Post pictures of your woodpile/splitting area

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I also gathered up all of my odds. ends and short pieces. I give those to all of my friends for their outdoor fire pits. Tomorrow I am dropping off 12 cu ft. (Over sized wheelbarrow) full of this in exchange for a double steel framed hammock with all new bedding. Man skills really pay off when you are surrounded by the metrosexuals of suburban DC.

Did you have to teach them how to start a fire in their fire pits? ;o)
Lightning!/ update

Just went through a real fast moving ultra violent T storm an hour ago. More on the way. But in the lull, I went out to inspect. Lightning nailed two trees that are part of the wood stack area, these are the main grunt weight backstops for those particular stacks.

First three pics are the more damaged tree (we heard and saw it hit, brilliant white in the windows, sounded like an explosion, real real loud). Big chunks and splinters laying all around that area. These are both sweetgums, big ones. This first tree has the lightning bolt track on two sides of it.




Second tree, not quite as much damage but still bad. These trees are like 30 feet apart. I guess the same strike hit both?? Only heard and felt the one big strike. It had enough concussion to knock artwork off the walls of the cabin. Garden Goddess did a right healthy scream when it hit (we both are a little gunshy since the tornado hit us before) This latter tree shades the wellhouse.

Weirdest part is we didn't lose power! Another storm front is almost here though...isn't that special...


For a few minutes there, the wind was blowing the rain so hard it was seeping in (heck pouring, the carpet under the window is soaked) all around a slammed shut window..never saw that before... fun today. The same strike knocked out our well, blew the capacitor all to heck and ruined the circuit board, that is fixed now, replaced, but the electric stove is still not working. I don't know if it is the control board or the electric delivery, I get two different readings on the legs one only has around 90 volts or so, best I can read my ancient analog meter. Oh, it fried the TV and disk player as well. Not a fun day, more T storms scheduled for later.
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He'll need at least twice as much as you way up there in maine. Damn cold. Mr. shane logs (maybe a little less computer and alot more cutting, get into gear boy.)
Sort of ..... I had to explain to them that gasoline was not the appropriate accelerate for this purpose.

We used to call them yuppies. They couldn't start a fire unless they had a can of charcoal lighter and one of those
propane matches. Lucky for them, they don't heat with wood. I used to think everyone could light a woodstove with
a paper napkin and a match. I guess I was wrong.
He'll need at least twice as much as you way up there in maine. Damn cold. Mr. shane logs (maybe a little less computer and alot more cutting, get into gear boy.)

No kiddin'. We've got outlaws up near Rockland. They've been putting up wood all year.
Right here Steve, This one is the pic of my stacks, Yes I know, Pretty pitiful so far



I hope you have another source of heat, or are planning to "ramp up" your wood collecting. That wouldn't get us much past Halloween down here in MD:msp_wink:

Oh yeah, I got lots of wood but just in the woods right now. I have been working on it like everyday.
What I want to know, is how Tom grows those trees so tall and straight over there on Long Island... I got nothin like that here... It's all short, fat, crooked, and twisted...:(
Right here Steve, This one is the pic of my stacks, Yes I know, Pretty pitiful so far.

View attachment 247041

This other pic is of some wood that I got today, Big Yellow Birch on the bottom :)

View attachment 247042

Like the boys said, get the lead out, unless your other favorite site to hang out at is ilovepropanedotcom.

Your pics are also low quality. No, not the fact that there's hardly any light. I'm referring to the total lack of saws, splitters, axes, and other related tools in the pics. No saw pron=poor AS pic etiquette.

Seriously, get cutting. I can burn more than that in one Friday night if the boys bring some beers over, in the summer.

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