How did you come up with your user name?

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Whoa, that's scary! Is Zell transforming into the Star Wars Dark Lord in this photo? And to answer your question, not hardly. Look at this photo and stare into the face shield...

I still see a resemblance...

That is actually pretty close to what I was doing at the time. This is the Corkscrew, the downhill left/right turn at Laguna Seca--scary at speed for this old codger! But that guy looks nothing like me!

Looks like a thrill! I'd probably have a little ol' yeller running down my leg!
When my father was still alive he used to trap (back then it was still worth it). One winter while checking his traps he got caught in a blizzard and his sled dogs lost the trail. In order to survive he made a shelter, built a fire, and tried to survive until the storm broke. At first he managed 5 minute naps (short naps so he didn't freeze to death) and his wind-up alarm clock woke him up. However, the storm lasted for a couple of days and when he was too tired to be woken up by his alarm clock he tied a burning stick to his hand so that when it burned far enough the pain would wake him up. They figured he was a goner, but after the storm quit he dug everything out of the snow, hooked up his dogs, and made it home with only minor frostbite to worry about.

He also got kinda stuck one year while spring trapping. He miscalculated the ice break-up and he and his dogs were stranded 20-something miles up river. While waiting for the ice to clear up he and his dogs walked to an old cabin that he knew about. He pulled off some of the plywood and built himself a boat, using pine sap to seal up the seams. He also used one of his blankets to rig up a sail. By then people were figuring that he was done for and his brother put together a search party to find his body and bring his dogs home. Just when they were loading up the boats at the river he came sailing around the bend.

I don't trap (although I sometimes think to start doing it as a hobby and to make use of a cabin that I have out in the woods), but I love to hunt and love being out in the woods. About the time that the internet started getting popular and forums started popping up I figured that I would join up at a few of them and see what was happening in other parts of this planet. Well, to sign up I needed a username so after some reflection I came up with cjcocn. cjc = my initials and ocn is where I am originally from.

lol ... well you guys don't always make sense either! :D
When my father was still alive he used to trap (back then it was still worth it). One winter while checking his traps he got caught in a blizzard and his sled dogs lost the trail. In order to survive he made a shelter, built a fire, and tried to survive until the storm broke. At first he managed 5 minute naps (short naps so he didn't freeze to death) and his wind-up alarm clock woke him up. However, the storm lasted for a couple of days and when he was too tired to be woken up by his alarm clock he tied a burning stick to his hand so that when it burned far enough the pain would wake him up. They figured he was a goner, but after the storm quit he dug everything out of the snow, hooked up his dogs, and made it home with only minor frostbite to worry about.

He also got kinda stuck one year while spring trapping. He miscalculated the ice break-up and he and his dogs were stranded 20-something miles up river. While waiting for the ice to clear up he and his dogs walked to an old cabin that he knew about. He pulled off some of the plywood and built himself a boat, using pine sap to seal up the seams. He also used one of his blankets to rig up a sail. By then people were figuring that he was done for and his brother put together a search party to find his body and bring his dogs home. Just when they were loading up the boats at the river he came sailing around the bend.

I don't trap (although I sometimes think to start doing it as a hobby and to make use of a cabin that I have out in the woods), but I love to hunt and love being out in the woods. About the time that the internet started getting popular and forums started popping up I figured that I would join up at a few of them and see what was happening in other parts of this planet. Well, to sign up I needed a username so after some reflection I came up with cjcocn. cjc = my initials and ocn is where I am originally from.

lol ... well you guys don't always make sense either! :D

Man, your dad should write a autobiography, or have it written down by someone! That's some crazy survival stuff!
When my father was still alive he used to trap (back then it was still worth it). One winter while checking his traps he got caught in a blizzard and his sled dogs lost the trail. In order to survive he made a shelter, built a fire, and tried to survive until the storm broke. At first he managed 5 minute naps (short naps so he didn't freeze to death) and his wind-up alarm clock woke him up. However, the storm lasted for a couple of days and when he was too tired to be woken up by his alarm clock he tied a burning stick to his hand so that when it burned far enough the pain would wake him up. They figured he was a goner, but after the storm quit he dug everything out of the snow, hooked up his dogs, and made it home with only minor frostbite to worry about.

He also got kinda stuck one year while spring trapping. He miscalculated the ice break-up and he and his dogs were stranded 20-something miles up river. While waiting for the ice to clear up he and his dogs walked to an old cabin that he knew about. He pulled off some of the plywood and built himself a boat, using pine sap to seal up the seams. He also used one of his blankets to rig up a sail. By then people were figuring that he was done for and his brother put together a search party to find his body and bring his dogs home. Just when they were loading up the boats at the river he came sailing around the bend.

I don't trap (although I sometimes think to start doing it as a hobby and to make use of a cabin that I have out in the woods), but I love to hunt and love being out in the woods. About the time that the internet started getting popular and forums started popping up I figured that I would join up at a few of them and see what was happening in other parts of this planet. Well, to sign up I needed a username so after some reflection I came up with cjcocn. cjc = my initials and ocn is where I am originally from.

lol ... well you guys don't always make sense either! :D

You're dad was one hell of a man and a survivor. I don't think many people could have survived what he did.

Man, your dad should write a autobiography, or have it written down by someone! That's some crazy survival stuff!

You're dad was one hell of a man and a survivor. I don't think many people could have survived what he did.


Yeah, he was a tough bugger. He was big, too (though not tall). Stood about 5' 11" and weighed about 270 or so. I have a pic of him and his chest looks like a barrel. He was playing guitar in the pic and his fingers look huge - I am not sure how he played chords with those those mitts.

They were all tougher back then out of necessity. Kind of reminds me of him and his brother when I hear talk of those old-time loggers or see pics of them with axes or cross-cut saws. I recall coming back to visit in 1987 and ending up going out with my uncle to his trapline. We got caught in a whiteout and had to travel slow (snow machines) and stay together (about 4 feet apart or we'd lose sight of each other). I'll be damned (literally, I guess) if my uncle didn't lead us all straight back to his camp with only one stop in the 4 or so miles to make sure we were all still with him. To this day I still don't know how he did it.

Oh well, this stuff takes us away from the purpose of this thread so I won't get into any more memories here. Besides, I was feeling kind of "silly" and thought that I'd use that totally unrelated material as a lead-in to how I got my username (kind of in keeping with the joking that this thread was getting into at the time).

I just came in for supper after losing a nice chunk of skin (and a bit more) while removing the turbo and up-pipes from my diesel so I'm feeling a bit more grounded now. :D

Thanks for the comments, fellas.

i had just loaded my fisher stove..................

and was watching the neighbors cat through my rifle scope.
Nice choice of ride. I have a Bonneville America with some decent motor improvements. Sometimes it's hard to get gas for all the guys who want to talk about the old Triumph they had or knew back in the day.

My two wheeled ride....TRIumph Sprint RS 955i

Yea, I guess I like to be different too, Triumph, ATK, Shindaiwa, Brno, the list goes on and on. You should meet my wife and kid!!!!