Why are you passionate about chainsaws?

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In the 1970's after the US peaked in oil production my Dad got a wood stove like a lot of people. He and I spent a lot of time up in the woods cutting and hauling firewood, mostly in the fall as we weren't so knowledgeable about dry wood. Those are some of my happiest memories.

In 2003 we moved into this place and in 2005 we put in a wood stove. Not too long after that I disconnected the oil tank and wood is our primary heat. The saws are essential tools. I found AS in an attempt to make them more reliable - I learned to repair them, file chains, do other maintenance. Naturally I wanted to make them faster, since I love to tinker. Long ago I lost interest in cars and came to hate working on them (although I still do), but a saw is small and simple and I can work on it at my bench. I've never had to crawl under a saw at night in the dirt.

It's been entertaining learning how these little 2-stroke engines work, and I have made a few of my little saws run pretty well. My interest is changing though - I enjoy fixing and modifying my cheap saws, but I've done that and now have more than I need. They work well, but I'm no longer satisfied with how inefficient they are and would like something that burns cleaner.
They're mechanical, with a lot of variety like brands and sizes, noisy in a good way, got a little smoke with them, and the smell of fresh cut wood. Add the awesome sound of a 2 stroker at 14K and the satisfaction of a sharp chain throwing chips is hard to beat.
Ranks right up there with 2nd amendment and motorcycles, and for me anyway, less expensive and controversial.

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To me chainsaws are tools of the trade , but I do have a great liking for older Huskys and Stihls . If gives me great deal of satisfaction to get a old non runner and restore it back to looking and running as it should .
Chainsaws become part of you. They all have quirks that you learn to deal with. They are a one-on-one piece of equipment that gets a job done better than anything else ever invented. As such, they are stolen more than any other piece of equipment because even the thieves either want them or know that they can sell them.

Chainsaws grow on you, and your collection tends to grow. Even men who no longer can run one hate to part with one--kind of like an old pair of shoes. At the last GTG I went to, most people wanted to see my old saws run, not the new ones that I just obtained, especially the ones that started and ran as usual. All did, as if I had just carried them out of the dealer's store.

One observer said, "Have you got any for sale? I'll buy one today."

I thought about it and replied, "Not right now. Maybe later. I love them all."