Some people just wad up my drawers

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My BIL unemployed (read worthless) just flat pisses me off. I gave him a 028 that I rebuilt with ya'lls help so he could pick up a little money for working. It's since been sold or pawned. I fixed a 88 Mitsubishi pick-up, paint, motor ,trans, clutch, Sterio, ect. ect. and took it over to my 16 year old nephew for Christmas. The boy's statement to me, "I ant driving that piece of junk". Guess I should of took a Lexus. I just brought the little truck home and sold it. Now, I'm the jerk of the family. Piss on it, I just needed to vent a little.


I have BIL that doesn't work, but expects me to supply my saws, truck/fuel plus find him firewood each year. He seems to think I'm on this earth to help support him. I've got news for him, this was the last year. My SIL divorced this guy over twenty years ago because he didn't want to work and had the stupidity to re-marry this guy three years ago. I know your feeling....

Around here you can find the Mexicans hanging around any of the home centers/lumberyards looking for work. Any kind of work. The kind of work most gringos won't do. One of the finest compliments you will ever earn is when some one says "you work like a Mexican".

If I were you I wouldn't advice some one "slap around" anyone. If I was a ModGod I would have banned you by now. Who is next, the Jews? That kind of comment can bring a forum to a crashing halt.

Around here it is Amish as in "you work like an Amish man". I've yet to meet one who is here illegally.

As far as Jews, I personally don't know any. You brought that into the equasion.

"Nobody owes me a future"--Paul Potts(winner of 2007 Britan's Got Talent)

You should see this guy on YouTube. Great perspective on life! There are way too few people that believe you have to work for what you get and THEN you can feel satisfaction for what you have! I worry for what happens when this generation has to lead this country!
This has been a great thread and great learning. I even made my 15 year old son read it and asked him what he got out of it.
Some people will never be thankful for what you do no matter what it is. All we can be assured of I believe is that whatever we give or do for someone if the attitude of the giver is right there will be a reward. Maybe not in the immediate but it will be there. What you did was a good deed and will come back to you somehow bobbyb13.
We're all going to get sh!t on sometime in our lifetime maybe some more than others. The older I get the easier it becomes to let it roll of my back.
This has been a great thread and great learning. I even made my 15 year old son read it and asked him what he got out of it.
Some people will never be thankful for what you do no matter what it is. All we can be assured of I believe is that whatever we give or do for someone if the attitude of the giver is right there will be a reward. Maybe not in the immediate but it will be there. What you did was a good deed and will come back to you somehow bobbyb13.
We're all going to get sh!t on sometime in our lifetime maybe some more than others. The older I get the easier it becomes to let it roll of my back.

Great idea to have your son read this! I have to commend you brother. I've always said, no matter how bad a situation if you look hard and long enough something good it bound to come out of it. You've done just that! If all of our lives experiences just change one young life for the positive, we can all count our blessings. Good luck to you and your son, it's apparent you have your head screwed on straight. I'm sure he'll do fine with a dad like you!
My BIL unemployed (read worthless) just flat pisses me off. I gave him a 028 that I rebuilt with ya'lls help so he could pick up a little money for working. It's since been sold or pawned. I fixed a 88 Mitsubishi pick-up, paint, motor ,trans, clutch, Sterio, ect. ect. and took it over to my 16 year old nephew for Christmas. The boy's statement to me, "I ant driving that piece of junk". Guess I should of took a Lexus. I just brought the little truck home and sold it. Now, I'm the jerk of the family. Piss on it, I just needed to vent a little.

Howdy Bobbyb13,

I still remember your first post, your a good guy. You did good in this case but don't give up on everyone, there are still good folk out there that appreciate a helping hand. Sometimes it comes back 10 fold sometimes...not. Hang in there buddy, we all understand where your coming from.


All this discussion makes me real glad I took my 9-year old son on a free-lance landscaping job the other day. He busted his skinny 9-year old tail piling brush and limbs on the waste pile and I gave him a $30 cut. The guy we worked for gave my son a tip which was great.

Out of his $30, he has to put 25% in his long-term-can't-touch-it savings, which teaches him about the tax man too.

My daughter works hard for what she gets too. She just doesn't like getting as dirty as us boys so we find her other jobs.
Our modern society seems to be breeding a generation of culls. Video games, cellphones, Ipods, the internet (myspace, facebook, livejournal, etc.), text messaging, Tivo- all these things allow young people to entertain themselves without working. My dad took me and my brothers when we were real young and put us to work in the woods. I think every young person should break in on a farm, ranch, in the woods; something that teaches them about labor. There's no TV-video games-cellphones-Ipods-Tivo-Dvd player in my house, when the kids are here they get Lincoln logs or they go outside and play. When I want to hear music we break out the guitar, violin, and the drum. The only "modern" thing I have is the internet, for business.

The above post gets my nomination for post of the year. It is just a dead-on bullseye.

And while they are spending all of their time pushing buttons, they are learning nothing. Nothing at all. So, when they look for a job, they don't want to do anything other than sit behind a computer.

I also like your comment "they go outside and play". What ever happened to that? Seems like now kids have to be driven everywhere. Playing is at organized activities. Can't just play ball with the kids in the neighborhood. Nope. Got to be on a travel team and play on the other side of the state. I have friends whose entire weekends are taken up with driving the kids to games.

I wonder what that 16 year old who refused the truck will wind up driving. I remember that we all wanted to drive muscle cars, but the first priority was just to have wheels. That kid would rather sit home and bum rides off of his friends, if he has any, than drive something that doesn't say he is cool.

Because today it's all about appearance over substance. They are all so caught up in rock stars, movie stars, TV stars, Sports heros, that they have no conception of real people and real life needs. So the jerk completely misses the fact that his uncle took the time to work on a vehicle and give it to him for FREE. He's only concerned with how he is going to look, but not about whether he can get anyplace where he can be seen.
I'm not complaining, I've been overly blessed.

No. 1 son is career Navy, hated school, loved to fight, "I'm tired of everybody telling me what to do, I joined the Navy". I still remind him of this quote. No. 2 Son Va. Trooper with an attitude about punks and drugs. He is a nut out of uniform, and lurks here when he has time. I'm proud of both, and their main hobby is outdoors any time they can. Funny the Navy Son will not have a cell phone or video games in his home. He still sends his two kids outside to play, and dares one to say "I'm bored". I am a very lucky man all told.
All is not lost

Just to put things in perpective. Even though we see more and more fat, lazy do nothing kids...There are some good ones.

The young Marine Sgt in the picture link below lost his eye, hand and leg in Iraq. He knows hard work and he knows sacrifice. There are MANY more like him. I have met several of them (my son is a US Marine) and I am proud to know them all. They are the future of this country and are to be rated right along side those of the "Greatest Generation" They didnt ask to be sent to Iraq or Afhganistan but they go and they fight and they bleed and they die. Whatever your politics is please keep them in your prayers and do not forget them.
Just to put things in perpective. Even though we see more and more fat, lazy do nothing kids...There are some good ones.

The young Marine Sgt in the picture link below lost his eye, hand and leg in Iraq. He knows hard work and he knows sacrifice. There are MANY more like him. I have met several of them (my son is a US Marine) and I am proud to know them all. They are the future of this country and are to be rated right along side those of the "Greatest Generation" They didnt ask to be sent to Iraq or Afhganistan but they go and they fight and they bleed and they die. Whatever your politics is please keep them in your prayers and do not forget them.

+1...I'd REP you but I'm running dry. Good luck to your son and his fellow Marines!

Best Regards,
I agree with you guys 100%. The problem I have is being 17, extremely willing to work and work hard, but not being able to find a blasted job.

When I was your age I shoveled wet chicken crap out of chicken houses for $2 hr, worked for a local logger for $20 per day, worked 12 hrs on Sunday at local gas station for $2.40 hr-before taxes, delivered real estate mags on Friday afternoons and evenings while all the other kids where at the ball games and going out. That was not so long ago, I am now 36. To my way of thinking money is now worth about half as much now, so double those numbers and you will have today's price. But what I did gain was a reputation as some one who was willing to work hard and was trying, so I never went without a job, and a lot of people helped me out. People helped me a lot more than I realized at the time. They were very happy to help a kid that they thought was trying.
I apologize for preaching to you, but there is something to do if you will do it. You may not like it and it may not pay what you want, but there is something to do. And you may learn what you don't want to do for the rest of your life.
IF a person wants to work, there is work out there. I was a union rep at a steel mill here in Ohio. We were locked out by the company for 13 months. It ended February of this year. It is amazing at the # of people who did not even try to find something to hold their head above water, everyone who wanted to work DID. But there was a group that spent their time complaining rather than trying to support their families, we even had another union rep that got so tired of hearing one guy cry that he told him to go get in his truck and he was going to take him and get him a job no matter how long it took, the guy came up with a lame excuse to why he could not go. I cut grass and pumped gas in High School, several starter jobs before the steel mill where I worked for 18 years, I quit the mill and work for a couple guys that sell and repair industrial pumps. I work hard for them, and they pay and treat me accordingly. They do not owe me a living, that is something I must work for. There in lies the problem the way I see it, there are way to many people out there that for what ever reason feel that the world owes them a living. I just dont get it? As for me I want to work, I like going to work, I like staying busy at work and I like feeling the satisfaction of knowing that I EARNED my money. I thank God for my job and the opportunity to earn a living for my family.
Now ant this just typical

Been severly cold here a couple of days with wind. My BIL's water is frozen, and who do you think they called. Can I borrow your space heater, and generator, we ant got any water. Now, like a friggin idiot, I went over and hooked up my welder to the main line and got it running. I guess I get what I deserve. I should of told him to call a plummer. I feel like a fool.
Been severly cold here a couple of days with wind. My BIL's water is frozen, and who do you think they called. Can I borrow your space heater, and generator, we ant got any water. Now, like a friggin idiot, I went over and hooked up my welder to the main line and got it running. I guess I get what I deserve. I should of told him to call a plummer. I feel like a fool.

Is this the same BIL that got over on you with the saw? What does your sister think about all this? Your BIL sounds more like a real winner every time you post about him...NOT!
When I was your age I shoveled wet chicken crap out of chicken houses for $2 hr, worked for a local logger for $20 per day, worked 12 hrs on Sunday at local gas station for $2.40 hr-before taxes, delivered real estate mags on Friday afternoons and evenings while all the other kids where at the ball games and going out. That was not so long ago, I am now 36. To my way of thinking money is now worth about half as much now, so double those numbers and you will have today's price. But what I did gain was a reputation as some one who was willing to work hard and was trying, so I never went without a job, and a lot of people helped me out. People helped me a lot more than I realized at the time. They were very happy to help a kid that they thought was trying.
I apologize for preaching to you, but there is something to do if you will do it. You may not like it and it may not pay what you want, but there is something to do. And you may learn what you don't want to do for the rest of your life.

Joe - You are a good man and I look forward to meeting you sometime real soon.

Off topic but important to you: we have some pretty heavy weather coming in, especially Friday evening through Sunday. Be prepared, the current forecast is looking like 5"-12" of moisture, some rain turning to snow later in the storm (Saturday afternoon/night?). It could be several inches of rain followed by feet of snow...


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