How many time could 1 fix a chainsaw before it finally quits

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Feb 23, 2024
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To start this off I was out doing maintenance to my husqvarna 460 (recently got) and got wondering say if you buy a saw at 25 (any brand) could one make it last till they died (age 70 to 90) now obviously stuff like the spark plugs would need replaced and filters fuel lines bulbs etc but say it blew up 3 different times I'm it's life and one put new parts in it all 3 time could it last till one died? To me it seems it probably would unless the parts become unavailable....but there's the option of buying a **** **** ton of parts (say it's a 460 husky) and a bunch of part saws it seems it could?
Yes, if you hord enough parts or it was popular enough to have tons of parts support for many years after production ended. There's no reason why you wouldn't be able to keep it going as long as you want/need to.
The crankcase will last until the bearing pockets wear out from spun bearings. If the bearings never get spun then the rest is just replaceable parts, even the crankcase halves are replaceable but I figure it is still the original saw as long as the original crankcase is still used. i have a 044 that has been totally rebuilt 3 times, crank replaced once, big end bearing got loose, on its second cylinder and piston, rings changed out each build. Crankcase is still tight and the saw sees plenty of hours each year. I have running saws from 1947 on up through the 60`s still running and cutting wood so yes I think a saw could be run for ones lifetime as long as parts could be found, I have plenty squirreled away for the saws I own and run.
So with all that being said brings the question is it gonna be cheaper to repair or whole life or just buy new also are the older saws gonna be better then the newer? Guess we shall find out in 50 years....unless there all electric
Anybody knew that husky made a 465 rancher? I was looking on fb market place and seen just the recoil cover and it said husqvarna 465 I thought they only made the 450 460 455
I can't remember if my cousins husbands saws is a 460 or 465, I vaguely remember commenting I never seen a 465 rancher before and got an earful about how it's the best saw since Betty White.
465 is a thing, but it had a real short run. IIRC it was only made a couple years, 65cc clamshell, I think it had Autotune as well. Probably didn't sell good or there were a boatload of issues so they dropped it from the lineup
465 is a thing, but it had a real short run. IIRC it was only made a couple years, 65cc clamshell, I think it had Autotune as well. Probably didn't sell good or there were a boatload of issues so they dropped it from the lineup
Ahhh OK Yeah I looked it up and it looks like a nice saw wonder if it's any good
In my neck of the woods, craploads of Pintos ended up as mini-stocks. Fun little go-carts.
My brothers Pinto has lasted rather well, it now has a 383 stroker for motivation instead of the 4 banger but it really scats when the pedal is depressed. Gets around some on days the weather is dry enough the rear tires can get some traction.