whadja do today?

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I know lol! Just seeing what response I would get from others;) Tree guy with air ride suspension! She likes the norway maple chips that were in the chip truck from yesterday!!! Have to get her to not do that!

Hey! I got air bags in the front end of my f150.
Yeah, shooting a line can quickly turn out to be a circus and I start most pines from the bottom myself. Working with 2Tree is nice cause he has a Wraptor. We did some pine with a shotbag and the Wraptor the other week. Kept getting throwlines stuck and getting annoyed because nothing was on the ground but once I got up there we just rigged up and cut them in half.
You are allright too bubba but the rabbit is of age and we both wanted it.

Yeah, but isn't that one of those fat guy, slow motion wraptors?? I guess it probably still seems fun... I mean I guess old people still enjoy ####ing, right? :laugh:
You'd think since holden was gifted a business , he would be a bit nicer ! And at treemandan ! Just give it up all ready your complaining has gotten tiresome , your like a broken record ! LOL JK but really shut up already .
Decided we needed to put something under the chip top so it didn't freeze to the ground and become a pita to put on and off in the winter. So we trew a few boards under it. And a stumper. Gonna board and batton the sides when we get the old man to mill some more pines up. Not a bad shed for $250.

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It was a beautiful day! Guess it's all downhill from here......

Got the guys started on some trimming work and as I was walking back to my truck looked at a tree in the front and thought I had talked to the owner about it when I originally did the estimate, 1 1/2 mths ago.? Hmmm? He called a couple hours later asking if we're going to do that tree too and the little 1 next to it...oops, oh yeah we talked about it but I didn't include it in the estimate, glad he was ok with adding it in, just $300 more , had to give him a deal.

Did my other run around stuff and couple estimates then went riding for a couple hours, ahhhh.
It was a beautiful day...

To liplock on the muzzle of a shotgun but I must go on.

A thirty dollar brake problem turned into such a long drawn out travesty that I might as well run myself over with my own truck. That I know I can do without to much trouble. I can't even begin to explain it, I would but i gotta go back out and fix that hunk of scrap I call a truck.
Footlocked up a fragrance cedar (long live DRT) today to get limbs off over roof, started raining on last limb, temps were nice, wearing short sleave, almost went skin's lol welcome to CA

we stopped at a hardware store today to get some oil. When I come out my two guys have the chipper truck over by the christmas trees and start chipping a tree. I start freaking out and the guy working had a puzzled look on his face and so they run another one through. They shut it down and tell the guy they will take two while they are laughing there ass of. I was pretty pissed, the guy was one of me guys second cousin and the parking lot was a ghost town. I think they were trying to get me back for somthing.
It was a beautiful day.
Had a 4 hour managers meeting and lunch, the 18 holes of golf for free (8 of us) at a course we maintain. Just got home. I did pretty good for never playing golf before.
Anyway, it was a beautiful day!
we stopped at a hardware store today to get some oil. When I come out my two guys have the chipper truck over by the christmas trees and start chipping a tree. I start freaking out and the guy working had a puzzled look on his face and so they run another one through. They shut it down and tell the guy they will take two while they are laughing there ass of. I was pretty pissed, the guy was one of me guys second cousin and the parking lot was a ghost town. I think they were trying to get me back for somthing.

You lost me at " we stopped at a hardware store":confused:
Some tops we murphed. Well that is murphing without cracking the driveway and destroying lots of stuff. lol.
