Some people just wad up my drawers

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ArboristSite Operative
Nov 10, 2006
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My BIL unemployed (read worthless) just flat pisses me off. I gave him a 028 that I rebuilt with ya'lls help so he could pick up a little money for working. It's since been sold or pawned. I fixed a 88 Mitsubishi pick-up, paint, motor ,trans, clutch, Sterio, ect. ect. and took it over to my 16 year old nephew for Christmas. The boy's statement to me, "I ant driving that piece of junk". Guess I should of took a Lexus. I just brought the little truck home and sold it. Now, I'm the jerk of the family. Piss on it, I just needed to vent a little.
My BIL unemployed (read worthless) just flat pisses me off. I gave him a 028 that I rebuilt with ya'lls help so he could pick up a little money for working. It's since been sold or pawned. I fixed a 88 Mitsubishi pick-up, paint, motor ,trans, clutch, Sterio, ect. ect. and took it over to my 16 year old nephew for Christmas. The boy's statement to me, "I ant driving that piece of junk". Guess I should of took a Lexus. I just brought the little truck home and sold it. Now, I'm the jerk of the family. Piss on it, I just needed to vent a little.

You did the right thing by selling the truck (IMO). You just cant be good to some people Bobby. Being the jerk of the family is not so bad, Ive been one for years,LOL.:cheers:
Man I would have been happy as hell if someone would have offered me a car when I turned 16. The boy sounds like he needs a boot up the arse end.
Don't worry

My BIL unemployed (read worthless) just flat pisses me off. I gave him a 028 that I rebuilt with ya'lls help so he could pick up a little money for working. It's since been sold or pawned. I fixed a 88 Mitsubishi pick-up, paint, motor ,trans, clutch, Sterio, ect. ect. and took it over to my 16 year old nephew for Christmas. The boy's statement to me, "I ant driving that piece of junk". Guess I should of took a Lexus. I just brought the little truck home and sold it. Now, I'm the jerk of the family. Piss on it, I just needed to vent a little.

You can not help someone that does not want it. Don't worry about those folks. Just take care of yourself and your family. If those folks want help they will ask for it and then when you do help.....maybe it will be apreciated more.
Sometimes You Can't Win For Losing!

My BIL unemployed (read worthless) just flat pisses me off. I gave him a 028 that I rebuilt with ya'lls help so he could pick up a little money for working. It's since been sold or pawned. I fixed a 88 Mitsubishi pick-up, paint, motor ,trans, clutch, Sterio, ect. ect. and took it over to my 16 year old nephew for Christmas. The boy's statement to me, "I ant driving that piece of junk". Guess I should of took a Lexus. I just brought the little truck home and sold it. Now, I'm the jerk of the family. Piss on it, I just needed to vent a little.

Sounds like some real winners you have there Bobby...I wouldn't worry about did what you could to help! As far as being the jerk of the family; that will only last until they need some help from you. However, you can take solice in the fact that after you've helped them...then you can go back to being the jerk again! :dizzy:

Did your BIL understand that you meant him to work with the saw in order to pick-up some cash - or - was he under the impression that you were giving him the saw so he could sell to pick-up some extra money. Some folks thinking can be real strange? Good luck in the New Year!

I gave the 028, showed him some deadfalls, and locust on my farm, offered the use of my old 79 F250, and he got rid of the saw. To much like work I guess. Thanks for all of your support and a ear to hear my fumming.
I gave the 028, showed him some deadfalls, and locust on my farm, offered the use of my old 79 F250, and he got rid of the saw. To much like work I guess. Thanks for all of your support and a ear to hear my fumming.

That's 100% different...he may even be in line for an a$$ whoopin after a stunt like I said, I wouldn't worry about it; you did what you could!
I gave the 028, showed him some deadfalls, and locust on my farm, offered the use of my old 79 F250, and he got rid of the saw. To much like work I guess. Thanks for all of your support and a ear to hear my fumming.

Sounds like he's unemployed for a reason.

And if your nephew wont drive that hunk of junk tell him to have fun walking.

Sounds to me like the best thing you could give these two is good swift boot in the arse.
I gave the 028, showed him some deadfalls, and locust on my farm, offered the use of my old 79 F250, and he got rid of the saw. To much like work I guess. Thanks for all of your support and a ear to hear my fumming.

I hear ya,,,,,, Hind sight is 20 - 20 everytime that would be the last effort I made to help him!!!!!!sorry to hear you got burned,,,,

It would be cool if you could find out where he pawned it but,,, You did give it to his sorry Arse,,,,

not much else you can do,,,,, At least you tried

Just chalk it up and move on!!!!
'Nother yup from here on all above^^^^, I have a little bro that makes tits on a bull look useful (we get along, not!), his quote that near got him strangled a bit (by me) was "If I never have to work a day in my life I'll be happy.", guess he's been happy all his life :censored:
.......turn over any rock and.................

So vent away, too bad about the saw eh! Sheesh!


Man I would have been happy as hell if someone would have offered me a car when I turned 16. The boy sounds like he needs a boot up the arse end.

Sounds like he's unemployed for a reason.

And if your nephew wont drive that hunk of junk tell him to have fun walking.

Sounds to me like the best thing you could give these two is good swift boot in the arse.

+10! I have no time for folks like that.

Where you screwed up is you should have given him a 361 than he could have gone out and cured some dread-full disease, or brought about world peace or something.............Just trying to get you to smile . We all have them in our family's, my loser is doing 8 to 25. cheer up you did all you could and, your a better man for it.
Just needed to unload, Thanks to all

Sometimes you just feel better unloading to friends. I did, I feel good, and I am not going another mile for them. Enough is enough.
You can bet they will both be back around needing something. I just thank god I was taught how to work for what I won't at a young age. I try to teach my stepsons the same.
Sounds like some real winners you have there Bobby...I wouldn't worry about did what you could to help! As far as being the jerk of the family; that will only last until they need some help from you. However, you can take solace in the fact that after you've helped them...then you can go back to being the jerk again! :dizzy:

Been there, done that! Now a days, I just try to do the next right thing. BUT - when family is involved it just sucks. No matter what you do, it just gets turned around - its easy to say "Don't let it bother you!"; but family knows where all your buttons are and just how to push them.

You tried to do the right thing - try and let that be enough for you.

God Bless and Happy New Year!!:)

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