Took a year, But finally back to sawin.

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Feb 16, 2008
Reaction score
Across the bridge.
Most of you guys know i had back surgery a while back and haven't held a saw in a year. Well that ended yesterday when i cleared out an area to get to a tree.

Today i went after some of the tree. Didn't cut a lot cause i promised my wife and Rope that i would not overdo it. Besides rope threatened to kick my butt if i did.

Could have cut some more but decided to stop for the day and not hurt myself. It felt sooooo good sawing again. I took the 036 cause it was lighter than the 460.

i love that 036, It is an awesome saw for the weight. Cut off some nice rounds and noodled em up before pickin em up to the truck.

Sorry i didn't get no pics of the noodle pile or the rounds, My grandson left the camera on yesterday and the batteries were dead.

Anyway here is what i did, I know it's not much but i couldn't be happier with it.





Congratulations on running them saws again. Thanks for the pics too. I'm always lookin for a new avatar.:monkey:
Nice load of oak. Take it easy don't hurt your back again. I fractured 2 vertebra and bone chip in 1 when I was in the USMC. If you lived close I would help you.:cheers:
Glad to see you back in the game...:cheers: After I cut myself, all I wante to do was get back in my boots a go at it again. I think that is when the real healing begins.

Nice load of oak. Take it easy don't hurt your back again. I fractured 2 vertebra and bone chip in 1 when I was in the USMC. If you lived close I would help you.:cheers:
Thanks, The back is tired but not hurt.(i hope) It will be ok after some rest.
Good to see you back and cutting, can't wait to see what LJ and Art do with your picture.
That's some good looking oak. Smart of you noodling that stuff up into stuff that's easier to handle. I broke my back in a car wreak several years ago and still didn't start learning to work smarter for a long time, and now I can tell it.
Hey Mang!

I couldn't be happier for ya! Take it easy just so that you don't re-injure yourself.

Back pain/issues suck - most of us here probably know that from personal experience. Mine has bothered me since I was about 18 or 19 years old, so for roughly the last 30 years. I have two herniated discs.

In the first part of July I was scheduled for a diagnostic procedure in anticipation of them cauterizing a few nerves in my lower back. In order to do the diagnostic procedure I needed to be in in pretty significant pain ~ so that they could determine IF the cauterization would work and at which locations to perform it.

For the previous 3.5 months I had been exercising very regularly.

When the procedure was scheduled I had 1.5 days to make myself sore. I got REALLY busy in the yard, doing all of the stuff that normally really sets it off. I was only able to increase my constant pain level from about a 3/10 to maybe a 4/10...not even close enough to what was necessary for the diagnostic.

I have been at it for the past month and my constant pain level has gone DOWN from a 3/10 to somewhere in the zero to 1 out of ten range ~ and I have been working the snot out of it!! This is the least amount of pain I can EVER remember having ~ all because of a little exercise, increasing my core strength.

I haven't lost any weight ~ that has nothing to do with it (I'm 5'-9" and about 185 lbs.).

I hope that you are as lucky as I have been!!!


Hey Mang!

I couldn't be happier for ya! Take it easy just so that you don't re-injure yourself.

Back pain/issues suck - most of us here probably know that from personal experience. Mine has bothered me since I was about 18 or 19 years old, so for roughly the last 30 years. I have two herniated discs.

In the first part of July I was scheduled for a diagnostic procedure in anticipation of them cauterizing a few nerves in my lower back. In order to do the diagnostic procedure I needed to be in in pretty significant pain ~ so that they could determine IF the cauterization would work and at which locations to perform it.

For the previous 3.5 months I had been exercising very regularly.

When the procedure was scheduled I had 1.5 days to make myself sore. I got REALLY busy in the yard, doing all of the stuff that normally really sets it off. I was only able to increase my constant pain level from about a 3/10 to maybe a 4/10...not even close enough to what was necessary for the diagnostic.

I have been at it for the past month and my constant pain level has gone DOWN from a 3/10 to somewhere in the zero to 1 out of ten range ~ and I have been working the snot out of it!! This is the least amount of pain I can EVER remember having ~ all because of a little exercise, increasing my core strength.

I haven't lost any weight ~ that has nothing to do with it (I'm 5'-9" and about 185 lbs.).

I hope that you are as lucky as I have been!!!


Sounds like you had it rough. Good to hear you coming alone so well. Back pain is no fun. Mine still burns down the back of my leg some, but it's gettin better. Figured it would be a year before it all went away if it does. I'm just happy to be walking again.
Nice to see you running a saw again S.S. . Wouldn't the pink saw been a better pick for your first saw choice, nice and light weight, pink extension cord to match.:hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange:

Just a thought
