Media Cat Chain Letter

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They have access to parts diagrams and manuals through two different functions now. EBiz and PartSmart. With media cat I was able to access the special tools catalog, repair times book, and a few other documents that are currently not in EBiz or PartSmart.
So that is what they are going with? That does suck. I will have to check my dealer and see what they are running.
I looked into partsmart when my dealer said that was where they were going and it looks like a subscription fee to partsmart for each terminal and the additional fees for the different brands you can access, I am assuming Stihl wont be free though they don't list a price, but I bet you have to be "authorized"
anybody with more/better info on this?
I have a lot of binders, manuals etc and have been slowly scanning them and I know I am not the only one, the info is still around just a matter of making it easily searched in a useful form.
I never used the more modern version of mediacat much but really liked the older one (old dog new tricks syndrome)
They sent ARI Partsmart dvds a couple of weeks ago. Mediacat won't be functional in 2016. I haven't installed the ARI dvd yet. I hate getting used to new things. I'll wait the last minute.
My STIHL dealer still has a rack of binders; paper copies, heavily dog-eared, with lots of notes scribbled all over them.

Being a new dealer that came on during the computer age, I didn't really have the option. We still keep lots of notes in a file, though.
The new PartSmart really sucks compared to Mediacat. On MC web, you can enlarge the image by using the mouse scroll, on PS you have to flick on the magnifying glass each time. Wow. Then if you click a number referencing the part you want the part no. for, it goes to something completely different. And there's no Search feature to put in a model or part, you have to go through all those stupid clicks. I can't believe they got rid of MC for this, and on top of it want us to pay for it.
V5.120 2015 years version Stihl mediacat lasts up to 1.1 in 2016 (83 days) but can be returned to date on Windows and all works ok ..... but not all files as V3.33 2012 years, some of the files are new or V3. 33 is a detailed ....
[Quote = "PogoInTheWoods, post: 5504305, član: 43890"] Katalog 2012 već postoji kao ne-istječe verziji. To su 2013-2014 (i novije) katalozi u novom 5.6 formatu koji i dalje imaju ograničenje trajanja.

I FWIW, ja sam poslati v5.6 kopiju na novi suradnik prema uzroku prošlog tjedna. Pogodite samo mi ćemo morati pričekati i vidjeti kako on prolazi pokušavaju riješiti problem datuma.

Očito više težak zadatak nego v3.X. [/ QUOTE]
whether the catalog V5.12.0 after 1.1 in 2016 to be blocked or will reset the time on Windows and continue to work ...
[Quote = "PogoInTheWoods, post: 5504305, član: 43890"] Katalog 2012 već postoji kao ne-istječe verziji. To su 2013-2014 (i novije) katalozi u novom 5.6 formatu koji i dalje imaju ograničenje trajanja.

I FWIW, ja sam poslati v5.6 kopiju na novi suradnik prema uzroku prošlog tjedna. Pogodite samo mi ćemo morati pričekati i vidjeti kako on prolazi pokušavaju riješiti problem datuma.

Očito više težak zadatak nego v3.X. [/ QUOTE]
whether the catalog V5.12.0 after 1.1 in 2016 to be blocked or will reset the time on Windows and continue to work ...

Could that all be translated into English and explained a bit further? I'm curious about the "or will reset the time on Windows and continue to work" part.

And does anyone have a v5.12 available? I'm working part-time these days at one of the oldest Stihl dealers in my area and *may* be able to source a copy if nobody else can in order to get it circulating here. PartSmart is installed on all of our terminals and really sux for Stihl info and functionality compared to MediaCAT....which I still use as does the owner of the shop....who actually prefers v3.33 himself as do I, though I'm getting used to v5.x the more I use it. It's just too klunky and "busy" for my complete liking so far.

BTW, my 2012 v3.33 worked just fine on Windows 8.1 and is fine after migrating to Win 10 as well. My version also has approximately 4000 tech notes included, so if anyone received one from me, yours should, too.
[Quote = "PogoInTheWoods, pošte: 5567893, članice: 43890"] Može li se SVE Biti prevedena na engleski i objasnio malo dalje? Ja Sam znatiželjan o ", ILI CE SE NA VRIJEME vratiti na Windowsima i nastaviti raditi" Dio.

I BILO TKO imati v5.12 raspolaganju? Radim skraćeno radno vrijeme ovih dana u jednoj OD najstarijih STIHL trgovaca u području mama i * mozda * moći Izvor kopiju ako nitko Drugi Ne može, Kako bi se dobili ŠTO kruži Ovdje. PartSmart instaliran na SVIM Nasim terminalima ja Stvarno sux za Stihl Info i funkcionalnost u odnosu na MediaCAT .... ŠTO Sam Jos Uvijek koristi Kao sto sebi vlasnik TRGOVINE .... Koji zapravo voli v3.33 Sebe Kao i ja, premda Ja Sam navikavanje na v5.x Više Sam GA koristiti. Da Je jednostavno Previse klunky ja "zauzeti" za moj ukus potpuni dosad.

BTW, moja 2012 v3.33 radio sasvim u redu na Windows 8.1, TE JE u redu, nakon migraciju na Win 10, Kao dobro. Moja verzija također IMA OKO 4000 tech bilješke uključeni, Pa ako netko JE dobio jednu OD Mene, tvoje bi trebao, također. [/ QUOTE]

Could that all be translated into English and explained a bit further? I'm curious about the "or will reset the time on Windows and continue to work" part.

And does anyone have a v5.12 available? I'm working part-time these days at one of the oldest Stihl dealers in my area and *may* be able to source a copy if nobody else can in order to get it circulating here. PartSmart is installed on all of our terminals and really sux for Stihl info and functionality compared to MediaCAT....which I still use as does the owner of the shop....who actually prefers v3.33 himself as do I, though I'm getting used to v5.x the more I use it. It's just too klunky and "busy" for my complete liking so far.

BTW, my 2012 v3.33 worked just fine on Windows 8.1 and is fine after migrating to Win 10 as well. My version also has approximately 4000 tech notes included, so if anyone received one from me, yours should, too.
Katalog 2012 već postoji kao ne-istječe verziji. To su 2013-2014 (i novije) katalozi u novom 5.6 formatu koji i dalje imaju ograničenje trajanja. I FWIW, ja sam poslati v5.6 kopiju na novi suradnik prema uzroku prošlog tjedna. Pogodite samo mi ćemo morati pričekati i vidjeti kako on prolazi pokušavaju riješiti problem datuma.Očito više težak zadatak nego v3.X.
2012 Catalog already exists as a non-emphasized version. These are the 2013-2014 (and later) catalogs in the new 5.6 format and still have the limitation of the duration.
And FWIW, I send a copy of the new v5.6 contributor to the cause last week. Guess we'll just have to wait and see how it goes trying to resolve the issue date.
Obviously more difficult task than v3.X.

Može li se SVE Biti prevedena na engleski i objasnio malo dalje? Ja Sam znatiželjan o ", ILI CE SE NA VRIJEME vratiti na Windowsima i nastaviti raditi" Dio. I BILO TKO imati v5.12 raspolaganju? Radim skraćeno radno vrijeme ovih dana u jednoj OD najstarijih STIHL trgovaca u području mama i * mozda * moći Izvor kopiju ako nitko Drugi Ne može, Kako bi se dobili ŠTO kruži Ovdje. PartSmart instaliran na SVIM Nasim terminalima ja Stvarno sux za Stihl Info i funkcionalnost u odnosu na MediaCAT .... ŠTO Sam Jos Uvijek koristi Kao sto sebi vlasnik TRGOVINE .... Koji zapravo voli v3.33 Sebe Kao i ja, premda Ja Sam navikavanje na v5.x Više Sam GA koristiti. Da Je jednostavno Previse klunky ja "zauzeti" za moj ukus potpuni dosad. BTW, moja 2012 v3.33 radio sasvim u redu na Windows 8.1, TE JE u redu, nakon migraciju na Win 10, Kao dobro. Moja verzija također IMA OKO 4000 tech bilješke uključeni, Pa ako netko JE dobio jednu OD Mene, tvoje bi trebao, također.

Could everything be translated into English and explained a little further? I'm curious about, "or to be ON TIME back to Windows and continue to work" part.

And anyone have v5.12 available? I work part time these days in one of the oldest STIHL dealers in the area of mother and * might * be able to source a copy if no one else can, to get as circulating here. PartSmart installed at all our terminals I really sux for Stihl Info and functionality compared to MediaCAT .... I am still used As the store owner myself .... What really likes v3.33 myself as I also am I getting used to v5.x more I use it. That is just too klunky I "busy" for my taste complete so far.

BTW, my 2012 v3.33 worked just fine on Windows 8.1, and is fine, after migrating to Windows 10, as well. My version also has about 4,000 tech notes involved, So if anyone got one of me, yours should, too.

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