Future Death

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And I would like to know how many of the self-righteous have never enjoyed the thrill of danger. Who here has not let the right foot fall and push to speeds well over the posted limit? The guy has been doing this for years and is still alive. Could it be some are jealous and that's why they ridicule him? After all, what is he doing that's any more dangerous than the average teenage boy does quite regularly?
Have you ever seen a caged bird that is afraid to leave the cage when the door is opened?
Courting danger and getting away with it is a great "rush". More for some than others I think. Adrenalin Junkies! People get it different ways. Risk taking could be gambling money, love affairs, climbing, diving, caving, driving, flying, fighting, or what have you. Same need; different outlets.
Chris J. said:
libral = liberal

Never mind, I figured it out. Duh, me.

Thanks Chris you definitely would no how to spell it.
BTW-If you look at other posts of mine I spelled it correctly. Guess I am not allowed to spell anything wrong here. Just wait, you better be at least runner up in the spelling B this year! Get a life bud, 99% of people will spell something wrong on here from one time or another. You are no different. I can read through the lines can you Mozart?
spacemule said:
And I would like to know how many of the self-righteous have never enjoyed the thrill of danger. Who here has not let the right foot fall and push to speeds well over the posted limit? The guy has been doing this for years and is still alive. Could it be some are jealous and that's why they ridicule him? After all, what is he doing that's any more dangerous than the average teenage boy does quite regularly?
Have you ever seen a caged bird that is afraid to leave the cage when the door is opened?

I enjoy danger as much as the next guy. However, there are things worse than death and thrills can be had within the law. I don't think it's a bad idea to climb a structure with permission. Also, how does having a belay line with 5 feet a slack make the climb less challenging? Lets say your half way up and it starts raining or you cut your hand severely on an unexpected metal protrusion? The unexpected slick surface or the loss of use of your hand causes you to fall.......but, you don't die........your a c3 complete.....think Christopher Reeves. Now the taxpayers get to support you and your wife and kids have the burden of your care......why? So you can get YOUR thrills? A family is made of more than one person.....to be part of one you need to think beyond yourself. You can still get your thrill with some fall protection. You have to live to enjoy the thrill.
The guy makes his living climbing buildings. It's his profession.

Are you saying Chris Reed should not have been riding a horse because he became a burden from his accident? Horse-related injuries are extremely common.

About using a belay line--you're missing the point. He could get on an exercise machine in an eleveator and ride the the top while being physically challenged to the same degree--it's not the same. Life would be pretty boring if there weren't people with the spirit of this guy. He seems to get his identity from climbing. Do you wish to modify that?
You make very acute observations of how sef centered the guy really is.

Climbing is important to HIM..........HE likes to do it......Climbing helps to identify what HE is.

Just because you really want to do something doesn't mean you have the right to hurt others.......or disregard their feelings.

I really want to do a lot of things that are against the law but I don't......not because I fear prison. I don't chose these behaviors because of how it will effect my family and friends, and my moral convictions.

The point I'm making is that just because it's your desire doesn't make it right.....by that logic murderers and sexual offenders should not be charged and convicted. I'm not implying you condone this I'm using it as an analogy.

The man is reckless and unlawful in his behavior. Tell me how this statement is wrong.
xander9727 said:
The man is reckless and unlawful in his behavior. Tell me how this statement is wrong.
Every man is wreckless and unlawful in at least one sort of behavior. Tell me how this statement is wrong.

Who is the guy endangering?
darkstar said:
Arbordudes, Alain Robert freaking free soloed 'seance tenante' in the late 80's The grade on that bad boy is 5.13c or 8a+ if you care for euro grade . Also on tiny edges and about 500 feet high.The building solos are no where near as hard as what he has already free soloed on rock. At the time of his solo of seance the entire climbing world knew that instead of the climb being foolish or a stunt he was truly a visionary climber.
I think now he just likes the money.Im not gonna judge him right or wrong but the world would be a much more boring place if there were not the occasional genius. Dark
The rock climbing is harder and more dangerous, yet he climbs buildings. Why? My guess is because he gets attention. The danger isn't enough, he needs his ego stroked too.
If he's out on a rock in the middle of nowhere, nobody sees him, and nobody cares.
I can't see too much hazard in his falling on a bystander, I bet they keep folks out of his fall zone, once they see what he's up to. And if climbing buildings is easier, maybe it's safer all around than actually rock climbing.
The minor fines he might get for tresspassing or whatever can't be a big deal, hence the repeat offenses.
I do agree with Darin, he's going to fall one of these days.
xander9727 said:
Just because you really want to do something doesn't mean you have the right to hurt others.......or disregard their feelings.

I really want to do a lot of things that are against the law but I don't......not because I fear prison. I don't chose these behaviors because of how it will effect my family and friends, and my moral convictions.

The point I'm making is that just because it's your desire doesn't make it right.....by that logic murderers and sexual offenders should not be charged and convicted. I'm not implying you condone this I'm using it as an analogy.

The man is reckless and unlawful in his behavior. Tell me how this statement is wrong.

That said, how do you feel about following workplace safety regs? Helmets, glasses...do you wear leg protection EVERY time you use a saw on the ground? How about chiming in on wearing spikes to prune trees? That's another hot topic lately. The criticisms of his free solo climbing and buildering are inconsistent with the lax attitude about safety and proper tree care. I'm confused...
spacemule said:
Could it be some are jealous and that's why they ridicule him?

Could it be that armchair psychology is stupid? Could it be that endangering the lives of others so that one can have his selfish thrills is actually deserving of contempt?

(Yeah, it could.)

spacemule said:
After all, what is he doing that's any more dangerous than the average teenage boy does quite regularly?

Uh, that's supposed to be a justification? :dizzy:

You were kidding with that, weren't you? :D
BlueRidgeMark said:
Could it be that armchair psychology is stupid?
What are you using?

Who is this man endangering? Why is he any more deserving of contempt than the average person? Are you qualified to judge the life others should live? Do you really think you're less deserving of contempt than this guy? Should stunt men be contemptible? Should ATV'ing, horse riding, skydiving, gymnastics, boxing, etc. etc. be contemptible?
Mike Maas said:
150 pounds falling 80 stories on to a busy sidewalk sound dangerous.
When falling 80 gazillion stories, you have control over where you land. Ever watch sky divers?
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spacemule said:
When falling 80 gazillion stories, you have control over where you land. Ever watch sky divers?
I hadn't thought of that. He could steer to an open spot on the sidewalk.
Still, the splat would definately get blood on the people nearby the impact point. Think of the damage to folks clothing, shoes, and otherwise just make a big, gross mess!
Do you think he could crack the sidewalk?