Flipped the tractor.

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LOL with neither being any better than the operator using them for what their not intended for as a steady occupational piece of equipment.... just imagine a pnw logger, trying to cultivate a field using a john deer or a franklin skidder to sow his/her mighty oat fields?? LOL just imagine!

You do realize that a skidder is just an articulated tractor with a winch on it right?

And I have plowed a few feilds with a disk and moldboard, granted with a proper 3 point, but there is no reason I couldn't pull it off with my skidder, just have to fab up a simple winch activated 3 point and I'd be all set. Fer Odin's sake all you guys do is drive around in straight lines, toss in a giant anchor that is 30-40' long and worm your way through a thinning cut without hitting any leave trees, in mud, on a hill, with bald tires. I mean Hel, we don't want to make you folks look bad or anything;)
Yes, as you can see, 2dogs was terrified of working with him. Gologit's the guy with the orange chaps and tin hat.

I love this video. And this is not meant to disparage 2dogs (2dowgs in Texas) at all, but it does my amateur "sub-farmer-logger" heart good to see an experienced cutter miss the far side.
I don’t know how it is in other areas but where I grew up (Central Florida and Western North Carolina) most folks of my acquaintance made a living doing whatever was at hand – generically farming, ranching and logging – but to say they were professionals or did any of these things with the skill and experience of a professional would be an overstatement and most with any age on them would tell you what they are doing or have done as opposed to naming a profession. The ones who were most likely to survive in good health were the ones who understood that there was much more to know and experience than what they knew or had experienced. Though my mother’s biggest expressed fear was one of us boys would get hit by a log truck while fetching the mail, my dad supported us for a time by logging, and the sawmill was just down the road, I have personally known only one career logger. The point of this post is there is a vast difference between a true professional and a highly experienced dabbler. Just because you may have logged doesn’t make you a logger. Nor does doing something similar equate, whether it be firewood cutting, tree work, line clearance, storm cleanup or trail work, etc. While I have been welcomed on this forum, I am truly a trespasser. In my view there are many others. We trespassers should appreciate that fact. The OP should have posted in the firewood forum where many of us, self included, need a reminder of the hazards of doing things with the wrong and/or overloaded equipment. Done. (insert smilie of a preacher on a stump) Ron

PS I would love to trespass at the GTG and meet a logger or three, but my nifty jet I made from an army surplus generator turbine and an old McCulloch powered gyro-copter is in for repairs.
I love this video. And this is not meant to disparage 2dogs (2dowgs in Texas) at all, but it does my amateur "sub-farmer-logger" heart good to see an experienced cutter miss the far side.

It was caused by having me set up and filming. Had the camera not been going, and nobody watching, the cut would have been flawless.

That was a hazard tree in a campground and I think it was leaning a bit??? in a favorable direction.

My grandparents took a few conventional bus tours in the 70s while they were in their 70s. They thoroughly enjoyed them with one exception. The ladies on the tours greatly outnumbered the men. Being the southern gentleman that he was my grandfather always let a lady go before him whether boarding or disembarking. My poor grandmother would get on or off the bus with her lifelong sweetheart at her side and then he would step aside and she would have to wait 20 minutes before he could rejoin her. She also complained about the attention he was getting but I think she was actually kind of pleased. Come to think of it, I don't recall Granddad complaining. Ron
If I started thumbing tonight I might could make it - 2765 miles one way to Eugene. Ron

Airplanes, Ron. Airplanes. Major carrier to the coast...San Francisco or Portland. Take-a-Chance Airlines to Eugene. Rent a car at the airport or one of us can come pick you up. Nothin' to it.
Horizon, formerly known as Crashcade, flies into Eugene. I was on one of their flying culverts to Klamath Falls in the winter and while landing, we gently went off the runway and into the snowy hinterlands. Eugene would not have snow or below zero conditions in June, we hope...
Horizon, formerly known as Crashcade, flies into Eugene. I was on one of their flying culverts to Klamath Falls in the winter and while landing, we gently went off the runway and into the snowy hinterlands. Eugene would not have snow or below zero conditions in June, we hope...

Sssshhhhh! Don't scare him off.
For the record... I created this thread out of safety concerns, given the possibility of serious injury or worse from tractor accidents. If one inexperienced person avoids the close call that I had as a result of reading this thread, then it has served its purpose. If a certain west coast bigot has a problem with that, he can pound on his keyboard to his heart's content.
For the record... I created this thread out of safety concerns, given the possibility of serious injury or worse from tractor accidents. If one inexperienced person avoids the close call that I had as a result of reading this thread, then it has served its purpose. If some west coast bigot has a problem with that, he can pound on his keyboard to his heart's content.
bigot? is that not a little much? relax life is to short for this crap. and your west coast reference was a bigoted statement in it self. trying to use equipment for doing things it was not intended for or rated for is foolish in anyone's book that knows better. i hope you learned a lesson from your close call and be safe doing what you do.
For the record... I created this thread out of safety concerns, given the possibility of serious injury or worse from tractor accidents. If one inexperienced person avoids the close call that I had as a result of reading this thread, then it has served its purpose. If some west coast bigot has a problem with that, he can pound on his keyboard to his heart's content.

We appreciate your concerns, we really do. They're a bit misplaced but we know that, in your own misguided way, you meant well. You're inexperienced and basically unskilled and you probably figured that everyone else was too. Your intent was fine but you picked the wrong place to run your mouth.
I doubt seriously if very many people in the F&L threads use garden tractors to haul wood and that's why I suggested posting your cautionary tale in a different forum. I still think that's a good idea.

And, just out of curiosity...did you get training wheels put on your garden tractor? You probably should.

If you were referring to me with the "bigot" label I'd have to agree...within a very narrow framework. I don't care about race or national origin or sexual preference or political beliefs or religious affiliation but I gotta confess... I'm definitely bigoted against idiots. Try not to be one, at least for awhile, okay? Thanks.
...I doubt seriously if very many people in the F&L threads use garden tractors to haul wood and that's why I suggested posting your cautionary tale in a different forum. I still think that's a good idea.

And, just out of curiosity...did you get training wheels put on your garden tractor? You probably should.

If you were referring to me with the "bigot" label I'd have to agree...within a very narrow framework. I don't care about race or national origin or sexual preference or political beliefs or religious affiliation but I gotta confess... I'm definitely bigoted against idiots. Try not to be one, at least for awhile, okay? Thanks.

No useful information here. I must've hurt your feelings. Sorry.
wow this is still going on..........maybe I can make this plainer since I am not on the west coast.
I have skidded timber with lots of things including farm tractors and I do bring wood to the house with a large garden tractor........I have never turned one over. why? because I used sense while doing it and I been around this stuff all my life. that is what gologit meant by suggesting you post this where less expierianced folks would see it.
now, the personal attacks are not needed here and I really wish y'all would get the chip off your shoulder about any ex mods. that's over now, let it go.
sorry Bob I just had to say it.
So out of curiosity, why WAS this thread posted here instead of Firewood or Chainsaw? Seems if the goal was to save lives as a PSA, it'd be better served with a wider, more pertinent audience...?

Now if the goal was just sharing a humorous anecdote, then why the level of OP butthurt?

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