Great Day Today

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Matt doesn't have any good saws;) Why wasn't I invited to this GTG, lol?

All my saws are garbage Brad ;) Hey this GTG so to speak was completely impromptu!

Yes a GTG is always fun especially when ported saws are involved, now I'm jealous I might have to get myself at least one big modern saw

I could see a bit of dribble in the corner of your mouth after you tore that log up mate with the 390XPG and sharp as hell RSC :)

Just steal one of Matt's. He won't miss it

Probably not! heh heh.

If your the "good" looking one does that mean matt's the "ugly" one ???
shame on you !!
Matt is such a nice fellow too !!
dont worry Matt,,WE dont care about looks !! your fine with US.. !

glad ya had a good time

Yeah I didn't even know Wayne got that photo of me! I dropped my other half off at the airport and had been up at 4am that morning after 3 hours sleep, driven 3 1/2 hours to the airport with peak hour traffic the last 40 miles, changed to some grubby old clothes when I got to Wayne's place, and then he got me in my absolute best slob pose I've seen me in for a while! Once Wayne's coffee's kicked in I was good to go.

Wayne actually fixed the oiler on one of my 7900's while I was there (just gave it a good flush with kerosene - had a heap of gunk in the tank) and he also did a good job of tuning my little Echo 290EVL. Good stuff mate, I learn a lot of handy little tips from guys like you - all in all it helps me with my own saws but also helps me with my business as I am getting asked more and more to do basic repairs and tuning etc.

I'd spoken to Wayne a few times over the last couple of weeks and said I'll bring down some Casuarina logs for him to use his old saws on - in the city where he is it can be pretty difficult to find decent wood to cut, particularly when you have a stash of awesome old saws like he has, just crying out to be used!

The second I arrived Wayne was all over my saws in the back of the ute (pickup) like a kid in a lolly shop. That's the difference - I've got all new saws, Wayne's got all old saws! I think I got half way through mentioning he should have a crack on one of the 7900's and he'd already started it and was hooking into a log :)

Well not quite. It's actually different watching somebody using your own saws though. That 390XPG flat out chewed that log to pieces - it looks way faster from the sidelines and sounds awesome. I think Wayne was impressed by the look on his face too - but when he got his mitts on that 3120 I thought it'd be like pulling a cat off a fly screen trying to get it back off him. After lifting a few of his old behemoth saws I soon realised that if it doesn't weigh 30 pounds it probably doesn't feel right in his hands. That 3120 felt like "home" to him :cheers:

Heh heh.

All in all Wayne it was a good day mate, even if it was only a 2 man GTG ;)

We've got to get something organised from an Aussie GTG point of view for sure. One day I'm going to get to the states for a holiday too and make it one of you guy's GTG's :)

Good coffee too Wayne. I'll be back and as mentioned you're welcome here anytime. Come up and I'll get you onto some tree felling instead of just cutting logs :chainsaw:

Nah great day. I then drove to my brother's place to check out a "20 metre" Palm tree he wanted dropped. For the first time ever I think somebody had actually UNDERESTIMATED the height of a tree. This thing is a monster and has fronds from top to bottom - it can stay there seeing that there is only about 14 metres of space in his backyard to drop it. A climbing pro can have that one...
That does look like fun. Is the 3120 ported. If so how much difference did it make. I need to get mine running. I am pretty sure it just needs a coil and a carb kit.

Nah the 3120 is stock mate. Unlike the newer US 3120's though this Australian delivered model has the 12,500rpm limit, not 9,800rpm(?).
I'd hate to use one limited to under 10,000rpm.
Unfortunately this one also has the fixed, non adjustable high jet too. If you were to mod it you'd have to go through the tedious task of drilling the jet out to suit the mods.