NOR'EASTER! Gas up those saws and generators!

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How far west of the Coastline are you?

About 60 miles as the crow flies-I'm pretty close to Phillipsburg, NJ/Easton, PA, north of Route 78. Are you guys getting much down there? We've got a solid 6" but its still coming down-the wind is gentle, and its actually knocking the snow off of the trees which seems to be helping. I did a lot of trimming around the house this past summer-good thing!
About 60 miles as the crow flies-I'm pretty close to Phillipsburg, NJ/Easton, PA, north of Route 78. Are you guys getting much down there? We've got a solid 6" but its still coming down-the wind is gentle, and its actually knocking the snow off of the trees which seems to be helping. I did a lot of trimming around the house this past summer-good thing!

I am close to the Ocean and as of now a light dusting not even an inch.
It's been a complete disaster. I had almost finished repairing the generator when my daughter was hit by a very big falling branch. Eventually we got the ambulance here, and we were able to carry here down the lane to the road on a backboard. They got her out to the hospital with my wife riding along. My son and I tried to get there after I cleared off the truck, but we could not. The main highway was pure carnage, cars and 18 wheelers everywhere. I tried for about 1 -1/2 hours on every backroad I could think of, but none were passable in a F250 with decent tires in 4WD. Trees too big to get over down everywhere, blocking every road, wires too. Then we had to get home, but that was not easy either.

My daughter had a concussion and an nasty cut on the head, but apparently did not break anything in her back, and no bleeding. Has major muscle strain in her back however.

Fed the animals, eventually got the generator working well enough, but fuel must have some water in it as it keeps cutting off. Hasn't done that for a bit now though, and I'm trying to use that fuel up before I refill it.

Anyway, turned on the well pump to get the water back up, but nothing. We have a surface well and I figured maybe it lost its prime, so I took the flashlight down the bank to see. Actually, there is no spring house anymore - a huge red oak obliterated it and broke the piping inside. I hope I can get out tomorrow and get some lumber and fittings to build a temporary cover for it and fix the pipes. After I cut up that oak of course. We won't have power for a long time. Hopefully I can fix the water.

I'm not remembering a harder day at the moment.
It's been a complete disaster. I had almost finished repairing the generator when my daughter was hit by a very big falling branch. Eventually we got the ambulance here, and we were able to carry here down the lane to the road on a backboard. They got her out to the hospital with my wife riding along. My son and I tried to get there after I cleared off the truck, but we could not. The main highway was pure carnage, cars and 18 wheelers everywhere. I tried for about 1 -1/2 hours on every backroad I could think of, but none were passable in a F250 with decent tires in 4WD. Trees too big to get over down everywhere, blocking every road, wires too. Then we had to get home, but that was not easy either.

My daughter had a concussion and an nasty cut on the head, but apparently did not break anything in her back, and no bleeding. Has major muscle strain in her back however.

Fed the animals, eventually got the generator working well enough, but fuel must have some water in it as it keeps cutting off. Hasn't done that for a bit now though, and I'm trying to use that fuel up before I refill it.

Anyway, turned on the well pump to get the water back up, but nothing. We have a surface well and I figured maybe it lost its prime, so I took the flashlight down the bank to see. Actually, there is no spring house anymore - a huge red oak obliterated it and broke the piping inside. I hope I can get out tomorrow and get some lumber and fittings to build a temporary cover for it and fix the pipes. After I cut up that oak of course. We won't have power for a long time. Hopefully I can fix the water.

I'm not remembering a harder day at the moment.
Sounds like all hell has broke loose where in PA are you?

It's been a complete disaster. I had almost finished repairing the generator when my daughter was hit by a very big falling branch. Eventually we got the ambulance here, and we were able to carry here down the lane to the road on a backboard. They got her out to the hospital with my wife riding along. My son and I tried to get there after I cleared off the truck, but we could not. The main highway was pure carnage, cars and 18 wheelers everywhere. I tried for about 1 -1/2 hours on every backroad I could think of, but none were passable in a F250 with decent tires in 4WD. Trees too big to get over down everywhere, blocking every road, wires too. Then we had to get home, but that was not easy either.

My daughter had a concussion and an nasty cut on the head, but apparently did not break anything in her back, and no bleeding. Has major muscle strain in her back however.

Fed the animals, eventually got the generator working well enough, but fuel must have some water in it as it keeps cutting off. Hasn't done that for a bit now though, and I'm trying to use that fuel up before I refill it.

Anyway, turned on the well pump to get the water back up, but nothing. We have a surface well and I figured maybe it lost its prime, so I took the flashlight down the bank to see. Actually, there is no spring house anymore - a huge red oak obliterated it and broke the piping inside. I hope I can get out tomorrow and get some lumber and fittings to build a temporary cover for it and fix the pipes. After I cut up that oak of course. We won't have power for a long time. Hopefully I can fix the water.

I'm not remembering a harder day at the moment.

Man, I am freeking so sorry! Hope your daughter gets better! When you are outside and having to work and branches still coming down, wear any sort of helmet you may have, even a bike helmet, cycle helmet, hard hat, anything. Heck, a full dirt bike plastic armor rig if ya got it.
Thanks guys. We're south of Allentown. I really wonder how long the power will be out. Every smaller secondary road is impassible, the crews will be simply overwhelmed. I was looking around the yard and the number of trees down is amazing - my saws will get their workout this time. I'm hoping I can get out to get supplies tomorrow, but I don't know who will be open.

They were finally able to do a CAT scan on my daughter - no bad surprises. The hospital was out of power too, and one generator was down, but they got power back up.

I don't think the generator problem is the fuel, or at least not entirely. It seems not to be able to handle a step load increase. I tweaked the fuel mixture and it seems to be handling the load better, but if I enrich it so it doesn't bog out then it has a mild misfire. Can't seem to find a happy medium, but then I'm tired and it's not nice working conditions either. I'm letting it run down this load of fuel for a bit.
Thanks guys. We're south of Allentown. I really wonder how long the power will be out. Every smaller secondary road is impassible, the crews will be simply overwhelmed. I was looking around the yard and the number of trees down is amazing - my saws will get their workout this time. I'm hoping I can get out to get supplies tomorrow, but I don't know who will be open.

They were finally able to do a CAT scan on my daughter - no bad surprises. The hospital was out of power too, and one generator was down, but they got power back up.

I don't think the generator problem is the fuel, or at least not entirely. It seems not to be able to handle a step load increase. I tweaked the fuel mixture and it seems to be handling the load better, but if I enrich it so it doesn't bog out then it has a mild misfire. Can't seem to find a happy medium, but then I'm tired and it's not nice working conditions either. I'm letting it run down this load of fuel for a bit.

Do you have a tach i think it may be governor related?
Hospital is booting her out tonight. I have to go get them tonight. Bastards. And we have "good" insurance.
Wood heat warrior...hope for a speedy recovery of your daughter. It's crazy outside here in
central jersey. Sounds like 22 fire outside with an occasional shotgun blast as the trees crack. Very dangerous out there. My generator has been running for a few hours and will be cranking
Through the night for sure. Right now I have several large 3 to 4 inch diameter branches up on my roof. Nothing serious from what I can assess at this point.

Stay safe. Don't go outside unless it's an emergency.
Well, I didn't have to go back out. I had just shut off the generator and my son and I were going up to the truck when my wife called - I guess she got someone to come to their senses, and they put her down for "observation" overnight. Was going to load up the 142 (I guess that answers the question of what saw I would take in an emergency) and see if I could make it.

I didn't want to try that. I don't even know how well my daughter can walk at the moment - it's about 150 yards from where we can park to the house, right now through snow with several large branches blocking the path.

I refilled the generator, it seems to be running better now, that last mixture change helped.

Time for sleep - tomorrow promises to be a bit busy. It's nice to know the stove is down there glowing away through the door window.
Glad your daughter's doing OK and the hospital came to their senses, WoodHeat.

Might be fine to release her to home observation (they probably would give you directions to wake her up every two hours from sleep to make sure she's not slowly slipping into a problem) if road conditions were OK. With the snow, trees, and wires coming down they're not.
October Nor'Easter Memorial Corn Chowder:


Couple cans of corn, some taters, half a can of peas I already had open in the fridge, couple onions (my own), carrots, green beans (last of my own fresh ones, picked earlier this week), pepper, couple apples. My own basil and oregano picked before the first frost this past Thursday. Possibly some other stuff, I just kept going through the cupboards and fridge with no set plan :)

Let that slow cook all night.

Have some hot italian sausage from a local farm I have defrosting in the fridge, think I'll fry that up and add it in the morning :)
Wood heat warrior...hope for a speedy recovery of your daughter. It's crazy outside here in
central jersey. Sounds like 22 fire outside with an occasional shotgun blast as the trees crack. Very dangerous out there. My generator has been running for a few hours and will be cranking
Through the night for sure. Right now I have several large 3 to 4 inch diameter branches up on my roof. Nothing serious from what I can assess at this point.

Stay safe. Don't go outside unless it's an emergency.

x2. Prayers for you and your daughter WHW. Here in Hunterdon it has stopped and is dead calm outside so hopefully its over. Its hovering just above freezing right now. We just passed 12 hours with no power. The generator is doing fine, just cranked her up to run the fridge/freezer, cycle the sumps, and hook up the modem. House is still 74. The bad news is a HUGE apple tree fell and took out my FILs fence up in Sussex County-the good news is I get to clean it up :hmm3grin2orange: That'll be some good burning next winter.
Dang, sounds like you guys southeast of me got blistered! We only got an inch of snow here and it's 25° out there now, Hope you all stay safe over yonder!
I'm in Highland Lakes, Sussex Co. NJ. Power restored to us about
4:00AM after about a 12 hour outage. Phone service is still spotty,
Internet is out. Got about 16" of medium wet snow. Generator ran like
a champ to keep the circulator pump running on the wood boiler.

Want any help with that apple tree at your FIL's? Hehehe
It's in the record books as the largest power outage in Connecticut history, exceeding Irene's total of two months ago.

Expect the politicians to be parading around the capitol with CL&P Exec heads on pikes...since they just finished two months of chewing them a new orifice in various get-your-face-on-camera political committee meetings for their Irene performance.

Basically a mirror image of Irene which hit Eastern, Southeastern, and Coastal Conn. hardest...this hit Western and North-Central Conn. with a good swath of towns like Coventry, Ashford, and Woodstock getting the jackpot of being gobsmacked by both storms.

Very little damage in my town, it shifted rain-snow-rain-snow all afternoon and into the evening keeping things cleaned off.