Who makes the "crappiest" chainsaws????

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I was going to pick up a cheapy electric to keep on my porch for zipping blocks of wood that are just a hair too big to fit in the stove. It would come in rather handy and my girlfriend would use it. That was my thought when I cared about noise and my neighbors. Since they have no regard for their noise level at any time I think a modified 385 will be used for this small blocking duty this year, and yes I will use it at 3 AM if I have the need. :angry2:

I hear ya about neighbors, but sometimes a simple face to face chat will clear up a variety of issues. Something about honey and vinegar come to mind.
Currently fortifying my borders and preparing for the invasion!

My log skidder looks damn sexy with a .50 caliber mounted on it :laugh: :dizzy:

That oughta do it. How many folks have a log skidder?:hmm3grin2orange:
I've considered an outdoor microphone, an amp, and a few directional speakers. In the time required to get from the noise source through the amp and back to the speakers the returned signal should be just enough out of phase to be REALLY annoying! And all that that needs be done to stop the annoyance is stop the noise source. One caution, place the Mic behind the speakers or you will get a feedback howl that will drive you and the entire neighborhood crazy too. This method would also be great when fido barking at the moon. Hard to ignore your barking dog when every time it does the returning sound causes your walls to quake!
sucks to fight with your neighbor though,I did a stump job awhile back 12 20-30 inch stumps on the property line and they painted a orange line down the center because one guy wanted the stumps ground but would only pay half and the neighbor didnt care if they were ground or not and wouldnt pay half guess the his son cut the trees and the neighbor was supposed to help but didnt then they got to arguing about paying for the gas for and next thing im cutting half a stump,wtf:laugh:
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Still not impressed... sorry dude... to hop up a friggin' civic... is... laughable...

I'll just keep my opinion to myself this time.:censored:


Please do keep your opinion to yourself then........ If a Civic is what the guy has and wants more performance, then why not? Years ago I felt the same as you do. Had a '69 Mustang and spent thousands and thousands to get that extra bit of horsepower. Sure it looked, sounded and ran awesome, but the truth is I could've bought a Nissan 300ZX, Toyota Supra, etc., then double turbocharged the thing and would've had more power and fuel efficiency with a daily driver for less money than I'd spent on the Stang. Who cares if it's foreign??? Later!