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For those who remember this tree, I drove by it today and she still stands. I didnt want to rekick the thread. Seemed like a fiasco at times that thread did. That was when I first had "conversation" with Prentice110. LOL I couldnt stand him at first. I sure miss him now.

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Thanks for the update. Figured that tree would have been down by now. If not by arborist, then by nature.
I call Bullshi*t.

I bet you eat the whole box.:hmm3grin2orange:

Have not seen Robin on here for a while. You still working wih him?

What kind of ##### can't/won't eat a whole box of Girl Scout cookies? Hell, just one box?

Anyway, I didn't do very much today. Read, watched TV, played Mario Bros, slept, sewed the buttons back on my kids coat ( yeah, I can do that without feeling any less of a man) and hit the leekwoo sto by 8:30 pm. Saw a chubby girl in there, her arms full of booze, I said," Looks like its party night at yer house. Can I come?" She did what most people do and that is to wish for a brick wall to separate them from me. The Muslim lookin M and Fer behind the register knows to keep his eye averted when I come in. I'm just to brash. So the girl's boyfriend walks up- I noticed him come from out of the stockroom which spurred my curiosity( call me paranoid but I always know who is in the building with me, especially a prolitarian walking out of the storage room of a leekwoo sto) but then I realized he was just taking a leak. I noticed something about this guy ( who allready decided I was crazy- Hey, its not like I am trying to hide anything to pretend I'm dignified) so I gave a couple loud sniffs and said " I smell a treeguy". Turns out he is fresh meat. I cut the conversation short ( it was kinda droll to me anyway, not really going anywhere, Hell we were still sober anyway) and hopped back into my car which was taking up 2 spots.
This couple( the skinny fresh treeman and his chubby chunk) made me think of Jack Sprat and I wondered what kind of beating the dude was taking but that is because I have a sickness. They say they can cure it but I don't beleive em nor do I want to.
What I read today, well, it was a little about trees, aspen to be specific but moreso my latest edition to Psychology Today... or tommorow... or the next day. I can't be sure what day it is anyway and to be honest I don't really care. A good article about how the " American Dream" is undermining us, one about a guy who runs 100 mile races, one about spotting liers and one about how pron is good for kids.
Well, I guess I did have busy day cause after all that I think I'm about to check into the clinic.

Locomotive Breath Jethro Tull - YouTube
I know its a pos, but i didnt want to spend to much and find out the chipper chute wont take the abuse. If it works, I will get a good winch and put it on. I figured its only $50 bucks. Would hate to spend $400 and then find out its gonna ripe off my chipper chute. If I get a good one, it wont be much work to re mount it.

It's a wonder that you did not pull the whole chute off.
Live and Learn..
Another version with great fla-utin.

Jethro Tull: Locomotive Breath - YouTube

Know this and know it well: Tree work has very little to do with trees. If it did, it would be simple but its not.

You should have seen how personal my wife and kid took it when I said " this jacket is a piece of ####". Boy did they get mad and come at me with vengeful repproach. Yes they did. Well, I'm I to apologize because all the button where falling of the Lands End coat? I think not. I will sew them mother####ers back the #### on but expect to hear about it. I mean what would I be if I made a coat that all the buttons came loose after 30 days? You say I'm nuts? Then you sew all them buttons back on.
It's a wonder that you did not pull the whole chute off.
Live and Learn..

Dude, its fine. It'll take it. Sure the winch might start screaming, catch fire, blow out the alternator but the hopper will stand just fine. I mean you have to know when its time to let off the infeed button.

Button? Did I say button? I hate buttons.
And not to sound like a complete and utter loon but I did finally pop that zit on my nuts. I kinda don't want to talk about it with all you civilized people but here is what i did.

I made a cross cut ( X pattern) over it with a utility blade. Trust me, that was not an easy feat. I dropped the blade a few times and chickened out but I picked it back up off the dirty garage floor and made the cuts. Then I grabbed a pair of needle nose pliers and gave it a squeeze. It hurt but I got some pus out. I wasn't satisfied so I got my snake bite kit


then sopped up the mess with some paper towels. Zitectomy complete. I was sober when i did it. I do feel better how about you? Well to be honest I think you have had enough for one day, see you tommorow.
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" As i lay me down to sleep I pray The Lord my winch to keep"

Oh have I burnt up some winches. Electric winches? Well you better know it like you know you own pucker hole. Hydro winches are more forgiving and better. Electric builds heat, lots of it. So does Hydro but there is more cooling capacity and that makes all the difference. Sure, you are hauling brush to the chipper you'd be fine but that it not what I do with mine. Even if I did, long pulls over and and over are not what they are designed for.

With any winch it best to leave room to slam the truck in R and gas it but not always the case. I am very surprised we don't hear more inccidents involving winches. I recently cracked the frame of my F150 yanking out my F350. I knew I was beating it up but but wasn't expecting that.

Before I set up the HF electric winch on my chipper I just strapped it up there. It was to slow, taxed the electrical system more that i thought nesassary and was to much work to rig up proper.

I now have a 1200 dollar Warn, the solenoids need constant repair, they always fry. I figured low lock and a good driver are a better bet. If you are pulling with a pick -up keep in mind the front is heavier than the back. But its good to have a winch around.
Another version with great fla-utin.

Jethro Tull: Locomotive Breath - YouTube

Know this and know it well: Tree work has very little to do with trees. If it did, it would be simple but its not.

You should have seen how personal my wife and kid took it when I said " this jacket is a piece of ####". Boy did they get mad and come at me with vengeful repproach. Yes they did. Well, I'm I to apologize because all the button where falling of the Lands End coat? I think not. I will sew them mother####ers back the #### on but expect to hear about it. I mean what would I be if I made a coat that all the buttons came loose after 30 days? You say I'm nuts? Then you sew all them buttons back on.

Made in China...repaired in the USA.
Not gonna be doing much today. 40mph winds and 30 degrees. Guess its paperwork time. :crazy1:

Not sure where in PA Lancaster is but if you guys get our weather it's about to get a lot worse for ya. Single digits with wind chills below zero, up to a ft 1/2 of snow by sat. I get to spend the next couple days in my truck pushing the white stuff and fighting traffic :cry:
To be honest, I am ready for spring. Heck with plowing snow. I have spent way to many nights sleeping in my truck the last couple years and I would love to have a break. Two years ago, I couldn't even get home for 2 days because of all the snow drifts.