Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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If you buy a tractor, any style , be good to it, feel itā€™s pain. The lube chart is your best tool. You will also need to be patient when sheā€™s sick. The maintenance can be difficult but you will get well used to it over time. When you buy a tractor buy it for life and add more tractors as needed.
skid steer, uniloader, excavator, track loader are all in category ā€œtractor ā€œ.
When buying a used tractor be careful of anything thats been on the market for a while, unless it has a drawback that sheds a typical man but you know how to deal with. I have an old Mustang that will do about anything Iā€™ve seen on here, I have fixed very few things on it,,,,,,and it cost
under $4,000.00. Just an example??
Shortage of parts availability can always be an issue. Even on new machines.I am a Machinist and can usually keep that problem in house.
I hope get one you love.
good read! on the :envy:! i have 4! would be 5 if i had a skidder... šŸ˜‹ two diesels and two lawn type, gasoline. :heart: them all! bot my diesels, the gasolines found me. freebie-scrounges...

'WHAT! obsolete??? well, :wtf:... guess i will just make my own then!!!
It hasn't been a cold winter here either, but it has been of my neighbors has collected about 50" of just rain for the season, not counting snow. It snowed last Monday... probably a couple feet of powder, it's sense compacted down to about a foot where there isn't tree cover, and is taking its time melting.

I actually really haven't tracked my firewood consumption...even with the snow, it doesn't get nearly as cold as back east... it's only down to 30 as I type this. Then again, it might be like yesterday where it wasn't above freezing long enough to melt any snow.

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more snow than i need! thanks for the pix! šŸ‘
tonite our fishing adventures continue... fresh, never frozen cold Atlantic cod and haddock are on tonite's menu.
the QB skiffed on over to the port of call boat docks... and happy to report both the haddock and cod are in the boat, on ice and headed back to our camp....

film at 11:00!

I've owned a skid, skid with tracks and tractors. I still have the tractors, but the skids are long gone, and I don't miss them one bit for MANY reasons.

Only thing I have with tracks these days is this,


at least u got something!!!! :heart: šŸ‘:happybanana:
Broke some plastic. Was going down hill, hit a dip with left ski, pushed me over into the trees. Tree was between ski and hood, thought I was going to have to walk but chipped at the tree enough with screw driver to break it off, lol.
glad u survived that ok! looks like it could have been worse! :surprised3:
Dang, you gotta get a saw mounted to that beast:chainsaw:, or quit hitting trees lol.
Glad it wasn't worse, up here we see many guys die every yr from hitting trees, but you know nearly 100% involve :drinking:. The guys that die falling thru the ice are usually just unaware of their surroundings, we usually see a few of those each yr too.
happens on the ski slopes, too! i remember one guy who worked in our ski shoppe... and he lived life for a yr with a belly bag.... after he lost control (DA!) and slammed into a tree!

'set those edges! in control!!!'

daily down here on the news! die every day - daily! :nofunny:
Yeah definitely taking at least a hand saw next timešŸ˜¬.
Thatā€™s too bad. Had one death from tree here last year, most are from avalanches.
was the point in docu vid other nite i recorded Winter in The Alps... most winter food for many are avalanche kills. sheep down below, but above tree line... scrounging... and a big one lets loose above. suddenly it is a-holes and elbows and a short cold ride down! wolves, eagles etc... then take over!