A little advice needed on a chainsaw!

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I'm late. Had company.

OK, 440, 3/4 wrap handle, 28 inch bar, and don't forget the Barbie Stickers because they stick the best. Except you don't get any rain in Colly fonia (songs are always true) so maybe the My Little Ponies would be OK. I like to accent the stickers with sticky rhinestones too. That really de-mans a saw.

Madsen's used to sell powder pink full brim skull buckets, and you can get lilac colored ear plugs at the Wal Marche. Unfortunately chaps only seem to come in orange or green---borrrrrring. Chainsaw stuff seems to have a problem when it comes to colors. Oh well...

Finish the ensemble with lace sewn onto a hickory shirt. I also favor the Bugz eye things except be careful because I have snapped my nose and an eye hard putting them on and taking them off. Eye protection can be dangerous! Maybe there is PPE for PPE? Something to ponder.

There...my work here is done. :cheers:

Well now them colors there do sound appealing, maybe I can get my buddy Sawtroll to wear one of those powder pink skull buckets,hmmmmmm

Hey Sawtroll, I just bought your Christmas present, your gonna look great in it,LOLOL
just trying to let the young lady know there are options....better ones

Tat there is war.

Sonny go fetch my white rhinestone jump suit. Red get my hair jelly. Joe get my black shoe polish hair dye. Where'd the hell is the Colonel when ya need him, somebody get him on the horn, now, grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
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:agree2: ...and somehow he forgot how well he likes his 346xp when posting in this thread! :confused:

We tants forgotten that at all. However for the lady in question and her man saying its gotta be a Stihl its gotta be the MS200. Now try on that pink skull bucket I bought ya. Let me see ya, hmmmmmmmm, looking good Sawtroll,LOL
Tat there is war.

Sonny go fetch my white rhinestone jump suit. Red get my hair jelly. Joe get my black shoe polish hair dye. Where'd the hell is the Colonel when ya need him, somebody get him on the horn, now, grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Don't forget the jelly donuts
Thats the Colonels job, dayumm his hide, gonna get me another manager one of these days, you would think at 50% he'd be around when ya need him, grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Maybe you should get rid of him and hire Niko
Why you low life good for nothing Husky lovin ole fool, now ya done done it buddy, grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr,

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Brawhahahahahah intimidating lol
We tants forgotten that at all. However for the lady in question and her man saying its gotta be a Stihl its gotta be the MS200. Now try on that pink skull bucket I bought ya. Let me see ya, hmmmmmmmm, looking good Sawtroll,LOL

Well, as is apparent from my earlier posts here, I have no problem with the choise of the MS200 rear handle at all! :givebeer:

About the pink scull bucket, you better send it to spowp instead, and maybe it will get some use......:greenchainsaw:
Well, as is apparent from my earlier posts here, I have no problem with the choise of the MS200 rear handle at all! :givebeer:

About the pink scull bucket, you better send it to spowp instead, and maybe it will get some use......:greenchainsaw:

Hahahha, she already has hers, you need to protect that ole noggin now Sawtroll. Don't worry about the color, no one will notice at all,


Who's the guy in the pink skull bucket,LOL
My boyfriend is getting me a chainsaw of my choice for Christmas. I basically need a light weight reliable chainsaw for work around my property that is easy to maintain. What would you recommend and why? Thank you for your assistance. :help::help::help:

poulan wild thing, A girls best friend?:)
I'm late. Had company.

OK, 440, 3/4 wrap handle, 28 inch bar, and don't forget the Barbie Stickers because they stick the best. Except you don't get any rain in Colly fonia (songs are always true) so maybe the My Little Ponies would be OK. I like to accent the stickers with sticky rhinestones too. That really de-mans a saw.

Madsen's used to sell powder pink full brim skull buckets, and you can get lilac colored ear plugs at the Wal Marche. Unfortunately chaps only seem to come in orange or green---borrrrrring. Chainsaw stuff seems to have a problem when it comes to colors. Oh well...

Finish the ensemble with lace sewn onto a hickory shirt. I also favor the Bugz eye things except be careful because I have snapped my nose and an eye hard putting them on and taking them off. Eye protection can be dangerous! Maybe there is PPE for PPE? Something to ponder.

There...my work here is done. :cheers:

Well....as they say..a woman's work is never done! He said chaps are a must or there will be NO saw and I am thinking pink (might be able to spray paint them).

Color coordination is a must! That way I can tell my stuff from his and he wont be using my bar nuts on his saw (rofl) or wearing my chaps. And given I have altered a few hickory shirts for the boyfriend, I think I can add a few female details to one for me. Given my creative nature, the options for assessories is wide open!:dizzy: Thanks a bunch my friend!
Yep Yep!

Well maybe but her man has been running saws for most of his life, she's got a very good teacher, she'll be fine...

He is a great teacher and I am a good student.... like a little sponge!!! :greenchainsaw:He also said he would yell at me if I did anything dangerous! I said .. Um.. ok.. that's fair!
Well....as they say..a woman's work is never done! He said chaps are a must or there will be NO saw and I am thinking pink (might be able to spray paint them).

Color coordination is a must! That way I can tell my stuff from his and he wont be using my bar nuts on his saw (rofl) or wearing my chaps. And given I have altered a few hickory shirts for the boyfriend, I think I can add a few female details to one for me. Given my creative nature, the options for assessories is wide open!:dizzy: Thanks a bunch my friend!

Uhhhhhhhhhhh mam being the utmost salesman that I are, a prince among men, a sign of pure greatness and a host of other lies I may tell you, please remember the MS200 only has one bar nut. If he gets your bar nut your bar will fall off. Therefore warn him never go near your bar nut. Just tell him if he goes for it this is gonna happen,

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Uhhhhhhhhhhh mam being the utmost salesman that I are, a prince among men, a sign of pure greatness and a host of other lies I may tell you, please remember the MS200 only has one bar nut. If he gets your bar nut your bar will fall off. Therefore warn him never go near your bar nut. Just tell him if he goes for it this is gonna happen,

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The first part reminded me of the song they're ain't no tens but you saved it with coming clean about lies and then even made a little funny good for ya Thall we will make a husky outta you yet friend:cheers: