Some people just wad up my drawers

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Sounds like he's unemployed for a reason.

And if your nephew wont drive that hunk of junk tell him to have fun walking.

Sounds to me like the best thing you could give these two is good swift boot in the arse.

Wouldn't do any good no matter how many times you booted that arse. IMO that comes from having been bailed out way too many times and not enough responsibility in the formative years.:mad:
One of the worst things that happened in this century as far as
this is concerned is;round bales. I know they are better for farmers
but they were good for kids. I hauled hay up into the eighties,
for a second job and to help the farmers that helped me before I had a job.

Been there, done that! When I was a kid growing up in Indiana my neighbor custom baled hay & straw for people and I worked for him from the ages of 13-17. Can you see these kids today out in 95* heat and humidity stacking square bales of alfalfa that weigh about 100 lbs. and doing it all day sometimes 7 days a week?

I'd love to have that Mitsubishi & the 028! Man, if you had offered me that truck when I was 16 I would have been in heaven! What comes around goes around though..........they'le need something one day............

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Makes me sad and worried about what this country is turning into. I see things like that way too often, we all do. I dont know what it will take, but somehow things need to turn around. I know damn well my kids will appreciate what they get, or they wont have anything long, but a sore butt.
Both of my kids can buck bales pretty well. We feed 3 strand bales to the cattle and horses and I bale 2 strand bales for a friend of mine. My 13yo daughter can't pick up a bale off the ground and throw in the truck but she can easily load 8 bales off the stack. For years they helped me load hay but now I just sit in the nice warm truck and watch them build character. We don't feed very many cows but I'll tell ya when it is pouring rain and windy it seems like quite a few. Those stormy days when we are feeding 11 bales and the kids get cold and soaked are some of their fondest memories because they know if they were not there I would be doing it all by myself. They also know hot chocolate will brewed up as soon as we get home as a thank you.

:clap: When you get home give your kids a hug for us, they deserve it
I have my grandson helping with firewood, he is four and a half and I love
him enough to make sure he don't turn to ****. He really loves to help his
paw paw, he is not a lot of help yet mainly scratches my trees with his toy saw! I hope his interest stays as I see him running my biz someday!
My advice is go to the nearest Goodwill store and slap around some Ilegal Mexicans. That should allieviate your pain.
Hard work and responsibility are sometimes hard to find these days. Wood Cutter, I was just in Idaho working 16 hour days driving beet topper, I'll say that Idaho kids know how to work though:clap: :clap:

Video Games = Electronic Crack

They can never get enough.

I can imagine a conversation between the suits and engineers of a large off shore electronics manufacturer 30 years ago: "Introduce these games to American youth and it will rob them of all ambition, drive, work ethic and money. We will take the jobs they can not fill and leverage the failing corporations due to low productivity. Soon we will own them. Spare no expense in further development of these games." If so, it seems to be working.... most kids certainly aren't, at least to their potential. Not the only problem we have today, but surely a contributing factor IMHO.

Video Games = Electronic Crack

They can never get enough.

I can imagine a conversation between the suits and engineers of a large off shore electronics manufacturer 30 years ago: "Introduce these games to American youth and it will rob them of all ambition, drive, work ethic and money. We will take the jobs they can not fill and leverage the failing corporations due to low productivity. Soon we will own them. Spare no expense in further development of these games." If so, it seems to be working.... most kids certainly aren't, at least to their potential. Not the only problem we have today, but surely a contributing factor IMHO.

Parenting not children is the problem kids learn behavior!
next time........

My BIL unemployed (read worthless) just flat pisses me off. I gave him a 028 that I rebuilt with ya'lls help so he could pick up a little money for working. It's since been sold or pawned. I fixed a 88 Mitsubishi pick-up, paint, motor ,trans, clutch, Sterio, ect. ect. and took it over to my 16 year old nephew for Christmas. The boy's statement to me, "I ant driving that piece of junk". Guess I should of took a Lexus. I just brought the little truck home and sold it. Now, I'm the jerk of the family. Piss on it, I just needed to vent a little.

super glue a bus token to his forehead and let him see how far he gets.what a marroon! you did the right thing by trying and by selling can't help those who won't help themselves.
Parenting not children is the problem kids learn behavior!

I won't disagree with you on that point. However, I've know several families where the parents are hard working model citizens, pillars of the community so to speak and their kids are dead beats. I must admit I certainly don't know the particulars on how they've raised their children. However, at first glance something surely seems amiss. I think using parents as a scapegoat for all their children's misdoings is not exactly fair, while admittedly it is often a contributing factor. Like my example above, as stated, video games are not the sole reason for all of today's youths short comings but nor are their parents. I also believe, which concedes to your point once again, that one of the biggest problems are parents that came up from nothing and have struggled most of their lives, giving their children all the things they themselves went without. In essence spoiling them and having them believe that all their wants are entitlements ergo another reason for a non-existent work ethic. Well, I've taken this thread about as far off topic as I'm sure it can possibly go. Time to go find a thread on chainsaws. :clap: That's all I have to say about that.
Forest Gump
I won't disagree with you on that point. However, I've know several families where the parents are hard working model citizens, pillars of the community so to speak and their kids are dead beats. I must admit I certainly don't know the particulars on how they've raised their children. However, at first glance something surely seems amiss. I think using parents as a scapegoat for all their children's misdoings is not exactly fair, while admittedly it is often a contributing factor. Like my example above, as stated, video games are not the sole reason for all of today's youths short comings but nor are their parents. I also believe, which concedes to your point once again, that one of the biggest problems are parents that came up from nothing and have struggled most of their lives, giving their children all the things they themselves went without. In essence spoiling them and having them believe that all their wants are entitlements ergo another reason for a non-existent work ethic. Well, I've taken this thread about as far off topic as I'm sure it can possibly go. Time to go find a thread on chainsaws. :clap: That's all I have to say about that.
Forest Gump
My dad never needed to but always said, I brought you into
this world and if you acted like the punk next door, I will take
you out of it. Tough love is needed even more so now, and
yes it is not always the parents as they're are demon seed.
Your dad was Bill Cosby? :cheers:

Was the times space first man on the moon etc.
My dad was a depression era farmer that served in Korea,
then worked for the veteran twenty five years.
He had life way tougher than I had it for sure
but I assure you, no video games or anything
else until chores were done and they took most
of the day.
On Dec 21 this year I was on my way to work ,going in late at 5:30 am,last day before Christmas.Came upon a wreck 4 boys ,3 16 yr olds and a 21 yr old neighbor boy who was the driver.Out in a Jeep,no top wet roads,no experience with Jeeps,rolled it into some trees .One 16 year old was down,bad bleeding out of his ears.Helped squad back board him and move him up the hill and load .My wonderful neighbor boy,driver ,bailed and left everyone.POS.Found out the 16 yr old died Christmas day.Driver in jail awaiting charges,he was already on parole for previous charges.2 families damaged for life.
It's hard to understand the thinking of some people,NOTHING is their fault.No responsibility for anything.
Just my venting for the season I guess.Didn't mean to hi jack thread.
This is why I am really selective about the volunteer work I do. I will help anyone once. If you let your property revert back to a landfill after I cleaned it up, and you have an able-bodied high school dropout 17-year old son sitting around the house, I quit. Been there.
My advice is go to the nearest Goodwill store and slap around some Ilegal Mexicans. That should allieviate your pain.

Around here you can find the Mexicans hanging around any of the home centers/lumberyards looking for work. Any kind of work. The kind of work most gringos won't do. One of the finest compliments you will ever earn is when some one says "you work like a Mexican".

If I were you I wouldn't advice some one "slap around" anyone. If I was a ModGod I would have banned you by now. Who is next, the Jews? That kind of comment can bring a forum to a crashing halt.
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But the hay holds the barn up!

LOL...Yup, you really have raised cows. Tarped stacks outside are a PITA...untarp and retarp everytime you feed. Our old hay barn needs bale stacks in each corner and a row down the middle to keep it's shape.
Back on topic...I agree with the ones who figure that one chance is enough. If you help someone and they make an effort to help themselves they're worth it. If they spit on the hand you hold out to them...they're a cull and get treated accordingly.
My kids were raised around logging and ranching and they all did their share...and more. That's probably why they were so anxious to go to college and become something more than they were.
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I also helped on a farm. My grandmothers sister had a large farm in Iowa that I would go to visit on summer break. I worked my tail off from sun up to sun down...........most of the time. I usually had a day or two to just screw around and ride the four wheeler. My grandfather/mother also had a summer home in Wisconsin, I had to cut and chop wood for the stove and heater. Granted I had a chain saw to cut the wood, but a hand axle, big stump, and wedges for chopping/splitting and making kindling. Todays youth has no idea what real work is.

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