contributor nor a detractor to your threads/postings but, you have to admit some have been relatively self serving. Some take exception to that. So, for you to claim that this is a personal affront may not be true. However, to attack site moderation might not be your wisest choice. Albeit it noble, arguing with a moderator, should be a point with which one should consider further reflection. If in fact you feel you've been totally wronged, please continue.

I'm not trying attacking site moderation. I'm simply pointing out that the meanness that this thread was started about, comes from the same handful of guys that contribute little of anything to the forum, yet are allowed to run around causing havoc for those of us that do try to contribute. That's all. In other words, I'm asking for help.

BTW, how am I so self-serving? I post nearly everything I do on the forum here. I try to contribute as much as possible. Yes, I get a little cranky with the endless newbie questions sometimes, but who doesn't? But all this "pedestal" and self-serving talk, I guess I really don't get it. I've done an aweful lot of defending myself lately, but what else am I supposed to do when I've been attacked like I have. Yes, I made a few mistakes, and I owned up to them and made corrections. It just seems that the guys with the nasty attituces come out on top, and I'm looked down upon. How's that give? Help me out here.
I was always taught that WD-40 around guns is a no-no, any truth to this?

Yes you are correct, it sucks as a lubricant, that statement was tongue in cheek. However, while there are more efficient products today for their moisture affinity factors, in it's day WD-40 was hard to beat for storage, still may be and one of the reasons for it's formulation. I've had a small fortune resting on it's merits. Some 40 years later, I have no regrets/failures, perhaps I've just been lucky. However, I think not.
This is correct JJ. WD40 and guns DO NOT mix. Others may tell you otherwise, but from the one that I know- that knows best (my dad), WD is a big no no. The guy that taught him what he knows, has most likely forgotten more than most will know about gunsmithing and gun care, and I take their word on it. To each their own though...

Brad, for what it is worth- I don't think that Darin is pointing a finger at you as you are soley to blame for the negativity that seems to follow you. From my perspective, it is just seemed that in recent months you had put yourself on a different level than most folks here. A "More holy than thou" kind of thing. I don't think that is what your intent was, not for a minute.
I just think some of us here would have rather seen "I'm sorry, I screwed up" coming from your mouth instead the other responses that I have seen. Perhaps, a little better business practice- not having a double standard for your buying/ selling practices.
And lastly, I don't want to sound as if I am knocking you for a second. I would give you the shirt off of my back, and I don't even know you. Why? Because I would do that for anyone that I think wouldn't take advantage of me or the situation. I think that you love saws, and working on them- which is what keeps you around. I think you are a guy that makes a bad decision every once in a while, just as any other human will do. It is just what a person does to correct that decision, or mistake that makes the result what it is.
Do I think there are a handful on here that just lurk, and wait to give you BS at any given opportunity? You bet, just have faith that the rest of us aren't oblivious to the fact- and wouldn't give those same bozos the time of day for it. It is the internet, I am just as bad in conversation on here, as I am in real life haha. And in "real" life, 99% of the garbage that does happen here, would never happen at all. Just my .02, for all that it is worth. -Jeff S.

You see, I don't take offense to a post like this at all. I appreciate it, BIG TIME. But why do the guys with the nasty attitudes seemingly walk away scott free? I know I'm too thinned skinned, but man does that bother me.

So tell me, how do I present myself as holier than though? Be specific. How many times do you guys have to hear me say that I screwed up and I'm sorry? I've said it over and over, yet know one seems to hear it. I said it as soon as the whole thing went down.

I'm afraid that my defense towards my attackers has distorted the way the rest of the forum views me. You bet I'm going to treat them differently than the rest of you guys! They want to beat me down, and I feel the need to defend myself, and that often includes pointing out their faults and wrong motives. I try to temper that with owning up, and trying to make correction, for my own faults. I know they're there, and i'm not too big to admit them. That's why I'm making this post. All I want is for things to be like they used to be. I love showing what I do and sharing it with you guys. In the process, I hope to help a lot of other guys out. But the fray of the last few months has taken a huge amount of the enjoyment out of it for me. I honestly wonder why I bother. And that's not a self pity statement. Why do I deal with this crap? I guess it's just for the love of the hobby. My only desire is that somehow, it can be like it used to be.
I dont blame you for trying to inform people about the site rules cause I know most people never read them and I rather be warned than banned. The original thread that got me to start this one started out as a warning about the rules and the other guy definately escalated the problem instead of just saying sorry and letting the post die and things snowballed from there.
Brad, I havent been around long enough or havent been paying enough attention to know why people would want to attack your posts but what I do know is that you bring an awful lot of good info to this forum and as far as I'm concerned that should be worth a lot more to people than a little thing like a warning.
You aren't looked down upon, atleast not from where I sit...
Selling a saw, and telling the new owner that if he has taken a wrench to it, he is SOL.. but buying a saw on Craigslist or Ebay and then finding various things wrong with it after you have taken it apart, and then sending the seller a bill? It just comes across wrong to me. I am not calling you out and telling you that you are wrong on however many levels... but it just seems that in your mind, others should have greater respect for your work and knowledge for saws, than the amount of respect that you are willing to give them for their knowledge and know how.
Just bringing up things that stick out to me... Like I said, please realize that I am not trying to call you out, or paint you something that you are not. I for one, am scared to pass judgement on you- or anyone else for that matter... because I know that in the end, judgment will be passed on me in that same way.
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You aren't looked down upon, atleast not from where I sit...
Selling a saw, and telling the new owner that if he has taken a wrench to it, he is SOL.. but buying a saw on Craigslist or Ebay and then finding various things wrong with it after you have taken it apart, and then sending the seller a bill? It just comes across wrong to me. I am not calling you out and telling you that you are wrong on however many levels... but it just seems that in your mind, others should have greater respect for your work and knowledge for saws, than the amount of respect that you are willing to give them for their knowledge and know how.
Also calling a seller out that you have had a bad experience with, publicly on AS- but crying foul when you are attacked over one of your transactions.

Just bringing up things that stick out in my mind. Like I said, please realize that I am not trying to call you, or paint you something that you are not. I for one, am scared to pass judgement on you- or anyone else for that matter... because I know that in the end, judgment will be passed on me in that same way.

I guess the saying that comes to mind is, it's not what you say, but how you say it. What you're giving me here is constructive criticism. It is not given with the intent to tear down and destroy. I welcome that.

What you witnessed in my reaction to the saw I shipped that was defective, was a reaction that was predisposed by previous behaviour of said individuals. I would not treat most people that way. I don't care to rediscuss that whole deal here, but that was not "how I do business". I simply don't trust those guys as far as I could throw them, and I "reacted" accordingly. Whether it was their intent to return the saw from the beginning or not was beside the point once I realized what I had actually done. My mistake then trumped any wrong doing that I perceived of them to be attempting. That's why I backed up and made it right.

I was too quick to judge the guy I bought the 084 from. I'll give you that one.

Here's the thing. Both of those situations could have been avoided on the forum here. I simply need to refrain from airing my dirty laundry here. Where that becomes difficult is when the dirty laundry is brought to me publically in this forum. That's where I've asked for the help of site moderation. Is that asking too much? And yes, I expect to be treated the same. The thread about the 084 and the one where I started the thread about the 066 should have been deleted immediately. I shouldn't have ever started them. If they hadn't been, the ugly stuff would have never happened as it did.
Ah, I think that I missed that in your last post. You type faster than I haha. To be honest, I don't know why some guys get away with what they do. One specifically comes to mind, and I don't know why or if he is still here.
As tough as it is (I wish I could listen to my own advice), take it with a grain of salt. I hope you don't let a couple turds keep you from having a positive thing here on AS. Seems like you have built some strong friendships, and had some great experiences with quite a few here.. nothing a troll or internet mouth piece could ever take away.

Reluctantly, some of the garbage that happens on here can't help but make me wonder if there would be some negativity or hard feelings at a GTG. Sometimes, it is hard for me to decipher authenicity on the site- as in who is giving people BS for a little fun, and who is just a downright miserable human being.
Hopefully I get to see some of you guys at the next GTG, where no one is behind a PC screen, and we can all just have a good old fashioned chainsaw fellowship haha.
Reluctantly, some of the garbage that happens on here can't help but make me wonder if there would be some negativity or hard feelings at a GTG. Sometimes, it is hard for me to decipher authenicity on the site- as in who is giving people BS for a little fun, and who is just a downright miserable human being.
Hopefully I get to see some of you guys at the next GTG, where no one is behind a PC screen, and we can all just have a good old fashioned chainsaw fellowship haha.

I've never seen one bad fallout of any sort at a GTG. It just doesn't happen. All this crap that happens on the web is left behind, and everyone has a good time. It's just too bad that it can't be that way online.
I guess the saying that comes to mind is, it's not what you say, but how you say it. What you're giving me here is constructive criticism. It is not given with the intent to tear down and destroy. I welcome that.

What you witnessed in my reaction to the saw I shipped that was defective, was a reaction that was predisposed by previous behaviour of said individuals. I would not treat most people that way. I don't care to rediscuss that whole deal here, but that was not "how I do business". I simply don't trust those guys as far as I could throw them, and I "reacted" accordingly. Whether it was their intent to return the saw from the beginning or not was beside the point once I realized what I had actually done. My mistake then trumped any wrong doing that I perceived of them to be attempting. That's why I backed up and made it right.

I was too quick to judge the guy I bought the 084 from. I'll give you that one.

Here's the thing. Both of those situations could have been avoided on the forum here. I simply need to refrain from airing my dirty laundry here. Where that becomes difficult is when the dirty laundry is brought to me publically in this forum. That's where I've asked for the help of site moderation. Is that asking too much? And yes, I expect to be treated the same. The thread about the 084 and the one where I started the thread about the 066 should have been deleted immediately. I shouldn't have ever started them. If they hadn't been, the ugly stuff would have never happened as it did.

Reading posts from you like this, is what I think defines you- and is what most guys here have characterized you by. No doubt, you are authentic here and just a down to Earth good guy.
All I am saying is that, who you are above- may not be who was seen in the last couple months... if that makes sense.
And as I have said before, I have put myself in your shoes through some of the last couple of ordeals, and I am not so sure that I wouldn't have reacted to same way in some instances. Anyone else here that can say they haven't screwed up, or wouldn't change the way that they have done things at one time or another... well I don't know what to tell em'.
Just realize that regardless of some of the flack that you may have received, most of us can see through the BS. And yes, I think there is a lot of it here- but definitely more good on this site than bad. Lot of good folks on here, no doubt about it.
I'm not trying attacking site moderation. I'm simply pointing out that the meanness that this thread was started about, comes from the same handful of guys that contribute little of anything to the forum, yet are allowed to run around causing havoc for those of us that do try to contribute. That's all. In other words, I'm asking for help.

BTW, how am I so self-serving? I post nearly everything I do on the forum here. I try to contribute as much as possible. Yes, I get a little cranky with the endless newbie questions sometimes, but who doesn't? But all this "pedestal" and self-serving talk, I guess I really don't get it. I've done an aweful lot of defending myself lately, but what else am I supposed to do when I've been attacked like I have. Yes, I made a few mistakes, and I owned up to them and made corrections. It just seems that the guys with the nasty attituces come out on top, and I'm looked down upon. How's that give? Help me out here.

Have I ever attacked you? Just my view point from here. My opinion is that, just an opinion. If you need me to describe self serving I most certainly will and not with a negative connotation, even if you will most probably find fault. Fact: Your zealous love for saws and their modifications have caused you not to see the consequence from those that think you do it for monetary gain. Does that make you right or wrong? No but, you should be more cognizant of others perceptions. Does that make you or those others wrong or correct? Not hardly. Move on and get over it. Grow a thicker skin, it irritates the others more than anything else. If it is something with which you totally agree, it should be without bother.
Have I ever attacked you? Just my view point from here. My opinion is that, just an opinion. If you need me to describe self serving I most certainly will and not with a negative connotation, even if you will most probably find fault. Fact: Your zealous love for saws and their modifications have caused you not to see the consequence from those that think you do it for monetary gain. Does that make you right or wrong? No but, you should be more cognizant of others perceptions. Does that make you or those others wrong or correct? Not hardly. Move on and get over it. Grow a thicker skin, it irritates the others more than anything else. If it is something with which you totally agree, it should be without bother.

Thanks for the post. I'm not sure how to grow thicker skin, lol. My hands are pretty calloused the way it is:) Seriously, I appreciate the comments. I've actually considered stopping all port work indefinately, if nothing else, just to prove that it really is about the saws to me. Actually, I'm not doing any port work right now anyway, and I may not start back up. Everything I've made has gone right back into the hobby, so from that standpoint, I'd miss it. But it does tend to make work out of what is first, and most importantly, a hobby I love.
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I guess the saying that comes to mind is, it's not what you say, but how you say it. What you're giving me here is constructive criticism. It is not given with the intent to tear down and destroy. I welcome that.

What you witnessed in my reaction to the saw I shipped that was defective, was a reaction that was predisposed by previous behaviour of said individuals. I would not treat most people that way. I don't care to rediscuss that whole deal here, but that was not "how I do business". I simply don't trust those guys as far as I could throw them, and I "reacted" accordingly. Whether it was their intent to return the saw from the beginning or not was beside the point once I realized what I had actually done. My mistake then trumped any wrong doing that I perceived of them to be attempting. That's why I backed up and made it right.

I was too quick to judge the guy I bought the 084 from. I'll give you that one.

Here's the thing. Both of those situations could have been avoided on the forum here. I simply need to refrain from airing my dirty laundry here. Where that becomes difficult is when the dirty laundry is brought to me publically in this forum. That's where I've asked for the help of site moderation. Is that asking too much? And yes, I expect to be treated the same. The thread about the 084 and the one where I started the thread about the 066 should have been deleted immediately. I shouldn't have ever started them. If they hadn't been, the ugly stuff would have never happened as it did.

Do those guys have names by chance?
I'm getting tired of the battles going on in some of these threads. Why can't we just hold our tongues and ignore the inflammatory comments. The people starting these wars are just feeding on the attention. If we just let the threads die they will eventually go away.

You guys are talking about me aren't you? I know you are. Look, all I did was repeat what I heard about Groundman. How was I supposed to know he was really doing that to those poor little cows.
Thanks for the post. I'm not sure how to grow thicker skin, lol. My hands are pretty calloused the way it is:) Seriously, I appreciate the comments.

If you turn wrenches, you can do it. Reflection is the key.
You guys are talking about me aren't you? I know you are. Look, all I did was repeat what I heard about Groundman. How was I supposed to know he was really doing that to those poor little cows.


Too funny. I myself am not talking about anyone but I think I just read where I may be included in "those guys" that can't be trusted. If my thought is correct I reckon I got something to say about that, in fact alot to say about that. I'll have to catch it later though for its bedtime for this ole cat.

Too funny. I myself am not talking about anyone but I think I just read where I may be included in "those guys" that can't be trusted. If my thought is correct I reckon I got something to say about that, in fact alot to say about that. I'll have to catch it later though for its bedtime for this ole cat.

Well brother Tom, I hear you. Similarly, I'm one of those that supposedly gloat over some of the saws I have, just because I list them in my signature. Can't please them all even some of the time!
Well brother Tom, I hear you. Similarly, I'm one of those that supposedly gloat over some of the saws I have, just because I list them in my signature. Can't please them all even some of the time!

If I had a list of saws like that I'll be proud...proud enough to gloat...lolol
Truthfully, I don't support real strict controls on forums, especially adult themed ones such as a logging forum. However, I'm one of those people that agree with the old adage "There's a time and a place for everything". Perhaps that's the answer here. What if we had a section where we all make nice, and another section where we can beat each others brains out. Having a password to enter is rather moot unless you want to institute some kind of age limits. If not, you can just make the rules stricter for one side than the other.

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