Traveling book...

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Completely is good.
. AS Supporting Member.
May 19, 2005
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In the Redwoods.
At the PNW GTG I received a copy of Baranek's book, High Climbers and Timber Fallers. Thanks to Bailey's for donating the book. It's great.

I sent the book to Spotted Owl today and when he's finished reading it he'll post here and send it on to somebody else. He'll decide who gets it next. When they finish, they can do the same...and on it goes.

I'd like to keep the book among the "clan", so to speak. Loggers...people who really make their living in the woods, will appreciate the book more than some weekend warrior. The Left Coast folks get first crack at it but there's no reason why some of the guys back east shouldn't be included.

There are a couple of requests. Keep a documentation on who has the book and where it's headed. That way it doesn't go astray and everybody who wants to look at it will have the opportunity to enjoy it. Also, when you get the book, sign your name and location on the inside cover. If the book makes the rounds for several years it might be fun to see who had it and where it's been.

Don't worry about a few coffee stains and finger smudges. It's a book meant to be read, not just displayed.

I also have a copy of Baranek's Fundamentals book and Will Malloff's great book on chainsaw lumbermaking. They're not for sale but they're available for passing around. PM me.

I don't want the books back. I want other people to enjoy them as much as I have. Keep them circulating until they're worn out.
That's a great idea .....i ain't got that one but I do have somewhere a copy of fundamentals of general tree work
I'm not forgetting anybody, I think. At my age it's always a possibility, though.

Spotted Owl has the book now. When he's done with it it goes to Slowp. When she's done with it it goes to whoever she chooses.

This is really kinda out of my hands now, which is exactly the way I want it. I started the book on it's journey and each person who gets it, reads it, and passes it along is part of the process. Whoever gets it after Slowp will decide who they send it to. Post a note here when you're done. I reserve the right to veto but I'm sure you guys won't let the book out to anybody that won't send it along when they're done.

Hey, this is siderod stuff...kick the machinery and the people into gear and, if they're doing a good job, just let it roll.

Madhatte is getting my copy of Beranek's Fundamentals...if I ever get off my duff and get it mailed. He can send it on when he's through with it.

I still have Malloff's book on chainsaw lumbermaking if anybody is interested.

i can send out a couple nice reads , i'll thumb threw and pic a couple good one's .
Madhatte is getting my copy of Beranek's Fundamentals...if I ever get off my duff and get it mailed. He can send it on when he's through with it.

Just saw this... SO COOL! Thank you. I'll read it cover-to-cover a couple of times and pass it on. I reckon the Forestry types will get more out of it than the Logger types, since we don't have too many Bullbucks to break us in.... I have a few likely suspects in mind. I imagine that they already know who they are, heh heh. I suppose I DO have a hat to throw into the ring -- is anybody interested in "Log Scaling and Timber Cruising" by Bell and Dillworth? I have my dog-eared spiral-bound copy I'll never part with, but I also have a new paperback copy I'd be delighted to share with the Greater Good.

You guys know that loggers are supposed to be illiterate, and here you are starting a gods damn online book club...:laugh:

just sayin...

Wanna make something of it?
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