Looking for a firewood cutting buddy(s) in/around my area.....to share the burden

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What time are you planning on getting going? I think earlier you said 10 or so, but you mentioned 8:30 as well. I'm meeting Grizz in Red Wing, we can be there by 830-9 pretty easily. If you want to go later, I don't have any problem sleeping in a little more!

If you guys want to show up at 8:30 that will be fine with me.... Put it this way....anytime after 8:30! ZZZZZZZZZzzzzz!

Oh....It's been a while since I've seen a few of you guys..... I should be looking for the face in your aviator? RIGHT? :D On a little more serious note.... please don't be offended if I don't put a name with a face. I do have trouble remember names at times....

Oh....I believe it's homemade beef stew for lunch!

Anyone bringing a small engine tach?

I'm currently...(well RIGHT now I'm eating) putting the 8hp briggs for the splitter back together after a ring and valve job...hopefully it'll run! We shall see!

Looking forward to having some fun! We'll have to take a few pics so the others will see what they missed!
thanks for the offer bushmans. wish i had time this weekend to get some cutting in. got my daughters basketball playoff to go to and sunday helping an old friend pack up to move to assisted living facility.cant skip either to cut wood. i'd get in big trouble with the boss. i do love those koegle dogs.:laugh:
I can show up earlier too, probably be there around 9-9:30 since some others like Steve and Grizz are showing up earlier than 10:00. See you all in Zumbrota soon. Supposed to be sunny & warmer day.
Well....the splitter is a no-go! Looks like ignition problems....firing way late! After market coil that replaced the points and OE coil. No splitter...oh well...the best layed plans of .........So close!
I will try to be there around 9-9:30. Looking forward to cutting. I just talked with my dad and I will be picking him up from his house by Lonsdale and heading over from there.
Congrats on your endeavor manyhobbies! I wish I could join. I expect lots of pics and great stories. Beware the Michigan boys will get together soon and show you all how it's done! LOL
Enjoy and be safe!
Congrats on your endeavor manyhobbies! I wish I could join. I expect lots of pics and great stories. Beware the Michigan boys will get together soon and show you all how it's done! LOL
Enjoy and be safe!

You Michigan guys can't get a GTG together to save your lives... I been tryin' to goad y'all into doin' one for over a year... To no avail... If you have one, I'll do my damnedest to get there...
You Michigan guys can't get a GTG together to save your lives... I been tryin' to goad y'all into doin' one for over a year... To no avail... If you have one, I'll do my damnedest to get there...

Give me some time Hedge! Now I want you to say "get a get together together" 5 times as fast as you can!
I may have to leave a few trees standing so if I host we will have something to cut. Headed out today to take on a cord. Spent all my time yesterday messing around with my 044/046 hybrid and loved every minute of it!
Thanks for the invite but this weekend is my 11yr old's last basketball tourney. We will be in Shepperd all day Saturday watching hoop.
http://www.arboristsite.com/members/manyhobies-albums850.htm <------- A couple more pics of the big tree that's coming down for big saws to 'play:heart:' with. :hmm3grin2orange:

Thanks to all who have made this thread what it is!

Well....it happened! We turned this tree in to rounds and blocks! Pics were taken...by others....I'm sure we'll see them...

Thanks for all of the guys that came out! I'm really glad I didn't take this one on by myself! I'd be cutting for a while!
Well....it happened! We turned this tree in to rounds and blocks! Pics were taken...by others....I'm sure we'll see them...

Thanks for all of the guys that came out! I'm really glad I didn't take this one on by myself! I'd be cutting for a while!

Such a tease! Been waiting all day for a picture story and all I get is this?
JK! Hope you all had fun! looking forward to the pics and stories!
Me and my dad had a good time. Always fun to drop a big one. Big silver maple measured 48" across the stump. I got to be the lucky one to cut the beast down. Used my 2101xp that I bought from Brad Snelling a while back. I had to stretch my 42" bar out just to make it. All went well there was a huge wind from the south blowing all day and we dropped the tree right into it. Got the whole thing quartered and butchered up into manageable sized pieces. Also got to use my tree monkeyed 064 for noodling, man I like that saw now. I was glad my dad got to join in he is very knowledgeable when it comes to cutting trees. Well here are some pics from the days festivities.




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