I'm going to have to slow down...had a mild cardiac infraction Sunday

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In his mid 40's, a friend of mine was diagnosed with bladder cancer directly related to his smoking. Treatment put it into complete remission, and his doctor, (a family friend) told him stop smoking or the cancer would kill him. He never made 65.

Point being... YOU know what you have to do...now go ahead and DO IT!

Prayers and good thoughts from Jersey...
Ok, here's another for the heart. Cheap, scientific. Straight western medicine hates anything that can't be patented and sold for thousands. Profit over actual medicine is the rule, not the exception.

Here's the study on Lycopene, just read the abstract and conclusions, good stuff for cheap to help reenlarge blood vessels.

I threw them things away 7 years ago. Best thing I ever did :rock:

You will be okay. I however would not "take it easy". Work things, it keeps them in better shape. Agreed on the walking suggestion. With my lifestyle, walking 3 to 6 miles a day is about normal. It is absolutely amazing how the ol' bod can clear itself out given a chance.