I want it.

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OMG!! i thought i was the only one. so glad i'm not alone. many times i just try to determine the species of every tree i can.
There was a standing dead tree at one of my route pickups a few years back that looked like it would've provided some nice firewood if you could take it. "Could" being the key word, because it was right next to the freeway on one side and had a guardrail on the opposing side....and no access for a bucket truck, so everything would have had to been cut and dropped in sections with climbing gear. Then one day the leftovers from a certain hurricane named Sandy gave us winds so strong it snapped the entire canopy apart. Upon further inspection of the downed remains one could see it was rotted to the core. I'm glad I didn't go after that one after all. :oops:
It's just a tree, but I drive by this at least once a week. It's in the median between freeways, standing dead for a few years. No chance of getting it, but one of these days she'll come crashing down. Hope it's not on the freeway.

View attachment 406286
Had one like that, dead for about 7 yrs but afraid to cut it because of slope and lean. Finally blew over and I got it, 2" of punk and 28" of solid white oak
There is a lovely half-dead oak about 2 miles away, sitting on a vacant for-sale lot. Sooo tempting!

That lot would probably sell a lot easier if it didn't have any half dead trees on it. Do them a favor.

Btw.... "lovely" and "half-dead" are two terms seldomly used together. Except maybe by vampires.
It's just a tree, but I drive by this at least once a week. It's in the median between freeways, standing dead for a few years. No chance of getting it, but one of these days she'll come crashing down. Hope it's not on the freeway.

View attachment 406286
I wonder what kind of tree it is?
Probably. I was thinking it looked like some kind of Oak as well.
Look at that one low branch coming almost straight out at 90* typical of Oaks.
If it were Maple, the branches would be more full and spread out near the bottom.
Elm looks different again and so do most other large-tree profiles.
Not so hard, Unc...
Getcha one of these at a state surplus auction:

And put on one of these:

And make sure you have one of these in case someone stops by:

No one will question your legitimate right to be there.
Not so hard, Unc...
Getcha one of these at a state surplus auction:

And put on one of these:

And make sure you have one of these in case someone stops by:

No one will question your legitimate right to be there.
Yes, but how is he going to explain doing actual work? Pretty hard to harvest wood with a leaning shovel
Simple, he puts his wife in the dump and does the work himself, anyone stops and asks, she just tells them that he is a contractor and she is monitoring his work. All is good. Hell you don't even need a dump, a regular pickup will do just fine.
I know what you meant Unc, everyday when I look out my side window I see a maple that went down in 3 different directions in my neighbors yard, and is hung up on 2 of the sections. Its been down for maybe 2 years still rooted. He doesn't burn and it finally drove me crazy enough to ask him if I could take it. Its only about 30 yards from my property. When the snow finally lets up (its butt deep right now), its #1 on my to do list. Got to get in there before the thaw though.