Groundmen say the darnedest things.

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I get alot of philipino ground men so,

me "can you grab me a wedge, file, etc."
groundmen "yes." (nodes head up and down.)

Stare at him for a few seconds not moving

me "grab me a ..."
groundmen "ohh, okay." (goes grabs "usually" what I ask for)


me "grab me a ..."
*more blank stare*
me "never mind" (go grab it myself)

How many of you have used the "grab me a branch extender, sky hook, electric hammer, etc..."
A note my two best groundmen I've had were philipino's and I was able to get the one running his own aerial now. Which was unfortunate as I got a new greenhorn that was glued to his phone but I'm happy the company recognized his talent.

How I coil my rope.
Easier to coil and uncoil.

I can see how that method might work for some, but as I always wear a helmet with ear muffs, it could be a PITA throwing it around my head like that. Also, I just can`t stand loose ropes. Too much chance of the rope getting tangled on its own, during transport on the site, or when stuffed in with other tools in the truck. If we have multiple ropes out at a job, all are rolled up tight like bank vaults if not in use. Keeps them clean and easy to carry.

Maybe it takes an extra few seconds to undo the rope the way I coil it, but I think the certainty of having a perfect rope laid out for the climber is the right thing to do.
LOL. One thing I have been known to say when they look at me like I am crazy is "you cant be a real tree man unless you have pooped in the chip box at least once or twice, we've all done it at some point". I generally get more "your crazy" looks at that point. The surprising part is how many people can suddenly hold it when they find out your not letting them take a truck and drive to a gas station.

This... is how you do it! :cool:

And this is


Ridiculously and comically overwrapped. Too much time to wrap and too much time to unwrap. You receive an F on this.
Ridiculously and comically overwrapped. Too much time to wrap and too much time to unwrap. You receive an F on this.

Ooh, the climbers are getting defensive. :p

Shows you the mentality of some climbers. If they get shown up even once, in any way, they lash out like Hollywood starlets who had their picture taken from the wrong angle.

In any case, please continue complaining about how the groundmen are taking too good care of the equipment you depend on for your livelihood and life.
