upset with Stihl dealers

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Life is a matter of choice. Thats why we raise are kids until they turn into adults so they can learn to make good decisions on there own.
Fish said:
If everyone here was honest, they would admit to the same thing. But they are not.
I can't agree with that Fish. I'll agree that we're all hypocrites in some ways, but that doesn't mean we're all liars and cheaters and thieves.

Of course we have inclination to do things that we know we shouldn't. Such things should not be the judgment of a man--his actual actions are much more important. If we're to logically complete the implications of your post, integrity, honesty, morality, and good do not exist. I'm sure every liar and thief thinks this is so, but that doesn't make it true. Again I say that a man's integrity should not be so easily bought.

Tell me this Fish. If every man is as you say, then why are you upset that your boss cheats and lies the way he does? After all, why should you be angry with a man for following what you claim every man does? You have a contradiction my friend.
spacemule said:
As far as my being juvenile; well, that's obviously a call I can't make.


I didn`t say that you are juvenile, in a derogatory sense. I was alluding to the naivety or inexperience of being young, not having experienced much in the grand scheme of life. I`m sure that you think I am mistaken, that surely your are wordly and experienced in life, but in all likelyhood you have no idea how much you don`t yet know about life, and yourself. I am not trying to be insulting, this is just how life works.

spacemule said:
Of course we have inclination to do things that we know we shouldn't. Such things should not be the judgment of a man--his actual actions are much more important.

If a person has a spiritual inclination, as Fish has indicated, the thoughts that we foster and allow to linger are as significant as our actions. It`s true that everyone has thoughts that could be considered self centered or wrong for various other reasons, but Christians put a greater significance on how the thought is processed. You cannot have pure actions without a pure heart.

Anyway, I`ve seen several people, myself included at times, who have developed a somewhat fatalistic attitude when we consider how would like to be versus how we really are and when I read the words that Fish is writing here, I recognize the internal struggle that he is dealing with. I think that he`s right, too many people don`t admit their shortcomings or prostitution, even to themselves.

I don`t want to digress any further into a discussion of theology on the chainsaw forum although I`d gladly discuss it with anyone elsewhere.

You're right, this isn't the theology board. But, I have one thing to say anyway. May I ask how we can know what a person thinks about? And may I ask why we should even concern ourselves with such things? Judging other's thoughts, afterall, was the precursor to the Salem Village witch trials.
spacemule said:
You're right, this isn't the theology board. But, I have one thing to say anyway. May I ask how we can know what a person thinks about? And may I ask why we should even concern ourselves with such things? Judging other's thoughts, afterall, was the precursor to the Salem Village witch trials.

This isn`t about what others are thinking is it? How would we know, why should we care unless those thoughts are potentialy harmful to us? We are not supposed to judge anyone`s thoughts as far as I`m concerned, judgement is left to God and God alone, yet many people do in the name of religion, judge others. Something you have to accept about Christians Rex is that they are all human and subject to human weakness and shortcomings, in other words, it`s an imperfect world.

Interesting bit of digressing here...

I know of a very nice christian man, a deacon of his church, in fact, also works
for a public/government agency, who bends the rules a tad as well. When he fills
his car up with fuel, he fills up his wife's car as well with the same pump, charging it to
his agency's credit card. I see cops do it as well.
As a small engine mechanic, I am lied to constantly, people trying to rip me off, many religous people do it too.
Bring a saw in for a sharpening, and give me that, "put a plug in it too" line.
After sharpening, you put a plug in, then discover that the fuel in it has been in it
for years. When the customer comes back for their saw and "discovers" that their saw will not start, they say "It was running when I brought it in here!", and "I
used it this morning!" line of bull.
People that say "I never steal" probably never do, they just call it something else.
Same goes for lying.
As far as the morality of taking a tip, or bribe, or whatever, whoever decides to call
it goes, I lose no sleep over it. I take real good care of the local cops as well, give
them good quick service, cheap too, and that pays off in dividends that may be reaped
As far as slipping the guy working on your saw an extra $5 bill, bottle of wine, etc.,
and not letting the owner know about it, will pay off in dividends as well. Right or
wrong, it is the truth. Morality is a tricky subject, becase it is very "subject"ive,
and one must be honest with themselves before casting that first stone.
After all, slipping the mechanic a "tip" is what started this healthy bit of digression,
it is good to air out these things.
I can tell I have disappointed some of you, but I am not running for pope any
time soon. Now that would be a fun job!
Fish said:
Interesting bit of digressing here...

I know of a very nice christian man, a deacon of his church, in fact, also works
for a public/government agency, who bends the rules a tad as well. When he fills
his car up with fuel, he fills up his wife's car as well with the same pump, charging it to
his agency's credit card.
A thief is not a nice christian man. In fact, I often question if there is a thing as a nice christian man. I've not met many cops or clergy who weren't bold-faced crooks. And no, I've never llied like the examples you give. That's not in me. If I saw a cop stealing fuel from MY tax money, I'd have a difficult time not beating the ???? out of him. Same with the "good christian man." Perhaps that is my badness, but I loath thieves.
This thread sure has come a long way from the fella' who is upset with Stihl dealers.

I don't know anybody here but this business of unlawful fuel purchasing catches my eye at the moment.

I know a guy who is not a nice Christian man, he's not a deacon of any church, and in fact, as of last Wednesday he doesn't work for anybody. We fired him for this very thing.

This guy was silly enough to use a card numerically linked to a truck that uses diesel to put unleaded gasoline in his pickup. He had to use a PIN, so the statements from the card company tell you by name exactly who did what. Fifteen transactions for $588 over six weeks.

I wanted the guy gone so bad that I once considered trying to pay a cop to bust him for drunk driving. Last Wednesday was alot like Christmas come early for me.

I don't get to judge anyone here. I do think, though, that it would be a bit much for someone to suggest that everyone steals but some people just call it something different. Plenty of us simply don't do such things.
I will let this thread drop, as a couple here are truly innocent of the stain of
theft and deception that plague the rest of humankind. I bow out and salute you both,
as I know for sure I am guilty as hell, and so are a few others.
i sure am sorry i got into this thread late.
by service, do you mean blow out the filter, change a plug or maybe touch up a chain? something like that could go back out toot sweet. major repairs on the other hand may take some time. be it minor repairs, service or selling new or used saws i would do as much as i could to keep the resuce efferts moving.
to me it sounds like dealers could name their price on just about anything. would i rather sell a new chain or sharpen an abused one being in this situation? that's an easy one. i'll sharpen the chain when time allows. the new chain will help the customer move along. good chance he'll be back too. marty
adding to chainsawworld... We have a bunch of old chains pre-sharpened. If pushed for time, and with the customer agreement, we just do an chain exchange - same type and about the same condition. Most customers are happy with this and don't really care if it's their orginal chain or not.
spacemule the troll

Spacemule, you did not ask a question, you made a statement that threw my family in a bad light. After reading on through the thread, I see that you make many statements to others, that have very little to do with chainsaws. From my observations, it appears you have very little to do but sit in front of a monitor and try to stir up others, which makes you nothing more than a troll. I doubt if you even own a chainsaw.
People in these forums, have an interest to learn, not talk smack all day. Why don't you get a life?

I hear what you are saying, and although I sure have a different idea about this situation, I appeciate you taking the time to make an honest reply.

Most things here are getting back to normal. In the northern part of our county (Orange), they are still without electricity, and say it will be December before it is restored. Same goes for PARTS of Jasper and Newton counties. The roads are lined with cut up trees and limbs, waiting for the FEMA people to come by and pick them up. With all the ready fuel (wood), coupled with the drought here, there is a county wide burn ban, as there are in the adjacent counties. After the storm, all you could hear was the drone of generators, and now, that has been replaced by the whine of chainsaws. Almost everyone here needs a saw, and that is not different for previous owners versus the new owners. I, and others, feel like being a long time owner, they need a working saw as much as someone who wants to buy a new saw. And as such, the dealers should be spending equal time serviceing the saws they have sold in the past, as they are spending selling the new saws. I feel the same way. As I did not want to be swinging my 19# Stihl on all of my downed trees, I wanted a smaller saw for limbing. After the way the dealers are treating previous customers, I elected to buy a new Husky off the internet, at a cheaper price. Being a mechanic by trade, I am not dependent on a dealer for service, but it was just a lot more conveinent to pay someone else to work on them, rather than do it myself, as most of my time is spent working on agricultural equipment.

Thanks for taking the time to reply.
X Man said:
Spacemule, you did not ask a question, you made a statement that threw my family in a bad light. After reading on through the thread, I see that you make many statements to others, that have very little to do with chainsaws. From my observations, it appears you have very little to do but sit in front of a monitor and try to stir up others, which makes you nothing more than a troll. I doubt if you even own a chainsaw.
People in these forums, have an interest to learn, not talk smack all day. Why don't you get a life?
My posts speak for themselves, and I do not feel a need to defend myself to peons. I'm not going to allow you to make my chainsaw experience a topic of discussion--suffice it to say I've run saws for most of my life. If you have something legitimate to add to the converstion, want to instruct others or learn, then by all means, we're waiting. :rolleyes:

From the way you get defensive at the drop of a hat, I question if my original suspicions were not well-founded.
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X Man, I'm in Houston. We in Houston got d*mned lucky with Rita, & I'm sorry that your area took the hit. I have recently gotten off my azz, & started geting some of my saws running. It will be another week or so before I get my arsenal of saws ready, but I'm certainly willing help those in need. Yes, my offer to help is late, and I won't offer any kind of lame excuse. I'm not a tree guy, or a logger, but I try to live in the real world.

Chris J.
There are a ton of people making money here, cleaning up yards and taking trees off houses. Most of the houses have the trees off them now, but people are still paying for yard clean up. I don't know how they are advertising, but I know FEMA is contracting with many.

spacemule, go troll somewhere else and quit trying to hijack my thread.
X Man said:
spacemule, go troll somewhere else and quit trying to hijack my thread.
I was responding in a civilized manner to unfounded accusations against my character. If you have a problem with me addressing your accusations, then by all means, report my posts. But don't, my good man, tell me what to do.
X Man said:
Spacemule, you did not ask a question, you made a statement that threw my family in a bad light. After reading on through the thread, I see that you make many statements to others, that have very little to do with chainsaws. From my observations, it appears you have very little to do but sit in front of a monitor and try to stir up others, which makes you nothing more than a troll. I doubt if you even own a chainsaw.
People in these forums, have an interest to learn, not talk smack all day. Why don't you get a life?
I couldn't have said it better, however in defence of Rex he does have issues and prefers to portray himself as a victim,so any response on anyone's part will only further his agenda.
Thanks Gypo, I understand what you are saying, and to respond in any manner, is only to give them something else to respond to. The best medicine is to recognize the troll and ignore them.
Knot Whole, to respond further about Houston being lucky, you are right. Hurricane Rita was a peculiar storm. 117 tornadoes were reported in this storm. Many of them never touched the ground. Those that didn't, broke off pine trees 30 foot of the ground. This is the first time in my life that I have seen pine trees totally uprooted. Normally you see the oaks go, and the pine right beside it, is untouched. That did not happen here. There may been all kinds of damage at one place, and 400 yards away, nothing. When I left my house to evacuate, I noticed a plastic lid off a rubber maid storage tote, laying on my back porch. I remember thinking, "this will be the last I see of that", and left. Imagine my surprise when I got home, after sawing through a 30 inch oak across my drive, looking at the shingles off my house, one barn totally destroyed, half the roof off my horse barn and a damaged roof on my see the rubbermaid lid had not moved on my back porch!!!!!!!! Orange had estimates from officials that 60-80% of the trees here were damaged or destroyed, while right across the river in Louisiana, they had less tree damage, but whole roofs were off houses!!. On the whole, west of Orange was hit much less, yet in places, they had extensive damage. The only thing left at Holly Beach is the water tower, and all that is standing at Cameron is the court house and one wall of the school house. Yeah, Houston was lucky.

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