Does he ever have anything "positive" or is it all personall attacks.

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Nickrosis, I might consider lettin' you have a sample because I know you'd used it wisely: ; now Netree might break it up into little pieces and make a dozen people squirm!

Naww Your Supposed to Crush it up and Smoke it in a pipe . Arent you?:blob2: MB how about a jpeg of a Bong?
I can't run this guy off!:cool:

Being purer than the driven snow and never a squeal weasel, I have never reported another member to the moderators. However, I have reported myself 3 times now, most recently last week when I got busted for being Busy Beaver by answering a pm from Busy Beaver, Subject- Darin, but it was the other way around, so when I replied, it wasn't Busy Beaver, it went straight to Darin. WTF!
Busted again!
Originally posted by netree
your circle has been- well, limited. ; but there's alot of guys who are better. They just choose not to get in the "spotlight".
Erik, with all due respect and sensitivity, that is 100% unmitigitated bulldoodle. Climbing competitions abound, to see who is best. Yes we can nitpick the rules all we want, but there is no reason why anyone cannot compete.

Choosing not to get in the spotlight? Nonsense. The only reason I can see for avoiding competition is that they lack the confidence to step up and do it for others outside their "limited circles".

There was one person better than Chisholm this year and that was Strasser. If you can get these "alot of guys who are better" out from under their baskets and into the spotlight, they may inspire us all. If you can't, you're just blowing smoke.

O and...reporting is not weaseling, it is trying to keep this site useful for tree info. It's up to all of us to do that.
I very much agree with you... I Am wondering how many people here have ever seen Chisholm climb? How many have seen him prune a tree? Take down a tree?

How about Roachy???

How about Big Jon???

Not to say that there aren't a few excellent climbers that do not compete... It's also worth mentioning here that competition doesn't accurately simulate work conditions.... But NE's point is still very misleading... There may be a handfull of climbers in the world that are climbing at the level of the above mentioned, and that have never competed and nobody knows how good they are except the crews that have worked with them (maybe even treescompany's daddy is one of them... who knows?)... maybe even a few dozen.... But Mark, Jim and Jon are certainly better than 99.9% of the climbers in the world....

You can choose to think whatever you want to think about them... Maybe call them "average at best", but what do you really know? Have you seen them?
theres heaps of good climbers around saying people are in the top .01%in the world is a big call.theres always someone better around the corner.
Originally posted by murphy4trees
.... But Mark, Jim and Jon are certainly better than 99.9% of the climbers in the world....

Daniel, how can you claim this to be fact? Because of there competetion abilities?
By saying so I assume youve seen the other 99.9% of climbers climb:rolleyes:
Originally posted by murphy4trees

You can choose to think whatever you want to think about them... Maybe call them "average at best", but what do you really know? Have you seen them?

What do you really know? have you seen them?
As far as I can tell youve primarily seen Big John climb and we all know how you feel about him:rolleyes:
I hear Ya,
And of course we are all just making judgments based on our own experiences and interpretation... That is we're all just making up a story about the world and our lives and calling it true. To that end I highly recommend seeing the movie, "what the bleep do we know", which is in theatres now...

So yes it's just a story I Am making up that Jon, Jim and Mark are better than 99.9% of climbers in the world... My story is that "I Am certain" of that... that's why I said "certainly" in the previous post... Certainly to me... And that's really my point... how can NE or anyone else say they're not, or call Jon average at best... We are all just making up stories here... and we all like to make up stories about how good WE are.... To a certain extent AS is just a forum for us all to pat ourselves on the back publicly.... How many posts do we get here about what stupid moves I made today?

And our stories are based on our experiences... So what are your experiences... Treescompany was sure his daddy was the best climber inn the world and that we were all just a bunch of lame crane users... but what was his experience? he was just a kid... I've seen and talked to climbers in PA, NJ, De, VA, CA, OR, FL, Cananda, Mexico and Jamaica... Its a big world out there and that's not much of it... But it's a lot more than most people have seen... a lot more... And I have seen and worked with world class climbers... That is a life altering experience..... I highly recommend you try it!
One example I can use is this, Ive subbed work out to a very skilled climber here in MN on several occasions. He has won the state title 2 or 3 times and is very good at competetion climbing.
however, I would not consider him any better than myself in actual working conditions. He can footlock with lightning speed and run thru the tree like mad. But when it comes to production it doesn't really matter how fast you can footlock now does it.
As a matter of fact I can think of 4 or 5 climbers here in the state that would plain out smoke me in competition hands down.
But in actual working condiotions i would not say the same.

I agree with erik, many dont compete simply because they dont want to, or they have nothing to prove to anyone that havent proved already in the field.

Personally, I much more enjoyed the TCC's (here anyway) before they became so ???? competitive
Making statements that so and so are the best climbers, and belong in some kind of elite club that no one else can belong to, based solely on what they do in competition or watching them make daredevil aggessive manuvers in a tree is just plain being short sighted and narrow minded, in my opinion.

Competition climbing is focused pretty much on the atheletics of tree climbing and time to complete the different stations. As in any other athletic type events one guy may be off his game that day, where another may have that edge to go all the way and win.

Does that make one climber better than the other and be crowned the all time best there will ever be. Hell no, not in my opinion any way. I've watched the guys compete in our chapter's TCC, one guy may do real good and will outshine the others and win the title of No. 1, the next year it is just the opposite for the number one " elite climber " he looks like any other plain Jane climber, can't hit the right crotch with the throwball, has an uncontrolled swing or misses a jump, no one is perfect 100% of the time.

I'm sure it is the same for these guys that we seem to be putting up on a pedistal and calling the best that will ever be, and no one can ever match their skill and abilities in a tree. They may have an edge here and there, but that doesn't make them hereo worship material, there just guys, like any one else who put on their pants one leg at a time.

There is a lot more to professional tree work that just climbing around in a tree in a competition and winning a title, then saying that their the best in our industry and be looked up to, just isn't a real world scenario.

Meanwhile Rocky is in his kitchen cooking his Sunday pot roast and tossing a salad all the time laughing at you guys for derailing this thread.

Someone should plant a hidden microphone in his house to hear his real comments

Originally posted by netree
[B "but there is no reason why anyone cannot compete."

Sure there is. How about... they just don't frigging WANT to? Maybe they don't want to take the time?
Or... they just don't like crowds, or any number of reasons. [/B]
Erik you are confusing the option to compete with choice. Everyone CAN compete, and if they choose not to, that's fine, as long as they don't brag about being the best. And when others claim that "alot" are better than the champions, what are they basing that claim on, besides hot air?

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