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ArboristSite Operative
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
Morgan County Indiana
We burn about 7 to 8 cord a winter, so this load is about a 1/4 of a cord, soooooooooooo just a few more trips out back an i will be done for the winter!

Now, Please remind me just WHY we do this?? :D

'cause it keeps us too tired to fight with the ol' lady?:monkey:

or is it because its more satisfying than being WITH the ol' lady?:hmm3grin2orange:

ah, heck, it gives me a good excuse to quench my thirst!:givebeer:
It gives you an excuse to run chainsaws, log splitters, etc!

well it keeps me free of oil, gives me hours and hours of alone time. this is the only way i can get said alone time. so having said that im good 3 years in advance on wood and except for a little on saturday i havent touched the saw in a month. i gotta get back into it again im rarin to go kill trees.
I know about equiipment cost, time, etc., but I feel like I'm beatin someone and it's free heat!
Because it is fun, very satisfying, and last but not least, we get to buy more saws and equipment. To me it is very satisfying to set back and look at all the wood that I have cut and stacked over the year. It's even a better feeling to load the OWB on a cold night and know how warm it will be even though it may be 0 degrees outside.

I like ALL the answers..........

'cept one. the wife used to help me till the injury, but yes, peacefull time away from work sure do help...boss is an idiot....
'Cause we like to stay warm on those cold winter nights.

Seven to eight cords of wood is a lot to use in the Indy area. You've either got a very inefficient stove, big house, loose house, bad wood or a combination of those things.

It's still worth it though. Saving money and keeping warm.
'Cause we like to stay warm on those cold winter nights.

Seven to eight cords of wood is a lot to use in the Indy area. You've either got a very inefficient stove, big house, loose house, bad wood or a combination of those things.

It's still worth it though. Saving money and keeping warm.
hummmm good point, well i figured about 15 rick, but after being on this site for a couple of weeks, and everyone using the CORD way . then i am guessing 7 cord? since two rick = 1 cord? right? :dunno:

wood is all red & white oak/cherry/walnut

tri-level 1600sqft house, but don't heat the lower level since it's not done, so with bare concrete block and concrete floor, makes it a little cold.
old single pane windows, with storms. Yes they need replaced. must call Eric i know.....;).

and this stove works fine but burns way to much wood.

i can get the air temp at a steady 200degs about 80% of the time but house is cold and leaks.
stove was free, plan is after new furnace is installed, i will move this stove to the shop and purchase a new wood fired furnace to replace this one.

at least it's free, and if i turn the breakers back on for the elect. ceiling heat i don't care too much for the $400 a month bills. :(

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A rick is the same as a face cord right???

If it is, then three ricks equal 1 cord.

I've never heard of rick or face cord until I starting reading this site.
:dunno: will have to look that up again, but..........
a cord is 4'x4'x8'
a rick is 4'high x8'long
so wouldn't two rick = one cord?

help..i so confused..................................:D
how's this??

now i understand.

wonder why no one uses cord here (indiana) all the signs i see say
'wood for sale $65 a rick'...
oh well back to work.......

oh so with all that said i only need 5 cord........:D
SWEET!!!!!!! that sounds so much better then needing 15 rick :D

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Some people say that a rick is 4'x8'x16". Some people say that a rick is 4'x8'x any length. If you had two ricks making a cord they would have to be 2' long.
if the woods is 16" it'll be 3 ricks, 3x16" = 48"

if your wood is a different size it'll change
dsm382, looks like we were both posting at the same time. LOL The reason I was thinking that 7 or 8 cords of wood that you use was an awful lot is because I live just south of Lou., Ky. which you know isn't too far south from you.

I haven't kept a real close watch on how much wood that I've used in one winter but I'm pretty sure that I haven't ever used 3 cords. I'm going to be able to get a close estimate on the amount of wood that I use this winter because it's stacked pretty uniform.

I've got a 1,300 sq. ft house with a finished basement. I have my woodstove in the basement den. My house is pretty well insulated and the stove is able to keep us pretty comfortable.

Everybody around my area sells wood by the rick too. I think it's more of a regional thing.

That oak cherry and walnut should keep you very warm this winter and it does beat paying a $400 electric bill. Since you only need 5 cords now your work is closer to being done.