Mallofs Lumbermaking

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I had forgotten about this till the other day.

Just dropped Larry another email about getting this book back to me.

If I dont hear from him, maybe I can get some help from a member here to get ahold of him directly.
I wonder if you join that site if it would enable you to pm him. Maybe he has changed his email address? A pm through the site he is active in will get thru.
I did join the site and shot him a PM.

Oldsaw has given me his address in the past. Someone just did some leg work and found it for me. If I dont get a response from him on the forum Ray put up, than Ill call him.
I also have a copy of this book, but I'm not really enthused about sending it all across the continent since it's one of the few things I managed to get from my grandfather's woodshop after he died (It's not the people on here, it's the postal service I don't trust to take care of the book). But I was thinking about starting a project to scan and convert it into PDF, since it's technically out of print and NOS copies can cost a small fortune. It would be a bit of an undertaking and would take one person a long time, but if there were a handful of people with books and each person did a few chapters it wouldn't be that bad. Having said that, someone should start a petition of sorts to try to get the book in print again. The demand should be MUCH higher than when it was originally printed 30 years ago.
Caseyforrest, outstanding of you to do this. Its a shame one person has to mess it up. Hope he gets your book back to you OR BUYS YOU ANOTHER COPY.
I have read it and it is a great book.
I also have a copy of this book, but I'm not really enthused about sending it all across the continent since it's one of the few things I managed to get from my grandfather's woodshop after he died (It's not the people on here, it's the postal service I don't trust to take care of the book). But I was thinking about starting a project to scan and convert it into PDF, since it's technically out of print and NOS copies can cost a small fortune. It would be a bit of an undertaking and would take one person a long time, but if there were a handful of people with books and each person did a few chapters it wouldn't be that bad. Having said that, someone should start a petition of sorts to try to get the book in print again. The demand should be MUCH higher than when it was originally printed 30 years ago.

** If you have a local KINKO's in your area, you can have them scan the book on one of their Xerox copier systems that can create a PDF document at the same time. I don't/haven't work for KINKO's or Xerox. Just a suggestion to get an easy PDF file if you don't have a good scanner or the time to scan and clean the pages.

** If you have a local KINKO's in your area, you can have them scan the book on one of their Xerox copier systems that can create a PDF document at the same time. I don't/haven't work for KINKO's or Xerox. Just a suggestion to get an easy PDF file if you don't have a good scanner or the time to scan and clean the pages.


No Kinko's in Canada as far as I'm aware, but then again I don't spend a lot of time in the big cities near the border so they might. We do have a Staples here that can scan and copy photos etc., but I don't know about the PDF part (even though I used to work there...) OR how they feel about the whole copyright thing. I figure if it's out of print it should be fair game, but copyright laws make no sense whatsoever. I don't have a problem doing it myself and I do have a decent scanner, the only problem is that it's a hardcover and it's hard to get entire pages to scan correctly without light bleed or distortions. And I'm not about to cut the pages out to scan them.:censored: I think it would be a worthwhile project though.
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I did join the site and shot him a PM.

Oldsaw has given me his address in the past. Someone just did some leg work and found it for me. If I dont get a response from him on the forum Ray put up, than Ill call him.

This still amazes me, he seemed like such a nice guy. Didn't appear to be the kind of guy who wouldn't return a book or other borrowed item.

This still amazes me, he seemed like such a nice guy. Didn't appear to be the kind of guy who wouldn't return a book or other borrowed item.

I just sent off for a copy of the book using my wifes coupons from :greenchainsaw: Or my wife did, it is my Xmas present
When you do a search use the correct book title. Chainsaw Lumbermaking