Cutting in high winds,any tips?

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finally got back to this thread--as divorce is about over--couldnt get there--but if not for that--id been there--adventure is fun!!:D:D and esp with u--!!

Man,Im sorry to hear that,went through that 14 years ago and thought I was going to lose my mind.But,on the flip side,if I hadnt I would have never met up with the wonderful gal that I am married to now.At least this one puts up with me!
Most of the time anyway........
Good to see you made it throught the storm with your wits intact.
Great read. Congrats on making it through and for posting the story all the way from the beginning to the end.
Got one even better than that for you.A buddy of mine gave me a battery powered wireless camera,wants me to attach it to the top of a tree that I am doing next week and let it film the fall on the way down.I expained that the camera of coarse is probably going to get smashed,but seeing as how it sends the video feed wirelessly to a receiver it oughta be kinda cool really.He figures the cost of the camera,40 bucks,would be worth the footage.

If the camera survives the crash, you should keep it duct taped to your helmet from now on. The beginnings of a documentary, "The Life and Times of Avalancher."

I think I'd rather watch a real guy and the daily triumphs/ troubles that most of us can relate to as opposed to some of the fake-ish stuff on now (eg; Ax Men)....honestly I kinda like the show, but I digress.
If the camera survives the crash, you should keep it duct taped to your helmet from now on. The beginnings of a documentary, "The Life and Times of Avalancher."

I wouldnt dream of it.

A fellow that I ride with has always expressed an interest in my ability to ride 4wheelers,or the lack of common sense when it comes to riding.Im not sure which.
Anyway,for my birthday several years ago he bought me a helmet cam.We tried it out around the yard, and it worked perfectly.He goaded me into wearing the thing in the next enduro race that I was riding in,a 100 mile event held in some of the roughest terrain that I had ridden in a long time.

The event was simple,ride to check point A,B,C, etc.You pick your route from an assortment of trails or if you are brave or stupid enough, make your own.
After riding the day before and consulting the map,I noted that I could cut a good 15 minutes off of my time between check point F and G by riding down a gully.A mid sized stream was marked on the map and it seemed easy enough to ride along the stream and regain the trail a little more than 3 miles down the gully.It was getting to dark to check it out,but decided to gamble on it anyway.
Day of the race brought some technical difficulties,I had intended to ride the route but was caught in the pit area until minutes before the race started.We put a fresh tape in the camera that recorded from the remote helmet mounted camera and I belted the camera around my waist in a fanny pack.
Things went well at the start,I had started mid pack and had managed to pass several riders until I came to what I thought was my turn into the gully.Little did I realize that my turn was to early and that in fact I had entered the gully a full mile before I should have.
I was hammering my way up the gully which twisted and turned with the stream.10 minutes of hard riding I felt the fanny pack pop loose, and made a quick grab for it,rescuing my friends camera gear.It was a fatal mistake.

As I was trying to secure the friggin camera, I rounded a sharp bend in the river and ran head on into a nice little family camping along the stream.Dad had a line in the river,mom was cooking a real nice lunch on the grill over the fire,and Bobby and Sue were sprawled on a nice little blanket in the sand.I think they were playing Monopoly or something.Why they didnt hear me coming,I will never know.
I was surprised how fast Dad moved.In a nano second he heaved his pole into the river and fell over a rock.Mom moved pretty good once I ran right over her chicken grilling on the fire,but I guess Bobby and Sue just wanted to take in the action because they didnt move a bit.
Within a second I had blasted right through their little campsite dragging their friggin little blanket on my chain guard.But sadly,they werent the only ones camping along that stream.

Later back at camp I noted that my route would have been perfect if I had made the turn when I planned,but the turn that I made a mile before it put me right square in the middle of a nice little campground that had no idea of the race being held on the other side of the hill.

As I busted through some small brush that seperated Mom,Dad and the youngens,I discovered the rest of the camp.Like the previous family,I guess they just werent prepared for me.Goggles and jersey torn to the side by the brush,I busted out of the brush dragging the blanket and ran into several old timers fishing in the sun.
Now to be honest, I was fully capable of stopping by now,but in all honesty I was scared spitless.I had just run over some ladies lunch and fire,knocked dad into the river, and seriously disrupted a good game of monopoly by dragging the blanket out from under it.All I really wanted to do was get the heck out of there and hope nobody got a good look at the numbers on my quad.
With true proffesional skill I managed to miss all the old timers sitting in their lawn chairs.I am proud to say I hit only two tackleboxes and took out only 4 lines that were run out into the stream,but finally managed to exit the campground under full throttle.Witnesses late told the sheriff that they could plainly hear a homicidal laugh the entire time,but in reality I was cursing the stupid helmet cam which had twisted around my helmet making it impossible to see out of my left eye.

I made good time with that shortcut,but not enough to win the event.Later that evening my buddy wanted to look at the tape,but after recalling the events of the day I told him it might be better to wait until we got home,but he insisted.
We had just got to the part where Monopoly parts were wizzing by the camera lens when there was a knock on the camper door.We shut the tape off and answered the door and was greeted with several pissed off old guys and one very tired looking deputy.

The deputy explained that there was an occurence earlier that day where some nut had ridden through a campsite,and wondered if I had any knowledge of it.My buddy busted out laughing to the point he fell out of the camper.
While the campers were pointing to my 4wheeler and telling the deputy that it was indeed the one that had screamed through their campsite,I explained that my friend had a little too much to drink and thought just about anything was funny,please excuse him.I should have gone ahead and owned up to it,but in reality there were enough people there that I thought my chances of surviving a crowd mauling was pretty slim at that point,and the deputy looked far to tired to hold them back.After admitting that there was no proof what so ever and that many of the 4wheelers in the camp looked like the description, the deputy left along with his witnesses.

Although I have still have the tape,I have refused to honor anyone that wants to tape anything that happens to me.I hate the idea of spending a considerable amount of time peering from behind bars because someone wants a good bit of footage for YouTube.
Please post a warning

Avalancher - please post a warning BEFORE you start in with your stories, especially if you feel like exercising the funny bone. I often read this site at work and it is really hard to explain to my boss why I just busted a gut laughing at my computer. I need him to at least have the illusion that I am working.
Avalancher - please post a warning BEFORE you start in with your stories, especially if you feel like exercising the funny bone. I often read this site at work and it is really hard to explain to my boss why I just busted a gut laughing at my computer. I need him to at least have the illusion that I am working.

Sorry.I will refrain.I was going to post a story about a hair raising ride in my truck several years ago,but Ill save it for another time.Hate to be responsible for you getting fired!
Avalancher - please post a warning BEFORE you start in with your stories, especially if you feel like exercising the funny bone. I often read this site at work and it is really hard to explain to my boss why I just busted a gut laughing at my computer. I need him to at least have the illusion that I am working.

TFFW warning :ices_rofl:
I wouldnt dream of it.

A fellow that I ride with has always expressed an interest in my ability to ride 4wheelers,or the lack of common sense when it comes to riding.Im not sure which. ...


Instead of "Firewood Reconteur," under your name it sould read, "More Evil Than Knievel." :)

Tho' I don't think they let you change that once the die is cast.
Agreed, or it didn't happen :clap:

You really think I could just dream this stuff up?
I have been known to tell a few stretchers here and there,but I have been never known to flat out lie.

Anyone know how to convert a VHS-C tape to digital?I have no idea myself,but if i could come up with a way I could post at least the 2 minutes worth that were "interesting"

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