Sometimes, you try to be nice and all it gets you is-----

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Sunrise Guy

Addicted to ArboristSite
Feb 4, 2006
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frustration and a po'd mood, for a few hours.

To explain: An HO called me on my "Summer Special:" $325 for four hours of roof-clearing, two-man crew. She wasn't sure if I could do her home justice in four hours, so I told her I'd be happy to come out and take a look, even though she was a good ways away, and I normally do the specials without going out, first. (I ask when the last time was that the roof was cleared, ask about one story vs. two story, types of trees, look up the property on Google Maps, etc., etc.--no major problems with that, usually.)

Anyway, I stopped by, the next morning, saw that the job could be done, in the allotted time, and called the client back to let her know I needed her email address to send the proposal and get her signature, so I could do the job, in two days. I got her voice mail and left her a very nice message. Six hours went by and---no word from her. I called, again, and left a friendly message. Closing time rolled around and----no word from her. I waited until 10 AM, today, and called to let her know that I had taken her off the schedule and if she wanted us to still do the work, she should call, at her earliest convenience, to reschedule.

I really can't stand people who can't take the one minute it takes to return phone calls and/or emails. This is a pet peeve of mine, I guess. Imagine that, expecting common courtesy. Yeah, I guess I'm living in a dream world, right?

I have now resolved to get the location where a potential client will be any time I go out to a property for an estimate, if they, themselves, are not going to be there, so I can take the bid sheet to them immediately after I view the site, to get their signature. Trusting people to be courteous and/or considerate is a lost cause these days, apparently.

Live and learn????
Lets see:

So you went and looked at a job and now are pissed off because the lady didn't get back to right away? It kinda sounds like you were badgering her. And when she didn't get back to you right away you left a message that stated you were taking her off the list? Well if that's the way you want to play then good for you I guess. To me you sound a little pushy.

What's the big deal? You send a bid and wait for approval.

Were you really happy to look at the job or were just saying you were happy?

This whole Earl Shibe deal you got going don't sound to kosher. You should really look at every job.

I went through something similar last week, one can't get mad over such things when there is so much more to get mad at. She might have gotten back to you when she was finished dealing with other priorities. You should have given her some space.

In fact today I was hunting down a tire for my lawn mower, called 6 places, one shop expected me to drive out with my old tire to see if it would match what they had and asked when I would be there. I was like " I didn't know this was a committal thing" and they got upset.
Anyway I did locate the tire I needed by phone, I was prepared to give them a bill if I got there and it turned out to be the wrong tire or they didn't actually have it.:redface: I past a different mower shop on my way there and if they had had the tire I would have got it there instead of driving any further.

My point is, well, I guess I don't give a #### either and just want what I need when I want it.

Anyway; How were you being nice? By doing your job? I mean its not like you donated a kidney.
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Lets see:

So you went and looked at a job and now are pissed off because the lady didn't get back to right away? It kinda sounds like you were badgering her. And when she didn't get back to you right away you left a message that stated you were taking her off the list? Well if that's the way you want to play then good for you I guess. To me you sound a little pushy.

What's the big deal? You send a bid and wait for approval.

Were you really happy to look at the job or were just saying you were happy?

This whole Earl Shibe deal you got going don't sound to kosher. You should really look at every job.

I went through something similar last week, one can't get mad over such things when there is so much more to get mad at. She might have gotten back to you when she was finished dealing with other priorities. You should have given her some space.

In fact today I was hunting down a tire for my lawn mower, called 6 places, one shop expected me to drive out with my old tire to see if it would match what they had and asked when I would be there. I was like " I didn't know this was a committal thing" and they got upset.
Anyway I did locate the tire I needed by phone, I was prepared to give them a bill if I got there and it turned out to be the wrong tire or they didn't actually have it.:redface: I past a different mower shop on my way there and if they had had the tire I would have got it there instead of driving any further.

My point is, well, I guess I don't give a #### either and just want what I need when I want it.

Anyway; How were you being nice? By doing your job? I mean its not like you donated a kidney.

I'm not on here, that often, because of work. I seem to remember you as one of the resident :censored:, right? Sorry if I got that wrong. Maybe you're a real good guy, but I can only go on the above. (FWIW: She already indicated that she wanted me to do the job for the advertised price. She asked if I would come out to see the gig so I could assure her that everything needed would get done. I did her a favor, and then she went incommunicado on me.)
I'm not on here, that often, because of work. I seem to remember you as one of the resident :censored:, right? Sorry if I got that wrong. Maybe you're a real good guy, but I can only go on the above. (FWIW: She already indicated that she wanted me to do the job for the advertised price. She asked if I would come out to see the gig so I could assure her that everything needed would get done. I did her a favor, and then she went incommunicado on me.)

Yes yes, resident:censored: but what has that got to do with anything?

Enough about me.
YOU did not say she already told you she wanted you to do the job. You said she was unsure. And henceforthwith my spiel about you badgering the lady.

But that's not to say you shouldn't give the lady her space to think about things. What is cut and dry for us is not so with them.

Maybe she had an emergency or something. You should have given more time before calling her back.You probably put her on the defense with your last call. People scare easy, they are going to be silly. She probably would have gotten back to you shortly... but maybe not.

The only reason I commented on this post is that this sort of thing happens all the time and it even gets worse. I can see you try to be very upstanding in your business and know a lot of the ins and outs. By posting this you kinda came off like a novice, I mean, jeez, there are a lot more and bigger problems we all deal with. You get upset over one little lady not calling you back in 6 hours? Come on man, wait til you do the job and she says she never wanted you to do it.

It sounds like you are offering a good deal but it may not be such a great idea to instill in the minds of the public that you can clear any roof for three and a quarter. I don't like the whole concept of your deal as people's expectations vary. And the whole time rate thing is a little vague. I wouldn't do it, sounds like you are getting ideas from that jackass who says he is a tree service marketing wizard. He is not. He is a getting treeguy's to give him money for chinsey and common marketing ideas which one could find in a 14 dollar book wizard. John something or another? I see he has his advertising at the top of this website now.

How they let that guy in here amazes me. There is nothing he can tell you that you don't already know. 6 deadly sins? I know, you have to find out what they are and when you do you will say " Gee, like I didn't know that already."

I read his book but I didn't pay for it. The public library has tons of books just like his.

How they let that guy in here amazes me. There is nothing he can tell you that you don't already know. 6 deadly sins? I know, you have to find out what they are and when you do you will say " Gee, like I didn't know that already."

I read his book but I didn't pay for it. The public library has tons of books just like his.

OK, sounds like you're an intelligent guy. No hard feelings. If it was just this one woman, I suppose I'd simply let it roll of my back. But, time and again, in not only business, but in everyday life, I see how most folks are totally self-absorbed to the point where they think they are the only ones who matter in this world. Yeah, she wanted to go with my offer and it was a done deal, if I told her it would fly. Then I did tell her that, after going onsite, and she never got back in touch. I was polite, each time, no badgering whatsoever, no irritability shown, on my part. I left her with, "OK, if you still want us to do the work, just give me a call, at your convenience, to reschedule. Thanks."
The gig is on-----

She just called. We're back on, for tomorrow. Yeah, maybe I expect everyone to jump on things, the way I do. I was taught, as a kid, to never put things off. "Do it NOW," paid off, for me.
Why does this sound so much like a highschool boyfriend/girlfriend story;

He asked if I wanted to go out
Told him I had to check my schedule.
I texted him and said it was clear.
He never texted me back.
I hate him.
Who does he think he is?
I hope he never calls.

He called, we're on!
I can't wait!
He's so nice.

She just called. We're back on, for tomorrow. Yeah, maybe I expect everyone to jump on things, the way I do. I was taught, as a kid, to never put things off. "Do it NOW," paid off, for me.

Thats crazy, what happens when you are 3 weeks behind? Sometimes takes me 3, 4 days to get back to someone or set up a time we can meet. If they want to wait a few days to think about it so what, I mail the estimate and when they call back they are put into the schedule

Now emergency work is one thing but pruning? Why not schedule a couple weeks several close jobs together to save fuel......fill out the rest of the day?

Guess I don't drop everything each time the phone rings, I don't expect my customers to either.
Why does this sound so much like a highschool boyfriend/girlfriend story;

He asked if I wanted to go out
Told him I had to check my schedule.
I texted him and said it was clear.
He never texted me back.
I hate him.
Who does he think he is?
I hope he never calls.

He called, we're on!
I can't wait!
He's so nice.


We have a guy here that is one of those one man band guys...always running some kind of special in the local "advertiser" and ending up with a ####load of drama in a lot of cases. He really doesn't have any equipment and lands customers we just flat don't want to fool with. No offense Sunrise.
You guys are funny. The scene here in Austin demands that you get on each and every job you have a chance at, immediately, or it'll go to the next guy. Now for some more fun: The HO never got the signed proposal back to me, yesterday, as she said she would, AND the phone rang, last night, after Midnight---It was the HO. I answered it, but nobody was there. Looking in the phone book, I see the HO has two other numbers than the one she gave me. Calling those got me the ring tone for thirty seconds and then a cut-off. I'm going to the gig, but I can almost bet that the HO won't be there, the signed proposal wont, either. At that point I'll (censored)-can it, and go to the next job I have, today. I wish I could stack gigs like some of you obviously can but, again, Austin doesn't allow for that, for reasons Mack surely knows all about.
You guys are funny. The scene here in Austin demands that you get on each and every job you have a chance at, immediately, or it'll go to the next guy. Now for some more fun: The HO never got the signed proposal back to me, yesterday, as she said she would, AND the phone rang, last night, after Midnight---It was the HO. I answered it, but nobody was there. Looking in the phone book, I see the HO has two other numbers than the one she gave me. Calling those got me the ring tone for thirty seconds and then a cut-off. I'm going to the gig, but I can almost bet that the HO won't be there, the signed proposal wont, either. At that point I'll (censored)-can it, and go to the next job I have, today. I wish I could stack gigs like some of you obviously can but, again, Austin doesn't allow for that, for reasons Mack surely knows all about.

I have a good friend in the tree business in Austin and yes, I know it's pretty tough down there.
You guys are funny. The scene here in Austin demands that you get on each and every job you have a chance at, immediately, or it'll go to the next guy. Now for some more fun: The HO never got the signed proposal back to me, yesterday, as she said she would, AND the phone rang, last night, after Midnight---It was the HO. I answered it, but nobody was there. Looking in the phone book, I see the HO has two other numbers than the one she gave me. Calling those got me the ring tone for thirty seconds and then a cut-off. I'm going to the gig, but I can almost bet that the HO won't be there, the signed proposal wont, either. At that point I'll (censored)-can it, and go to the next job I have, today. I wish I could stack gigs like some of you obviously can but, again, Austin doesn't allow for that, for reasons Mack surely knows all about.

I mean no disrespect but come on man, you're just b s ing us. Somebody calls after midnight about a 325$ pruning job?

Unless its an emergency I can't see returning any calls after 9 pm. Even earlier in the winter time.

I would be more pizzed off that they called after i had the kids in bed than if they would have just cancelled the whole job. All this last minute stuff is just nonsense.

Is that really how things work in "austin" as you say
I mean no disrespect but come on man, you're just b s ing us. Somebody calls after midnight about a 325$ pruning job?

Unless its an emergency I can't see returning any calls after 9 pm. Even earlier in the winter time.

I would be more pizzed off that they called after i had the kids in bed than if they would have just cancelled the whole job. All this last minute stuff is just nonsense.

Is that really how things work in "austin" as you say

It was probably a mis-dial, happens all the time.

And since Sunrise called her back and is sleuthing out the numbers she is probably scared crapless by now. :msp_rolleyes:
You guys are funny. The scene here in Austin demands that you get on each and every job you have a chance at, immediately, or it'll go to the next guy. Now for some more fun: The HO never got the signed proposal back to me, yesterday, as she said she would, AND the phone rang, last night, after Midnight---It was the HO. I answered it, but nobody was there. Looking in the phone book, I see the HO has two other numbers than the one she gave me. Calling those got me the ring tone for thirty seconds and then a cut-off. I'm going to the gig, but I can almost bet that the HO won't be there, the signed proposal wont, either. At that point I'll (censored)-can it, and go to the next job I have, today. I wish I could stack gigs like some of you obviously can but, again, Austin doesn't allow for that, for reasons Mack surely knows all about.

Seriously, look at it from her point of view. She calls you about your special, You go rushing over there to look at it, then call her 3 times in less than 24 hrs, trying to close the deal. She calls back and agrees to it, and then you have a one ring call from her phone at midnight, and then call her back on all her numbers from the phone book or internet or wherever? And this is just a little 300 dollar trim job? If I was her I would be feeling a little stalked at this point.
Seriously, look at it from her point of view. She calls you about your special, You go rushing over there to look at it, then call her 3 times in less than 24 hrs, trying to close the deal. She calls back and agrees to it, and then you have a one ring call from her phone at midnight, and then call her back on all her numbers from the phone book or internet or wherever? And this is just a little 300 dollar trim job? If I was her I would be feeling a little stalked at this point.

First order of business is lose the "summer specials". That puts you in a bad league to start with.