Anyone hear from indian springs?

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SawTroll, you got your wish! I want to thank 55 Chevy for hunting me down and checking up on me. I had a major health set back (thriple bypass and bladder and prostrate surgery and haven't been doing much of anything much less touching a saw.

A note for all you guys listen to your body! I had a neighbor ask for a simple removal of three 6" dia mimosa trees and I went to do it by myself, after cutting one tree in two to three foot lengths I started throwing it in a pile and all of a sudden it felt like a house was set on my chest. I drove the short distance home (quarter mile) I took three nitros and a asprin and the pain eventually subsided. I'd already had five stents put in several years ago, I went to the hospital the next morning and had a angiogram done and they wouldn't let me leave as I had three arteries over 95% blocked. They schelduled bypass surgery the next day. As they started surgery they couldn't insert a cathether and found I had and obstructed urthrea and bladder and a small growth on the prostrate so they had to do bladder and remove the growth on the prostrate which turned out to be non-cancerous. They gave me three days to recover from that in ICU then did the thriple bypass, spent a total of 14 days in ICU which was dang near unbearable. My power adapter on my Mac burned up so I been off for a while, the wife's computer is one of those hands off items.

I'm doing well, doing the rehab program and just hope I'm up to running a saw by this fall. Look forward to reading and catching up.
It's been too hot here to think of doing anythink else.

Good to see you back.
Thanks Gologit, just happy to still be kicking, and its sure a good think to finally have the cathether and pee bag removed after having to drag it around for close to five weeks, cramps your style a
It was kind of like carrying around a wild thing the whole time.
its sure a good thing to finally have the cathether and pee bag removed after having to drag it around for close to five weeks, cramps your style a
It was kind of like carrying around a wild thing the whole time.

Now that is funny. Hope your recovery continues well!
Thanks Gologit, just happy to still be kicking, and its sure a good think to finally have the cathether and pee bag removed after having to drag it around for close to five weeks, cramps your style a
It was kind of like carrying around a wild thing the whole time.

Welcome back! :msp_biggrin:

...and I know how it feels to have that "thing" attached, but it lasted just a few hours after my last hip surgery. I begged them to remove it a day earlier than they had planned, I was that uncomfortable with it!
Five weeks must have been like hell....:jawdrop:
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Thanks Gologit, just happy to still be kicking, and its sure a good think to finally have the cathether and pee bag removed after having to drag it around for close to five weeks, cramps your style a
It was kind of like carrying around a wild thing the whole time.

Wow! Second post back in the saddle, and you put up a potential Post of the Year........Well done...............:D
Thanks Gologit, just happy to still be kicking, and its sure a good think to finally have the cathether and pee bag removed after having to drag it around for close to five weeks, cramps your style a
It was kind of like carrying around a wild thing the whole time.

Great to hear from you again pard! I'm sorry to hear of your medical struggles, but glad you're among the kicking and screaming! :cheers:
So let me get this straight, you went to the hospital and got a port job???

Good to see you back!!;)
Brad you sure hit the nail on the head, biggest lie in the whole process is that it won't hurt when we take it out. The ureatha was so full of scar tissue they had to go in from the back side thru the bladder and insert it from the backside and they used a oversize cath to hopefully open the channel up. It was literally the closest I came to passing out from pain in my life when she pulled that little baby out. Your right might has well been a hot poker, I sure have a whole new level of respect for those unfortunate to have to use them as part of their lifestyle.
Funny way to look at it put did have a full port job on both ends. Luckily had great porters on both ends. A little more expensive than a chainsaw though, although the bills have been trickling in looks like it'll get close to 150k, that God we believe insurance along with my wife's supplemental will cover it 100%. Just the meds came to just over 30k, lot of drugs in 14 days, almost hallucinated I wanted to go buy a new
lot of drugs in 14 days, almost hallucinated I wanted to go buy a new

Morphine will do that. Uh, I've heard. :D :D :D

Glad to have you back, bud! Figured you for a Macintosh guy. Stihl and Mac: A match made in heaven. :rock:
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I'm doing well, doing the rehab program and just hope I'm up to running a saw by this fall. Look forward to reading and catching up.
It's been too hot here to think of doing anythink else.

Howdy man! Real nice to hear from you again! You'll be back cutting just when it gets cool again! This heat...good for sitting and fishing or POWERNAPS! hehehehe

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