Some people just wad up my drawers

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Been severly cold here a couple of days with wind. My BIL's water is frozen, and who do you think they called. Can I borrow your space heater, and generator, we ant got any water. Now, like a friggin idiot, I went over and hooked up my welder to the main line and got it running. I guess I get what I deserve. I should of told him to call a plummer. I feel like a fool.
I know what you mean it is hard to say NO to Family. although I would like to see some of them freeze in the dark!Just to teach them a lesson, But they are family and I really can't turn my back on them.I rather help them with a hand up than a handout.
I have ranted before, brother in law pisses me off.

Home for Christmas to find 7 gallons of used motor oil on my bench. Told him to get rid of it or he will be scrubbing his car for a while. His response: "I didn't know what you wanted me to do with it". Not my dam problem, you changed the oil, get rid of it. Burnt a few of his computers that he had sitting on my bench, told him to move them a month ago. Tired of his sh**, thought I was going to have a heart attack. There should be a license to reproduce, his parents should get theirs revoked. If my sister has kids with him, I will only be able to love half of it, but lets hope they pass the license law first.

Spent 2 hours cleaning up his mess over Thanksgiving, came home to the same mess this time. Changed the locks on the garage.

Bobby, you are a better person than I am. I would have let my brother in law freeze, but there are no kids involved. People need to take responsibility for their actions.
Wow, I can certainly relate...

I have BIL...28 years old, still lives at home (Inlaw Parents have 2 homes) and he just got his first full time job at a grocery story. Still, they have to pay the guy to cut the grass and he fights them the whole way about doing it and the lawn is always overgrown, they dont charge him rent or utilities...he leaves the place trashed. He gets high constantly and plays his x box or whatever all the time. Totally useless. Ive told my wife Im not helping him out for sh*t after he's bailed on me a time or two with some simple tasks. He whined at christmas because of his gifts. :jawdrop: His parents caved and got him what he wanted.

That guy wouldnt make it 30 seconds at Parris Island.
Sorry about your inlaw and your nephew. Some people are just a waste of oxygen. I have a useless wing in my family too, they like to call me anytime they can't fix their own d@mb problems (cars broke, roof leaks, etc.).

As far as your nephew goes, he can :censored: off. When I was a teenager my dad was nice enough to give me a truck AND a motor to go with it (all I had to do was put it together). I thought it was the greatest thing in the world, I guess times have changed.
Sorry about your inlaw and your nephew. Some people are just a waste of oxygen. I have a useless wing in my family too, they like to call me anytime they can't fix their own d@mb problems (cars broke, roof leaks, etc.).

As far as your nephew goes, he can :censored: off. When I was a teenager my dad was nice enough to give me a truck AND a motor to go with it (all I had to do was put it together). I thought it was the greatest thing in the world, I guess times have changed.
Me Too my dad gave me his old truck a 1968 Chevy I put on new Rocker panels and with his help made up cab corners. Drove that truck for over a half million miles!I worked every chance I got to pay for my new rifle I wanted. And like all 16 year old's I wanted a .375H&H lol But I did it all on my own. And my parent's were proud.Even though they thought I was nut's
Never been much for the "humble origins club" as anyone can talk about walking to school five miles barefoot in the snow. What I do subscribe to is the "stand your round club" and be responsible for what you make and what you do. The problem with your BIL and nephew, and I think what bothers you the most is that they are both making you feel like an idiot by snubbing their noses at your unsolicated acts of kindness and generosity. Here you thought you were doing someone a real favor, and istead they turn the table by making you feel there is something wrong with your perception of value. To paraphrase Marie Antonette, "Let them chock on cake".

Surely you didnt help this PR-CK again. Youve got waaay more patience than I ever did.

What he needs is a 12 D boot in his AS-.
what the hell are you talking about?

Around here you can find the Mexicans hanging around any of the home centers/lumberyards looking for work. Any kind of work. The kind of work most gringos won't do. One of the finest compliments you will ever earn is when some one says "you work like a Mexican".

If I were you I wouldn't advice some one "slap around" anyone. If I was a ModGod I would have banned you by now. Who is next, the Jews? That kind of comment can bring a forum to a crashing halt.

ban him for that? don't you have a governor to watch?
And I thought I had inlaws from hell... sheesh!

It was a relief when I went off to college, I only had one part time job to worry about, not a 35 hour a week job, school and everything Dad had cooked up for me.

I don't have much patience for people who don't work. I don't care what kind of physical condition you're in, you can do something, even if it's only one day a week. My grandfather was 80 and still cutting up scrap metal to sell for extra money.

I'm tired of this horsesh!t at the gas station where people ask me for money. It happens about twice a week. I'm gonna go off on the next guy who asks.

You're not a jerk, they are. There are some folks who live down the street from my parents. Haven't worked in years even though they are capable. Neighbors trying to do the "christian thing" to help them out, still don't work. No power in the house, no running water.

Finally the 19 year old son climbs the power pole to illegally turn the electricity back on and gets the p!ss knocked out of him when he hit the live wire. Lost a few toes, probably didn't learn a damned thing. Still cost us money because he ended up in the county hospital.

GET A DAMNED JOB PEOPLE!!! Pick up cans off the roadside, mow grass, shovel snow, do something damn it!
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The future

Every one who replied to this post should watch the movie, Idiocracy.

Don't be affraid of some other country taking us over, I'm more affraid of us just falling appart.
Well I guess we all have stories. Mine is about my own son. At 16 years old we buy him a car, an 88 acura legend. It happened to be a stick, he said 'i aint leraning to drive no stick.' Well it was a nice car and I already bought it so I kept it. You already know that then he kept asking for rides, 'will you take me to the movie and pick me up again?' etc. 'well sure son I'll be going to town on thursday'
"But I want to go today, the movie starts in an hour, oh and can we pick up my freinds too. Thanks dad.'
'Well sure son I'll be going to town on thursday.'
'But I want to go now.'
'But you didn't want to own a car so you COULD go now. And so now you can tag along when I go.'

Later he bought the car from me for a thousand bucks and proceeded to run it in the ground. It really started running bad I was thinking along the lines of the fuel pump going out, told him to take it to the shop and get an estimate on the repairs, then he'll know whats wrong and how much to fix it. his answer was no. He aint gonna spend no money on it. The car died. He was a minor and so the car was in my name so I sold it to a co worker and bought him another car. his choosing this time and thats right it was a stick. He wrecked the car, has no insurance (he's 19 now so tis his problem.) He thinks that ins. is a scam. I told him that it is besides the law a good deal, you are gambling that you will wreck your car and if you do some one else will pay to fix it. But no not for him. He has bald tires And again he aint spending no money on it, as long as they hold air... Cracked windshield, 'If I get stopped, I'll just tell 'em that it just happened and I'm on my way to fix it' How will you talk out the ins??
'Ummm welll uhhh, see I knew you'd say that'

He says he only wants to work 20 hrs a week. That makes me mad cause I work forty on the clock, my Wife works forty on the clock, thats eighty hrs a week before splitting firewood and doing laundry. What are my wife and I doing wrong that this kid has figured out? It takes 80 hrs for me to live and he can do it on 20 and still spend 12 hrs a day playing Halo.

I took him to a Seahawks game. Gave him the ticket. After the game he says he didn't even want to go with me but wanted the ticket. I would have taken A co-worker and friend If I'd known that.

A few weeks ago we some kick a$$ storms blow through here.
My house was flooded, litterly a dozen trees down in the yard, 100' spruces etc. no power for a week. Asked him to help with the firewood.
'I hate wood heat, its much better to set the dial...'
'You cant cook on the dial. The dial isn't working to keep us warm right now, Wood heat has advantages...'
'Whatever' He said with his mouth full of eggs cooked on the wood stove.
He said he was going to go find "civilization" I was so very pleased to hear every road in and out of town was closed due to downed trees. He came home a little upset.

Now that things are closer to normal around here, he moved out to crash with a friends aunt and uncle in Olympia. Two weeks latert hey showed him the door cause After 12 hrs of Halo a day I guess there just wasn't enough time for looking for work. so now He's up in Bellingham crashing with friends there. How long will that last I wonder.

And I case any one thinks that this is the fault of the parents, He thinks I'm dumb for buying CDs cause torrent has em for free. He thinks I'm dumb for working my butt off at home after 9 hrs at work. ( I guess he thinks the tooth fairy will stack wood, cook dinner and wash clothes) He thinks I'm dumb for spending 50. bucks a week on gas for my car, maybe I am at that. But his answer is to buy half a gallon at a time. No really it is. he says 'I get 34 MPG and the store is 10 miles away, so thats 20 round trip if I buy 2.50 worth of gas then I'm golden' BTW when I sold the Acura it wouldn't start the guy came over to get it, dumped 5 gallons in it and it fired right up. my son let it sit for 6 months out of gas. To this day he says it wasnt out.

Part of it is laziness, part of it a sense of entitlement, and part of it is plain old stupidity. I don't know how it all balances out, but a lazy, stupid guy that thinks he is entitled to what others have worked for will scoff at your truck and sell your saw.
i think it's time.............................

Well I guess we all have stories. Mine is about my own son. At 16 years old we buy him a car, an 88 acura legend. It happened to be a stick, he said 'i aint leraning to drive no stick.' Well it was a nice car and I already bought it so I kept it. You already know that then he kept asking for rides, 'will you take me to the movie and pick me up again?' etc. 'well sure son I'll be going to town on thursday'
"But I want to go today, the movie starts in an hour, oh and can we pick up my freinds too. Thanks dad.'
'Well sure son I'll be going to town on thursday.'
'But I want to go now.'
'But you didn't want to own a car so you COULD go now. And so now you can tag along when I go.'

Later he bought the car from me for a thousand bucks and proceeded to run it in the ground. It really started running bad I was thinking along the lines of the fuel pump going out, told him to take it to the shop and get an estimate on the repairs, then he'll know whats wrong and how much to fix it. his answer was no. He aint gonna spend no money on it. The car died. He was a minor and so the car was in my name so I sold it to a co worker and bought him another car. his choosing this time and thats right it was a stick. He wrecked the car, has no insurance (he's 19 now so tis his problem.) He thinks that ins. is a scam. I told him that it is besides the law a good deal, you are gambling that you will wreck your car and if you do some one else will pay to fix it. But no not for him. He has bald tires And again he aint spending no money on it, as long as they hold air... Cracked windshield, 'If I get stopped, I'll just tell 'em that it just happened and I'm on my way to fix it' How will you talk out the ins??
'Ummm welll uhhh, see I knew you'd say that'

He says he only wants to work 20 hrs a week. That makes me mad cause I work forty on the clock, my Wife works forty on the clock, thats eighty hrs a week before splitting firewood and doing laundry. What are my wife and I doing wrong that this kid has figured out? It takes 80 hrs for me to live and he can do it on 20 and still spend 12 hrs a day playing Halo.

I took him to a Seahawks game. Gave him the ticket. After the game he says he didn't even want to go with me but wanted the ticket. I would have taken A co-worker and friend If I'd known that.

A few weeks ago we some kick a$$ storms blow through here.
My house was flooded, litterly a dozen trees down in the yard, 100' spruces etc. no power for a week. Asked him to help with the firewood.
'I hate wood heat, its much better to set the dial...'
'You cant cook on the dial. The dial isn't working to keep us warm right now, Wood heat has advantages...'
'Whatever' He said with his mouth full of eggs cooked on the wood stove.
He said he was going to go find "civilization" I was so very pleased to hear every road in and out of town was closed due to downed trees. He came home a little upset.

Now that things are closer to normal around here, he moved out to crash with a friends aunt and uncle in Olympia. Two weeks latert hey showed him the door cause After 12 hrs of Halo a day I guess there just wasn't enough time for looking for work. so now He's up in Bellingham crashing with friends there. How long will that last I wonder.

And I case any one thinks that this is the fault of the parents, He thinks I'm dumb for buying CDs cause torrent has em for free. He thinks I'm dumb for working my butt off at home after 9 hrs at work. ( I guess he thinks the tooth fairy will stack wood, cook dinner and wash clothes) He thinks I'm dumb for spending 50. bucks a week on gas for my car, maybe I am at that. But his answer is to buy half a gallon at a time. No really it is. he says 'I get 34 MPG and the store is 10 miles away, so thats 20 round trip if I buy 2.50 worth of gas then I'm golden' BTW when I sold the Acura it wouldn't start the guy came over to get it, dumped 5 gallons in it and it fired right up. my son let it sit for 6 months out of gas. To this day he says it wasnt out.

Part of it is laziness, part of it a sense of entitlement, and part of it is plain old stupidity. I don't know how it all balances out, but a lazy, stupid guy that thinks he is entitled to what others have worked for will scoff at your truck and sell your saw.

you stop letting him come home.try actually works if you stick with it and don't give in everytime they throw a temper tantrum.

My BIL unemployed (read worthless) just flat pisses me off. I gave him a 028 that I rebuilt with ya'lls help so he could pick up a little money for working. It's since been sold or pawned. I fixed a 88 Mitsubishi pick-up, paint, motor ,trans, clutch, Sterio, ect. ect. and took it over to my 16 year old nephew for Christmas. The boy's statement to me, "I ant driving that piece of junk". Guess I should of took a Lexus. I just brought the little truck home and sold it. Now, I'm the jerk of the family. Piss on it, I just needed to vent a little.

Whatcha gonna do dude??? You just keep being you and don't let anybody change you. Karma is a good and bad thing bro. As for in-laws, hell, I married my cousin so they are family, they have to like me, lmfao.... hehehehehehehe

:rock: :cheers:

Remember the term "mean people suck"??? I've learned long ago that people will take advantage of someone with a good heart and you can never do enough for lazy people... I do stuff like that all the time, heck I gave my brother my beloved Wrangler cause he was in a bind, it's family, that's what you do. If there were more people like you the world would be a little better place guy. Sit back and enjoy a compliment and pat yourself on the back for the effort buddy... :rock:
I feel for you

I would have a hard time not putting my boot in his a$$. Seriously man,
he need to be on his own and learn the hard realities of life. I have seen friends of mine coddle their children and it always ends up in failure.
Well I guess we all have stories. Mine is about my own son. At 16 years old we buy him a car, an 88 acura legend. It happened to be a stick, he said 'i aint leraning to drive no stick.' Well it was a nice car and I already bought it so I kept it. You already know that then he kept asking for rides, 'will you take me to the movie and pick me up again?' etc. 'well sure son I'll be going to town on thursday'
"But I want to go today, the movie starts in an hour, oh and can we pick up my freinds too. Thanks dad.'
'Well sure son I'll be going to town on thursday.'
'But I want to go now.'
'But you didn't want to own a car so you COULD go now. And so now you can tag along when I go.'

Later he bought the car from me for a thousand bucks and proceeded to run it in the ground. It really started running bad I was thinking along the lines of the fuel pump going out, told him to take it to the shop and get an estimate on the repairs, then he'll know whats wrong and how much to fix it. his answer was no. He aint gonna spend no money on it. The car died. He was a minor and so the car was in my name so I sold it to a co worker and bought him another car. his choosing this time and thats right it was a stick. He wrecked the car, has no insurance (he's 19 now so tis his problem.) He thinks that ins. is a scam. I told him that it is besides the law a good deal, you are gambling that you will wreck your car and if you do some one else will pay to fix it. But no not for him. He has bald tires And again he aint spending no money on it, as long as they hold air... Cracked windshield, 'If I get stopped, I'll just tell 'em that it just happened and I'm on my way to fix it' How will you talk out the ins??
'Ummm welll uhhh, see I knew you'd say that'

He says he only wants to work 20 hrs a week. That makes me mad cause I work forty on the clock, my Wife works forty on the clock, thats eighty hrs a week before splitting firewood and doing laundry. What are my wife and I doing wrong that this kid has figured out? It takes 80 hrs for me to live and he can do it on 20 and still spend 12 hrs a day playing Halo.

I took him to a Seahawks game. Gave him the ticket. After the game he says he didn't even want to go with me but wanted the ticket. I would have taken A co-worker and friend If I'd known that.

A few weeks ago we some kick a$$ storms blow through here.
My house was flooded, litterly a dozen trees down in the yard, 100' spruces etc. no power for a week. Asked him to help with the firewood.
'I hate wood heat, its much better to set the dial...'
'You cant cook on the dial. The dial isn't working to keep us warm right now, Wood heat has advantages...'
'Whatever' He said with his mouth full of eggs cooked on the wood stove.
He said he was going to go find "civilization" I was so very pleased to hear every road in and out of town was closed due to downed trees. He came home a little upset.

Now that things are closer to normal around here, he moved out to crash with a friends aunt and uncle in Olympia. Two weeks latert hey showed him the door cause After 12 hrs of Halo a day I guess there just wasn't enough time for looking for work. so now He's up in Bellingham crashing with friends there. How long will that last I wonder.

And I case any one thinks that this is the fault of the parents, He thinks I'm dumb for buying CDs cause torrent has em for free. He thinks I'm dumb for working my butt off at home after 9 hrs at work. ( I guess he thinks the tooth fairy will stack wood, cook dinner and wash clothes) He thinks I'm dumb for spending 50. bucks a week on gas for my car, maybe I am at that. But his answer is to buy half a gallon at a time. No really it is. he says 'I get 34 MPG and the store is 10 miles away, so thats 20 round trip if I buy 2.50 worth of gas then I'm golden' BTW when I sold the Acura it wouldn't start the guy came over to get it, dumped 5 gallons in it and it fired right up. my son let it sit for 6 months out of gas. To this day he says it wasnt out.

Part of it is laziness, part of it a sense of entitlement, and part of it is plain old stupidity. I don't know how it all balances out, but a lazy, stupid guy that thinks he is entitled to what others have worked for will scoff at your truck and sell your saw.

I have a 16 year old in the house...CONSTANT issues about working...He wants to spend all his time with his buds. He has a few hundred in the bank and therefore doesn't see the need to continue working...He'd rather wait until he has a few cents I suppose. We bought him a car(2001 corolla) with the understanding that he would pay half of the insurance($1,000.00 a year).
So he knows that he NEEDS to work. He is the direct opposite of his sister:
straight A student, worked 15-20 hours a week, lettered in sports etc.
IMO he is being adversely influenced by his friends(some of the biggest layouts I have ever seen). He hangs with kids that DO NOT WORK because their parents give them money. He is a good kid with not enough foresight to understand the economics of the world today. We are looking to retire in 2-4 years and move to Michigan...Either he will be in college or working full-time.
I think that as he matures he will see that doing nothing gets you nothing.
Now if I can only get his Grandmother to stop feeding him $50s and $100s!:(
BIL screwed up with the wrong family member, Big Time.

Well, he messed up this time. He "borrowed" Josh's (No2 Son, Va. Trooper) Generator without permission, because his power is shut off. Josh arrested him for burgulary. His butt is in the regional jail now, and none of us will go get him. You should here the high pitched whinnnnnnnnnnnnnn coming out of this. :ices_rofl: :ices_rofl: :ices_rofl:
Well, he messed up this time. He "borrowed" Josh's (No2 Son, Va. Trooper) Generator without permission, because his power is shut off. Josh arrested him for burgulary. His butt is in the regional jail now, and none of us will go get him. You should here the high pitched whinnnnnnnnnnnnnn coming out of this. :ices_rofl: :ices_rofl: :ices_rofl:

Now thats a good ending (start) to this tale. If he whines to you, just say "At least the lights were on when you were there"

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