the all aussie dribble thread!

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Addicted to ArboristSite
May 9, 2007
Gold Coast, Australia
Scott's cat is a champion and I know it has been a real great pet/friend and controller of undesirable pests. His context is somewhat different to ours so I don't think he deserves to be slighted for objecting to killing cats.

That said, I don't actually think any and certainly not many in here talking of shooting cats, automatically assume their local context is transferable/applicable to all other countries or parts thereof. Cats are killers, sure, but we just don't know of their order in the chain, the nature of what they are predating upon overseas, etc. That's the point I was trying to make about the possums. Context is everything. My sister found a possum with babies in the roof of their old house in Sydney and weren't allowed to do a thing until they had grown and left. Only then could she close the whole and hope none ever came back and found another way in. I found that weird because here it wouldn't see another sunrise.

I find it weird that you find it weird?

seriously, do people think the exact same flora and forna exist on each content, let along in each country? Whether you are god fearing clan or a beliver in evolution, it simply remains the fact that different places have different speices, and for GOOD reason. Dont think you can **** with it and make it better in a few years after 1000s, nae, millions it took to get some balance.


Mill 'em, nails be damned.
Jan 28, 2009
We are starting to see a movement here that stretches beyond the culling of feral cats to advocating for controls over domestic cats too. I can't say I disagree with that in a NZ context because there is undeniable proof of domestic cats hammering native birds. We've got quite an outspoken champion of domestic cat control but too many owners still in denial of the damage their pet cat can do. That's changing as more and more proof surfaces to put their ignorance to bed.

I say, here in NZ, just neuter every domestic cat, cull ferals, and the problem will sort itself out pretty quickly. It has been proven to do so when such pest controls have been done in control areas. The native wildlife comes back pretty quick. But obviously this has to be done before extinction.


Addicted to ArboristSite
May 9, 2007
Gold Coast, Australia
As much as I dislike the IDEA of cats in Australia, I would NEVER harm someones pet cat, on or off their property. If it was giving me grief on my property, the owners would be spoken to. There are many non-violent "protests" that can be made the will soon get a point across.

If it is a wild animal and pest, make it a quick clean kill IMO


Addicted to ArboristSite
May 9, 2007
Gold Coast, Australia
Well, here's me leaving this particular cat-hating thread for good. If any of you dare to come here and shoot my cat on or off my property, I will legally and rightfully put two in your chest and one in your head with any number of weapons in my arsenal and send your sorry ass carcass home to Oz in a pine box.

wow, If you are serious, I thought you were bigger than that....and at the least somewhat open minded.


Mill 'em, nails be damned.
Jan 28, 2009
I can still recall the shitstorm when a few South Island farmers smuggled in a few vials of calicivirus and put it to work on their farms. Did a great job to begin with, not sure if enough of the rabbits have built an immunity for the numbers to take off again. I suspect they probably have as nature seems to find a way.


Addicted to ArboristSite
Jun 1, 2009
Canberra Australia
Hold your aim more steady mate that will help,,,,, just joking.
Is it as bad as the no 5 jungle carbine.

My number 5 puts the pils throu the paper sideways. The omark is a good shooter when I do my bit found the action screws loose checked everything and went to the range for a shot
**** group but better then it was ditch the crappy chinga bushnell scope and I think it will be back to half inch groups And remember folks neighbours cats make great hats
Spin Drift

Spin Drift

Scott's cat is a champion and I know it has been a real great pet/friend and controller of undesirable pests. His context is somewhat different to ours so I don't think he deserves to be slighted for objecting to killing cats, although I think he may have missed any distinction between feral and domestic and context.

No worries Kiwi, I guess my reaction to someone slighting everyone who wouldn't think twice about dispatching a free roaming native killer, given the context and explanation of why people see felines as a pest in Aus was a bit OTT. Calling someone a 'Cat lady' wasn't calling him a biatch, but more the crazy person with 50 cats type thing. Jokes ?

Then again, chucking a hissy fit and leaving was a bit girly.

We all accept his repeated statement of how he'd dispatch a person with "2 in the chest and 1 in the head" ... with a grain of salt and tongue in cheek.

I am disappointed he left and would rather he stayed, clear the air and continue to add value to this thread. He seems like a decent bloke.
ausneil 1

ausneil 1

Addicted to ArboristSite
Sep 6, 2011
No worries Kiwi, I guess my reaction to someone slighting everyone who wouldn't think twice about dispatching a free roaming native killer, given the context and explanation of why people see felines as a pest in Aus was a bit OTT. Calling someone a 'Cat lady' wasn't calling him a biatch, but more the crazy person with 50 cats type thing. Jokes ?

Then again, chucking a hissy fit and leaving was a bit girly.

We all accept his repeated statement of how he'd dispatch a person with "2 in the chest and 1 in the head" ... with a grain of salt and tongue in cheek.

I am disappointed he left and would rather he stayed, clear the air and continue to add value to this thread. He seems like a decent bloke.

I must of missed something, this seems a little extreme..


Well, here's me leaving this particular cat-hating thread for good. If any of you dare to come here and shoot my cat on or off my property, I will legally and rightfully put two in your chest and one in your head with any number of weapons in my arsenal and send your sorry ass carcass home to Oz in a pine box.

Ok after reading back I see what I missed.
Gee this did stir up quick,,,
''Windthrown'' mate I may of misread the previous posts but I did not think the boys were serious but just chatting in the usual dribble thread way, I don't think anyone meant any harm.
I'm not going to apologise for the other guys posts but think it was miss interpreted badly.
You may well be serious hence your personal threat, I think you could of made your point known without that sort of talk which will start a fight quick and piss good members off.


Mill 'em, nails be damned.
Jan 28, 2009
No worries Kiwi, I guess my reaction to someone slighting everyone who wouldn't think twice about dispatching a free roaming native killer, given the context and explanation of why people see felines as a pest in Aus was a bit OTT. Calling someone a 'Cat lady' wasn't calling him a biatch, but more the crazy person with 50 cats type thing. Jokes ?

Then again, chucking a hissy fit and leaving was a bit girly.

We all accept his repeated statement of how he'd dispatch a person with "2 in the chest and 1 in the head" ... with a grain of salt and tongue in cheek.

I am disappointed he left and would rather he stayed, clear the air and continue to add value to this thread. He seems like a decent bloke.
I put it down to what we call the silly season here. Everyone is running around like headless chooks for xmas and new year preparations, or we are strung out after too many days tied to family we wouldn't normally have anything to do with any other time of the year, etc.

I've read stories about that super moggy of Scott's and if I had to have a cat, one like his would be far preferable to some of the other choices. On a side note, I can't understand the point of those highly strung 'toy' dogs that fit in people handbags. My sister has one and it is a yappy, stressed out hyper-rat that has so many 'disorders' it must have single-handedly paid off half the local vet's yearly lease bill.

I hope when the silly season is over or he has a chance to read things again and realise in our context many cats, even some domestic ones, are undesirable and they or the context here are/is somewhat different to his, and that nobody here would be stoopid enough to take out his cat, that' he'll come back and continue to make the great contributions to this dribble pool that I'm sure many of us appreciate.

Also, I pity the poor bastard that ever decides to have a go at Scott's cat in the real world. That cat is family and I dig how protective he is of it. He's probably more protective than I would be if someone had a go at a rogue family member or two in my extended family. Heck, I'd probably join the aggressors and put the boot in too. Wouldn't mind strangling a few at the mo'. A sure sign I need to get back into the bush and away from the bloody madness.


Apr 18, 2014
moral of the story ,pets are family unlike other members of online forums, native animal lovers are native animal lovers ,redneck gonna redneck don't care native or introduced.

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