Scrounging Firewood (and other stuff)

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@JustJeff I was wondering if you were ever going to work on that pile. I've been running past quite often the last few weeks. Even went past this morning to set one in Cape Croker. Looks like you got that maple just in time. I haven't been running a saw at home for quite awhile either. I cut a few trees down at a couple job sites last week though. I got my processor setup to start splitting so hopefully will be doing some soon. Was back in the bush last weekend for a sxs ride and it's a mess of fallen trees everywhere. Not looking forward to playing in that mess. I still have 20 ash trees to remove at a job I started last year. Owner called me yesterday to say that he decided to give away all the logs that I cut so far. It's over by Markdale so not worth hauling all the way back here. Around 100 logs 12' long and as big as 30" diameter. Got paid good to cut them down and stack them up though.


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Congrats on the new saw.
I'm impressed with what you're getting done, hope I can do that much 30yrs from now.
I'd be taking it easy in that heat :baba: .
Heat isn't too bad in the mornings and so far I've been mostly in the shade...until some SOB cuts down the shade.

No play with the new saw in the morning. Manual has lots of pictures showing the various features but not one word on HOW. I cannot remove the shipping safety cover on the battery and can't figure out how to make the safety lock on the throttle move. I'll take the battery and saw to coffee call with the buddies and have one of them show me. One of them has the identical saw and loves it.
It was interesting reading different people's approaches to hydrating/refuelling during long events. I've entered the Western Sydney marathon which is on Oct 8th and I'm contemplating my approach - keeping in mind that different people's requirements and preferences can vary. I've ordered some Sportsfuel to try out over the next few weeks to see if it suits. As well as the usual carbs and electrolytes, it also has some BCAAs and citrulline malate.
I can run 21km in cool conditions without taking anything but in the last 3km, my HR starts to rise for the same pace indicating that trouble is coming. I'll take a couple of doses of sportsfuel when I do my long run next weekend and assess the results.
Heat isn't too bad in the mornings and so far I've been mostly in the shade...until some SOB cuts down the shade.

No play with the new saw in the morning. Manual has lots of pictures showing the various features but not one word on HOW. I cannot remove the shipping safety cover on the battery and can't figure out how to make the safety lock on the throttle move. I'll take the battery and saw to coffee call with the buddies and have one of them show me. One of them has the identical saw and loves it.
Good working weather here right now for summer, it's 59 out. I'll be changing a battery in my mower, then mowing the rest of the back yard. Unfortunately I believe something is not working with the charging system, hopefully the new battery gets me thru til winter and then I'll have more time to tear into what the problem is. At least I'll have a new battery and the old one to charge ahead of time now, only takes a minute to swap them out.
Well if I was there I'd be glad to help, but it sounds like you've got a guy who will get you going. Have a nice time there :drinkingcoffee: .
I had no use for rotted Cedar, they guy they hired can can (and did) take it.
Hmm. We're going to have to go to @H-Ranch for a ruling on this 🤔
With an indoor heating device (and a wife) I'll rule with MM as allowed with exigent circumstances to protect his own life and limb. Had he been operating an OWB he may not have received such a benevolent decision. ⚖️
Busy, busy. Quick breakfast in town and off to the dealer again after only 2 days. This time I dropped a limb on top of theMS441C. Broke a chunk out of an several cracks in the carb cover. ordered a new one and this time they will ship it to me. Also put in the new clutch drum. $50 some dollars but whose counting?

Stopped at Winco (cut rate grocery) for 2 bags of stuff. $24.

On the way home pickled up the Dewalt 60volt 18" electric saw I had ordered. $439 and change with the battery and charger. Somebody better start counting!! I wanted it with a 14" bar but not available. I'll order one later.

Home to relax by splitting a 2-wheel trailer 3'x4' of black locust that has been in the rounds for around 20 years. Still solid a rock. Split and piled. I'm doing one load/day off that some 16 cord pile. The rounds are huge and at the rate I am going down hill I better get it done before I can't lift them onto the splitter. I have maybe 4 cords left to go.

Then Laundry for a load of t-shirts but that started with a sequence. Can't unload the washer until I empty laundry basked of sundry that was done 2 weeks ago. then have to empty the dryer of stuff that was ready 2 days ago.

Finally on to unboxing the Dewalt. Can't pull the trigger as I can't make the trigger lock move. Drat, Read the Fen Manual dummp...later. First I had to turn to sharpening a few chains and patching the carb cover together with Gorilla tape.

2PM and I am done except for putting a 20" bar on the 441 in preparation for finishing the bucking on a big tree I've been pecking at for a week. Also setting up that new electric saw - it will be used only for brush cutting. Not looking foreward to loading the harvest in this heat. Near 100 for a few days.
Check and see if the chain brake is on. I don't think it will go if it is. Other than that trigger lock is just a thumb switch to move before squeezing the trigger switch.. hope this helps.
It was interesting reading different people's approaches to hydrating/refuelling during long events. I've entered the Western Sydney marathon which is on Oct 8th and I'm contemplating my approach - keeping in mind that different people's requirements and preferences can vary. I've ordered some Sportsfuel to try out over the next few weeks to see if it suits. As well as the usual carbs and electrolytes, it also has some BCAAs and citrulline malate.
I can run 21km in cool conditions without taking anything but in the last 3km, my HR starts to rise for the same pace indicating that trouble is coming. I'll take a couple of doses of sportsfuel when I do my long run next weekend and assess the results.
That’s great , yea everyone is different on how there body responds to heat and long periods of exercise and or entering the pain cave Lol , Just have to find ur comfort zone and try to stay there as long as possible, good luck on ur race 👍
Hey @Logger nate
You ready for that new project truck, already has a banks turbo on it, just needs a differential and an axle :p.
Tempting, maybe I should sell the excursion...
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Looks nice but I’ll pass😬. Amazing what people are asking for some vehicles… and saws….😂
I’ll sell you mine for $6000 less and it already has the diff / axle , and a real turbo diesel 😉
I've been working outside . Overcast but bright with a spritz every now and then so far not the washout they predicted but I'm 50 miles west of you and that can make the world of difference
i tried! but was 102f in the shade!! by time 3rd day arrived, and past noon... and past mid afternoon... i was ready to get with it. but, alas, time to head back to the big city. got a lot done, mostly inside... and small-scale!

small scale matters, too!
i tried! but was 102f in the shade!! by time 3rd day arrived, and past noon... and past mid afternoon... i was ready to get with it. but, alas, time to head back to the big city. got a lot done, mostly inside... and small-scale!

small scale matters, too!
Nice here today some clouds and sun . But low humidity and about 81 degrees

Making my 72 earn her keep today . 4 new tires on the trailer IMG_6797.jpeg
Good working weather here right now for summer, it's 59 out. I'll be changing a battery in my mower, then mowing the rest of the back yard. Unfortunately I believe something is not working with the charging system, hopefully the new battery gets me thru til winter and then I'll have more time to tear into what the problem is. At least I'll have a new battery and the old one to charge ahead of time now, only takes a minute to swap them out.
Well if I was there I'd be glad to help, but it sounds like you've got a guy who will get you going. Have a nice time there :drinkingcoffee: .

All solved. It just takes a MANLY push on the release button and the throttle lock. Be charging the battery today and out cutting mostly brush in the morning. Tree basicallly all worked up but the top needs cut/pile on burn pile.

Hauled a 1/2 load home today. Out in the monring to finish noodling loading the big rounds plus picking up all the small rounds. That plus brusing out the top will finish that 2nd stem off the same tree - one more to go. At least that one is horizontal and no hangups. Should work up fast.
Hit the woodpile hard this morning. Split a trailer load and got it stacked in the racks. One more load will be all I need for this winter. The rest will get stacked for next winter or the year after. Had enough sun this afternoon and my wife wanted to go to our friends pool so that second load will have to wait.

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