Don't get no better than this

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The Champ
Mar 6, 2004
Reaction score
Most times its the customer coming to the shop for a fix and spending some bucks. I've had people toss me $40.00 tips like its nothing for a quick on the spot fix. I've had customers bring me old saws they have retired for new ones with the ole "I want you to have this saw and no one else." I've had customers bring me new sweatshirts as a token of appreication for good service. I've had customers bring me Elvis calendars, posters and music boxes, most of these come from my cutie female customers. I have one customer who's wife is a sweetheart and bakes me cookies and goodies, Joe is a lucky man.

Yesterday was a first and it comes from one of my customers that we all know on here. I don't know why he bothered but for some reason he felt he had to do something for me. He took it upon himself to switch my old 051 to a 076. He even supplied the cylinder and piston. Topping that he wanted to do all the work which I felt ok, knock ya self out ole boy. I merely brought the old saw to the shop and he came by and dug into it. Its been sort of a project in which some other parts had to be ordered to complete the switch. It was on the back bench for a few weeks all tore apart and I made sure not to touch it. Yesterday the saw was re-assembled and taken to the log for a try out. He hands me the saw and says here you go, give her a spin. Wow, what a differance in power. The saw ran great. He did a good job on it all for free, why is beyond me but its great to have customers like these customers of mine. The moral of this little story is this. When I hear dealer horror stories its hard for me to understand because my customers seem to look out for me as much as I look out for them.

Good job on the 051, Hoss, dayumm good job.


She not only looks good she's one cutting huzzy!!
Most times its the customer coming to the shop for a fix and spending some bucks. I've had people toss me $40.00 tips like its nothing for a quick on the spot fix. I've had customers bring me old saws they have retired for new ones with the ole "I want you to have this saw and no one else." I've had customers bring me new sweatshirts as a token of appreication for good service. I've had customers bring me Elvis calendars, posters and music boxes, most of these come from my cutie female customers. I have one customer who's wife is a sweetheart and bakes me cookies and goodies, Joe is a lucky man.

Yesterday was a first and it comes from one of my customers that we all know on here. I don't know why he bothered but for some reason he felt he had to do something for me. He took it upon himself to switch my old 051 to a 076. He even supplied the cylinder and piston. Topping that he wanted to do all the work which I felt ok, knock ya self out ole boy. I merely brought the old saw to the shop and he came by and dug into it. Its been sort of a project in which some other parts had to be ordered to complete the switch. It was on the back bench for a few weeks all tore apart and I made sure not to touch it. Yesterday the saw was re-assembled and taken to the log for a try out. He hands me the saw and says here you go, give her a spin. Wow, what a differance in power. The saw ran great. He did a good job on it all for free, why is beyond me but its great to have customers like these customers of mine. The moral of this little story is this. When I hear dealer horror stories its hard for me to understand because my customers seem to look out for me as much as I look out for them.

Good job on the 051, Hoss, dayumm good job.


She not only looks good she's one cutting huzzy!!

How about some of your classic video, this time with your new 076? The 076 is one of my favorites. Don't forget your paint brush, your famous dusting technique and sound track!:cheers:
How about some of your classic video, this time with your new 076? The 076 is one of my favorites. Don't forget your paint brush, your famous dusting technique and sound track!:cheers:

Great idea Big. My buddy down at Stihl scolded me for making those vids without chaps. He said me showing off my beautiful doo and fine sawing ability along with drop starting along with the famous paint brush dust off with music isn't good. He said I needed to project a safer image. I guess he means the millions of fans would copy me and some may get hurt durn it. I haven't made anymore vids since he beat me up over them Big. So I'll tell ya what Big. If you will be my back up when he comes to beat me up again I'll make you a classic vid with the mighty Hoss built 076, we gotta deal? Say yes so I can blame it all on you,LOL
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Great idea Big. My buddy down at Stihl scolded me for making those vids without chaps. He said me showing off my beautiful doo and fine sawing ability along with drop starting along with the famous paint brush dust off with music isn't good. He said I needed to project a safer image. I guess he means the millions of fans would copy me and some may get hurt durn it. I haven't made anymore vids since he beat me up over them Big. So I'll tell ya what Big. If you will be my back up when he comes to beat me up again I'll make you a classic vid with the mighty Hoss built 076, we gotta deal? Say yes so I can blame it all on you,LOL

Gots a deal! I'll be waiting for some Oscar level performance from both you and the saw. Anyway, if the going gets tuff, I'll just say Ultra made me do it.
nice saw

a really good costomer and best freind, ya cant ask for much better

now that's a good deed
Gots a deal! I'll be waiting for some Oscar level performance from both you and the saw. Anyway, if the going gets tuff, I'll just say Ultra made me do it.

Fair enuff then. The world has spoken, a vid must be made of the mighty Hoss built 076. If I could find me some chaps that didn't interfere with this mass of man luv muscle I'd wear em but they is so uncomfy. Sides I drink alot of coffee and when I got to spring a leak I tant got time to be fighting those dayumm things,LOLOL

I'll turn a CD tonite with the proper music for the upcoming Oscar level one of a kind va diddy o!!
a really good costomer and best freind, ya cant ask for much better

now that's a good deed

No kidding. He made the offer and I was like huh, ya wanna do what. He goes I got the parts, let me build you a 076. I was like cool beans. I respected his wishes. The old saw sat there for a few weeks and I made sure not to touch it. He did a good job on it, runs great.
Fair enuff then. The world has spoken, a vid must be made of the mighty Hoss built 076. If I could find me some chaps that didn't interfere with this mass of man luv muscle I'd wear em but they is so uncomfy. Sides I drink alot of coffee and when I got to spring a leak I tant got time to be fighting those dayumm things,LOLOL

I'll turn a CD tonite with the proper music for the upcoming Oscar level one of a kind va diddy o!!

:popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:
Ut ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

This pic is for Hoss, I gots to scold him. Hoss I appreciate the job on the saw, you did great. However it appears you left one drawer on my tool box partly open. Thats a shame, that breaks the golden rule of the shop. Therefore to get back in good standing I got a 041 you can rebuild as well, in the process improve your standing at the shop back to where it was before you left the tool box drawer partly open,LOLOLOLOL I can't believe you would do such a thing, I thought we we're buds, man!!!,LOLOLOLOLOL

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that's a awful clean work space

where's the hiddin stack of pull on's and wead wacker's that cost more to fix then there worth.......nice shop thall
Sure you wouldn't want to open a shop here in arkansas. Please. We need more dealers like yours that actually care about the customer. And also take enough pride in their work to keep the place nice and clean. There's one ive been in and it looks like a junkyard for outdoor equipment. You have to walk around old mowers and weedwhackers and all kind of old greasy parts off saws to get to the counter. Don't lean or touch nothing or you will get grease on you.
where's the hiddin stack of pull on's and wead wacker's that cost more to fix then there worth.......nice shop thall

Well tell ya what Husky. When you see ole Hoss come in this thread ask him how I deal with people that bring in junk, you'll get quite a kick out of it. He's seen first hand how I operate. If its junk I don't hesitate to tellem so. I used to let em leave junk but no more. I tell em quick don't leave that POS here. Course if its a Stihl and is decent looking they can leave all those they want whether they want em fixed or not,LOL
Nice saw and what a clean shop!:cheers:

Thanks Dan. Believe it or not I actually painted the walls white again today. This time I used semi gloss paint so I can wipe it off. That latex stuff is awful once grease or oil hits it. I try to keep the place looking half way decent. Where we're located we get alot of women folk come in and well you know how that goes, gotta keep it so so to aviod them going home telling their husbands I'm not going in there anyone, its nasty. They spend alot of money getting stuff for the hubbies so its the least I can do to make it somewhat easy on the eyes for them. :cheers: :cheers:
Tom is the service area right in the same room as the customer area?

The service area is that table you see over on the right. I got two other benches set up in different rooms, like where the 051 was sitting. That area you see in the pic is where they come to get their unit and education. We got a 40 foot display up in the store. They pay up there but come to my area to get their unit. I work the display and shop, lotta of running back and forth but I getttter done. We fire up each one sold and do whatever adjustments it might need in the shop area. Then I givem the long list of what they need to know and do to keep that unit running good. All that is done in the area you see in the pic.
Don't get no better than this.........

Tommy if you're a good dealer the customers will take care of you as much as you take care of them...... to many these days forget stuff like that.

I drive past five Stihl dealerships on a daily basis and then I drive 20 miles out of my way to give my business to the dealer who takes care of me. Heck I'll go in every so often and buy some stuff even if I don't really need anything if I know they've been slow.

They kinda get a kick out of me walking around trying to find something I "need". :laugh:

World needs more dealers like you guys. :cheers:

Good man Hoss for taking care of ole Tommy. :cheers:
Thanks Dan. Believe it or not I actually painted the walls white again today. This time I used semi gloss paint so I can wipe it off. That latex stuff is awful once grease or oil hits it. I try to keep the place looking half way decent. Where we're located we get alot of women folk come in and well you know how that goes, gotta keep it so so to aviod them going home telling their husbands I'm not going in there anyone, its nasty. They spend alot of money getting stuff for the hubbies so its the least I can do to make it somewhat easy on the eyes for them. :cheers: :cheers:

Come on Tom. Ya'll know those ladies are just a coming to pay you a visit. They don't care much about what the shop looks like. Your doo is another story. You and the doo are why they are there in the first place, they don't pay the shop no never mind.

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