well i had nothing better too do

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get a call at work saying my dog was crook and dieing,by the time i got home he was gone,pretty sure he was baited,there was alot of that going on, was it payback,who knows,RIP Bundy .
dirty ####er's, catch up to them natives they can go Forever walkabout straight down a 100m mine shaft with a goon bag wrapped around there gollywog
sorry Darren for jacking your thread mate,but if its one thing i hate is those freeloading :taped::taped::taped:SOBs:taped::taped::angry::angry:
I used to work in the dairy industry at a place called Meningie (off the Coorong in SA). The local Holden dealer had a fenced off car yard with two pet Rottweilers. You could pat them through the 8' fence and they'd be wagging their tails etc but if any darkies walked past they'd just lose the plot and try to tear the fence down to get at them.

I've got a similar story to you Splitpost. A mate of mine used to work up north and lived in a unit at Roxby Downs. He woke up in the middle of the night with his German Sheperd going ape sh*t at the back door and when he comes out there's a native in his kitchen. This bloke bolted out the back door straight into the dog. He made it to the back fence and as he jumped it the dog latched onto his arse. He made it over and got away leaving the dog as happy as larry as he had a gobful of denim jeans and gin arse. Mate called the cops who called the local hospital and a few days later this abbo comes in with a badly infected arse cheek! Bingo, nabbed him.
I also used to work with a South African guy who has the dog called a Boerboel ( Boerboel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ). It cost him nearly $10k in quarantine fees etc to get him into Australia. He is an absolute monster and is a gentle giant (named "Higgins") but when he sees a darkie he goes nuts (apparently he seems to hate native Australians the same as black South Africans!). Higgins is smack bang on 80kg. They were actually a breed used in South Africa as guard dogs to keep the blacks out of the white's yards and homes and a lot of people had them this guy reckons. If you had a dog like these the blacks would just move on to another victim and leave you alone.
Lmao ...Darkie is what my grandmother calls'em ...everytime i take her into town if she sees a boon... its "look theres a Darkie" as she points at them.

Shes 93
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Lmao ...Darkie is what my grandmother calls'em ...everytime i take her into town if she sees a boon... its "look theres a Darkie" as she points at them.

Shes 93

Hah hah. My nan used to call them darkies as well :) We used to have a couple of old asbestos houses not far from where we lived that were Aboriginal Trust homes. Their dogs used to get into Nan's chooks and she'd always say "Them damn darkie dogs have got into my chooks again". Anyway my mum has a good story from when my brother was about 4 years old and they went shopping in the local supermarket. There were a couple of natives down this isle and my brother has just yelled out to mum "I'm not going down there. Them damn darkies are down there". My mum reckons she just went bright red, apologised profusely, and never set foot in that supermarket again.
Now I wouldn't call myself a blanket racist, and I don't hate them because my dad hated them or anything like that, but as you get older and have more and more to do with them you quite simply learn to hate them, as 99% of them actually hate you. It is a natural thing to hate somebody that hates you - it's as simple as that. That's not racism, that's just fact and in my younger days playing footy and cricket against the local mission teams I came to realise that they are nearly all oxygen thieves and there is nothing that society, the government, welfare groups etc etc can do about it. You cannot convert the most primitive race on earth that have barely evolved in 40-50,000 years into a race that suits modern society. Quite simply if after 50,000 odd years they are still in the stone age then like the Dodo they are destined for extinction.
It is a fact that 95% of people that love aboriginals have never had to work with, live with, or deal with them for more than a few hours at a time.
I had a mate of mine who absolutely loved ridgenees all though school and we used to have some ripper arguments. He did a few TAFE courses based around aboriginal history etc as he one day hoped to be an aboriginal social worker - he then moved to the big smoke (Adelaide) and became a bouncer. Within 2 months he hated them with a passion as well after being bitten, spat on, abused etc etc. He even went down a back alley to kick an old female gin out who was taking a crap at 2am by this nightclub's back door and she picked up a handfull of sh*t and threw at him. That was the clincher and he has had absolutely nothing good to say about them since despite spending years and years studying their culture and history (which is nothing more than exaggerated BS anyway).
I'm sure a fair few international tourists who've sympathised with the old "opressed and downtrodden poor native" argument have had their eyes opened after visiting Alice Springs to gain a bit of cultural enlightenment. The schoolkid type cave art that they all carry on about would be simply known as graffiti if somebody did it nowadays. Chewing up a red rock and spitting it against your hand while pressing it against a cliff face really doesn't scream "ART" to me, in fact it doesn't even remotely suggest any intelligence at all...
The area I live in has quite a few and I grew up with them and went to school with them. My views are also the same as 95% of the local white population that has grown up here. If there was something to like about them as a whole I'd certainly have found it by now. I haven't.

Anyway, sorry Darren, I'll get off my high horse and let you get back to cutting stuff up :cheers:
Hah hah. My nan used to call them darkies as well :) We used to have a couple of old asbestos houses not far from where we lived that were Aboriginal Trust homes. Their dogs used to get into Nan's chooks and she'd always say "Them damn darkie dogs have got into my chooks again". Anyway my mum has a good story from when my brother was about 4 years old and they went shopping in the local supermarket. There were a couple of natives down this isle and my brother has just yelled out to mum "I'm not going down there. Them damn darkies are down there". My mum reckons she just went bright red, apologised profusely, and never set foot in that supermarket again.
Now I wouldn't call myself a blanket racist, and I don't hate them because my dad hated them or anything like that, but as you get older and have more and more to do with them you quite simply learn to hate them, as 99% of them actually hate you. It is a natural thing to hate somebody that hates you - it's as simple as that. That's not racism, that's just fact and in my younger days playing footy and cricket against the local mission teams I came to realise that they are nearly all oxygen thieves and there is nothing that society, the government, welfare groups etc etc can do about it. You cannot convert the most primitive race on earth that have barely evolved in 40-50,000 years into a race that suits modern society. Quite simply if after 50,000 odd years they are still in the stone age then like the Dodo they are destined for extinction.
It is a fact that 95% of people that love aboriginals have never had to work with, live with, or deal with them for more than a few hours at a time.
I had a mate of mine who absolutely loved ridgenees all though school and we used to have some ripper arguments. He did a few TAFE courses based around aboriginal history etc as he one day hoped to be an aboriginal social worker - he then moved to the big smoke (Adelaide) and became a bouncer. Within 2 months he hated them with a passion as well after being bitten, spat on, abused etc etc. He even went down a back alley to kick an old female gin out who was taking a crap at 2am by this nightclub's back door and she picked up a handfull of sh*t and threw at him. That was the clincher and he has had absolutely nothing good to say about them since despite spending years and years studying their culture and history (which is nothing more than exaggerated BS anyway).
I'm sure a fair few international tourists who've sympathised with the old "opressed and downtrodden poor native" argument have had their eyes opened after visiting Alice Springs to gain a bit of cultural enlightenment. The schoolkid type cave art that they all carry on about would be simply known as graffiti if somebody did it nowadays. Chewing up a red rock and spitting it against your hand while pressing it against a cliff face really doesn't scream "ART" to me, in fact it doesn't even remotely suggest any intelligence at all...
The area I live in has quite a few and I grew up with them and went to school with them. My views are also the same as 95% of the local white population that has grown up here. If there was something to like about them as a whole I'd certainly have found it by now. I haven't.

Anyway, sorry Darren, I'll get off my high horse and let you get back to cutting stuff up :cheers:

hey you wanna BS here go right ahead just call it the dribbler MK11 :dribble:
I know what your saying Matt, think most of us have been in the same boat more than we let on. ..I've only known a few Half decent hard working riginals, and even they hated there own kind for what there City/suburban brothers betray themselves as in general, they wasn't Half cast's tho, they were working the Big sheep stations/sheering out Mudgee way. Mostly the majority are worthless alcho's who live day to day, bottle to bottle ....suck of the welfare to support there pathetic lazy lifestyle. Known a lot off white people like that too but.
I know what your saying Matt, think most of us have been in the same boat more than we let on. ..I've only known a few Half decent hard working riginals, and even they hated there own kind for what there City/suburban brothers betray themselves as in general, they wasn't Half cast's tho, they were working the Big sheep stations/sheering out Mudgee way. Mostly the majority are worthless alcho's who live day to day, bottle to bottle ....suck of the welfare to support there pathetic lazy lifestyle. Known a lot off white people like that too but.

I agree mate and to say I hate 100% of them is not true. We have a few of them that come into my work to buy chemical etc for the Aboriginal Land's Trust. Really nice guys but in saying that I sometimes wonder what they'd be doing if jobs weren't actually made for them. Out of the dozen or so I went to school with only one of them hasn't gone off the rails and ended up dead or in jail.
No doubt there are feral white folk too, we have our fair share here as well. The Riverland area where I've grown up for the last 38 years has certainly gone downhill in the last 15 years as a whole heap of losers bred more losers and now second generation losers are breeding a third generation of scumbags...
I agree mate and to say I hate 100% of them is not true. We have a few of them that come into my work to buy chemical etc for the Aboriginal Land's Trust. Really nice guys but in saying that I sometimes wonder what they'd be doing if jobs weren't actually made for them. Out of the dozen or so I went to school with only one of them hasn't gone off the rails and ended up dead or in jail.
No doubt there are feral white folk too, we have our fair share here as well. The Riverland area where I've grown up for the last 38 years has certainly gone downhill in the last 15 years as a whole heap of losers bred more losers and now second generation losers are breeding a third generation of scumbags...

yeah only gonna get worse with the crap there getting into these days, like the meth/ice and lithium battery crap thats flooding the city's, slowly pooring into the country areas ...then our police force get there hands tied by human rights, can't even protect themselves without going under the spotlight the old copper , give them tasers take the tasers away, let them carry a firearm but please don't use it on the poor lunatic criminal.... its a funny bloody country, they protect the insane and crims ....but the innocent working aussie cant do **** without jumping hoops.
the one thing that ####s me is that they are protected around here unless it is an indictable offence
the cops don't want to know about it .

i was in safeway one day and watched as to ###lets walked in and took two bottles of coke
out of the fridge that they have at the checkout, when it was my turn i asked how often that happend
and she said now it happends all the time since the manager nabed one of the little pricks and called the cops
and had him charged against the advice of the cops.
well the has a real nice 4x4 and just put a $2500 set of 5 wheels and tyers (ya know where this i going) hey
well he came out after work one night and all of them slashed along the wall so cannot be fixed and all the
cops said was we told you not to charge that kid , so now they take what they like
yeah only gonna get worse with the crap there getting into these days, like the meth/ice and lithium battery crap thats flooding the city's, slowly pooring into the country areas ...then our police force get there hands tied by human rights, can't even protect themselves without going under the spotlight the old copper , give them tasers take the tasers away, let them carry a firearm but please don't use it on the poor lunatic criminal.... its a funny bloody country, they protect the insane and crims ....but the innocent working aussie cant do **** without jumping hoops.

hey i just want the right to protect me self me family and me stuff without ending up in more trouble than
a scumbag of the street you come in MY HOUSE uninvited and you deserve a bloody bullet
hey i just want the right to protect me self me family and me stuff without ending up in more trouble than
a scumbag of the street you come in MY HOUSE uninvited and you deserve a bloody bullet
mate No rules or legislation will stop me doing that, just gotta hide the body deep
the one thing that ####s me is that they are protected around here unless it is an indictable offence
the cops don't want to know about it .

i was in safeway one day and watched as to ###lets walked in and took two bottles of coke
out of the fridge that they have at the checkout, when it was my turn i asked how often that happend
and she said now it happends all the time since the manager nabed one of the little pricks and called the cops
and had him charged against the advice of the cops.
well the has a real nice 4x4 and just put a $2500 set of 5 wheels and tyers (ya know where this i going) hey
well he came out after work one night and all of them slashed along the wall so cannot be fixed and all the
cops said was we told you not to charge that kid , so now they take what they like

I know what you mean mate. I know a few of the local police (I have one as a neighbour) and they are absolutely hamstrung. I love that US show called Cops and wish to hell our Aussie cops had the same freedom to chase down and smack the crap out of those who deserve it. They don't bloody give up either. At least the yank cops look fit and tough to boot and I highly doubt that too many Aussie cops would have the fitness or intestinal fortitude to chase down and catch a black crook carrying a full belt of gear like the yank cops seem to. In Australia the little pric*s all know that if they steal a car all they have to do is basically crack the speed limit and pursuing police have to call the chase off. In the US they'll be chased down by 50 cop cars, a chopper, punched into the armco using a PIT manouver, and forcefully dragged out of a smashed window, copping an elbow on the way out and a knee in the back of the head for their trouble.
I mean with the set of rules that Aussie cops have to abide to I could outrun a Gen 4 V8 SS Police Highway Patrol Commodore with my diesel Ford Ranger work ute whilst towing two tonne on the trailer...
I could outrun a Gen 4 V8 SS Police Highway Patrol Commodore with my diesel Ford Ranger work ute whilst towing two tonne on the trailer...
that would be a pissa ..KInda like when you see a cop car tailing slowly behind a 80 year old pensioner on his Mobility scooter

Edit: Bloody crappy holden
that would be a pissa ..KInda like when you see a cop car tailing slowly behind a 80 year old pensioner on his Mobility scooter

Edit: Bloody crappy holden

Haha. I wasn't meaning the Commodores are slow, I meant the cops are hamstrung :)
Although I'm not the world's biggest Ford or Holden fan I do love those FPV F6 Typhoons. I'd still take a Nissan R34 GTR though...
Don't get upset about your taxes going towards greening Australia.

Without the natives, not much VB would be sold......

MCW - my wife was born in Meningie and grew up in Tinti ;) family got out in about 1994 or 5 though.

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