What mix do you prefer?

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Do the newer synthetics (HP Ultra, XP silver bottle) stay suspended(mixed) as well as the conventional dyno oils for long periods of time? I know your only supposed to store it for 30 days but sometimes I go longer between sawing. I always like to have it on hand because of blowdowns. I don't want to have to calculate mix ratios when I'm already in a hurry to clear a road or taking the risk of forgetting and dumping straight gas in my saws.

Back on pseudo-topic here, I use Castrol which has a gas stabilizer in it. That stuff is supposed to keep gas good for over a year. Not that any mixed 2-smoke oil lasts for over 2 weeks agound here. I also have 2 well marked one gallon plastic jugs that are only for 2-stroke mixed gas. If there is anything in them, it is mixed gas (no straight gas), as I put the oil in first... then the gas... then shake and light up :smoking: and :blob2: KABLAM!
Ha ha. I'm paddling backwards--don't want my back turned that way. :hmm3grin2orange:

Space took a trip down the mighty river you see,
I'll tell you about his secret from the Catahochee,

Floating down the river pushing with a paddle,
The sound of banjos foretold of impending battle,

He beached the canoe cause he had to pee,
He has just finished up when what did he see?

Two toothless men with skin white as a sheet,
His brain said run but he couldn't move his feet,

They both grabbed his arms, what could he do?
I'll bet when he passes the bar, he's gonna sue,

Space concocted as story, it was quite a tale,
He say anything to say out of the hillbilly jail,

They undressed him and naked there he stood,
Space said, "Gettin' chilly, let's cut some firewood",

At first they scoffed at his off the cuff reply,
Then said, "Is mighty chilly and we have a gray sky",

They said, "Hey mister, how you gonna cut a tree",
Space said, "I've got myself a great big ole Husky",

Being Stihl men they laughed hard enough to f_rt,
Space took the opportunity to make a hasty depart,

If you find yourself up the wrong creek with no paddle,
Here's advice so a hillbilly doesn't use you for a saddle,

If you're riding down the river and ever hear a banjo,
Or if you hear a chainsaw, I won't stop to go.
For max cuttin jet fuel seems the answer. Makes planes fast should make saws fast.

Nah... jet fuel is mostly kerosene. Heavier than gasoline, far more stable, it would gunk up your carb and foul your plug, and probably not run at all. 'Bout like running diesel in there. No bueno.

What you are probably thinking of is Avgas, or piston engine airplane fuel. That is super high octane gasoline. I think it would be a waste to run that in a buzzsaw though. Better stuff would be nitro and alchohol mix. :blob2: :blob2: :blob2: :blob2: :blob2:
I not seen a line this long since Space Mountain at Disney World.

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87 seems like low octane to me. I use 91. Most saw makers now recommend at least 89.
Thanks for the info , Windthrown
I just used the cheapest, Didn't think it mattered. Next time I fill up I'll buy the good stuff. BTW crazymanmike ,the shaken ,not stirred thing was a satiric funny, not actual practice (James Bond's martini is shaken , not stirred.) I don't think it matters which way as long as you agitate it long enough. And I doubt seriously whether shaken or stirred would have any effect on the amount of smoke generated.
Thanks for the info , Windthrown
I just used the cheapest, Didn't think it mattered. Next time I fill up I'll buy the good stuff. BTW crazymanmike ,the shaken ,not stirred thing was a satiric funny, not actual practice (James Bond's martini is shaken , not stirred.) I don't think it matters which way as long as you agitate it long enough. And I doubt seriously whether shaken or stirred would have any effect on the amount of smoke generated.

If you do stir it... always stir it counterclockwise. Better fuel atomization in the combustion chamber that way.

Thanks for the info , Windthrown
I just used the cheapest, Didn't think it mattered. Next time I fill up I'll buy the good stuff. BTW crazymanmike ,the shaken ,not stirred thing was a satiric funny, not actual practice (James Bond's martini is shaken , not stirred.) I don't think it matters which way as long as you agitate it long enough. And I doubt seriously whether shaken or stirred would have any effect on the amount of smoke generated.

You would be correct, fuel issue has been beatin to death also. Buy good fuel, buy good oil, keep your mix between 40 and 50 to 1, keep your saw properly tuned and keep your chain sharp. You will have no problems, it is that simple.

Works anywhere there's a toilet !

If you do stir it... always stir it counterclockwise. Better fuel atomization in the combustion chamber that way.


That's only if you're in the northern hemisphere. Aussies should stir clockwise.

Only way to know for sure the right direction is to flush the toilet and observe the direction of rotation... then stir the opposite way....LOL

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