Bought a Muffler for my Husky 142 - Bye Bye!

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Where the Wild Things Are
Jul 9, 2011
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(Title was supposed to say Bye Bye Cat)

Well, I couldn't help myself - I bought a non-cat muffler and a splined carb adjust tool for my 142. There was really no darn good reason to because it runs just fine as it is, but I wanted to see how well it could run. I can't help it I like that saw, partly because my wife gave it to me, and partly because it's just so darn handy. A gallon of fuel will run forever in that saw, and for firewood it's usually just the ticket with a 16" bar (except for this year when I've had a bunch of big stuff do deal with).

So anyway we'll see how much the reduction in exhaust restriction wakes it up.
(Title was supposed to say Bye Bye Cat)

Well, I couldn't help myself - I bought a non-cat muffler and a splined carb adjust tool for my 142. There was really no darn good reason to because it runs just fine as it is, but I wanted to see how well it could run. I can't help it I like that saw, partly because my wife gave it to me, and partly because it's just so darn handy. A gallon of fuel will run forever in that saw, and for firewood it's usually just the ticket with a 16" bar (except for this year when I've had a bunch of big stuff do deal with).

So anyway we'll see how much the reduction in exhaust restriction wakes it up.

Oh, it will wake up ok. You will like it much better. I did a dual port on my non cat 141. It liked it alot.

Your right though, there nice handly little saws.

Cool - thanks for the pix, I may just decide to copy that.
Doooohh! I just realized I forgot to order the old style muffler bolts. Now I need to figure out a way to get them too - my wife is going to pitch a fit about all the little charges that will start showing up. Maybe I can get some decent 6mm bolts locally. Nah, probably not.

It's really going to irritate me to have the muffler and not be able to put it on for want of 2 $2 bolts.

Oh, and I noticed the lower 3rd bolt hole is not tapped on the head - should I tap it or ignore it? I figure the cat that's on it only has two bolts, but then they are shorter and clamp at the back of the muffler, not through the whole thing.
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Doooohh! I just realized I forgot to order the old style muffler bolts. Now I need to figure out a way to get them too - my wife is going to pitch a fit about all the little charges that will start showing up. Maybe I can get some decent 6mm bolts locally. Nah, probably not.

It's really going to irritate me to have the muffler and not be able to put it on for want of 2 $2 bolts.

Oh, and I noticed the lower 3rd bolt hole is not tapped on the head - should I tap it or ignore it? I figure the cat that's on it only has two bolts, but then they are shorter and clamp at the back of the muffler, not through the whole thing.

I would go ahead and tap the lower hole you allready have the screw. A little extra support Never hurts. Good job on getting rid of saw death.

Well damn, the muffler came today. It did not include a screen which irritates me - I had not planned to leave that off. Also, the heat shield for the cat does not fit around the muffler. I could modify it in 5min, but then I couldn't put it back. I know I probably won't anyway but I typically keep the parts for stuff I modify.

So now I have to decide if I'm going to get the screen and a shield for the muffler, in addition to the 6mm X 80mm bolts. I'm going to tap the lower hole (it's 5mm), but that is easy and I can get an appropriate bolt anywhere.

I guess I'll look around locally for the bolts and if I can find them I'll just put it together with what I have.

You could make a heat shield with tin snips and aluminum sheet, just use the cat sheild as a rough template. I did that on mine, works well. Baileys sells the bolts. The whole muffler kit is 19.00, with the screen :msp_biggrin: fyi, a little late I know.

I added a extra exhaust outlet with a hole drill bit in the upper front corner (on the brake side), about .375" dia. The internal baffle was fine in stock form. Really like this little saw. Changed the bar and chain to oregon 91 low-profile VX type.

You could make a heat shield with tin snips and aluminum sheet, just use the cat sheild as a rough template. I did that on mine, works well. Baileys sells the bolts. The whole muffler kit is 19.00, with the screen :msp_biggrin: fyi, a little late I know.

I added a extra exhaust outlet with a hole drill bit in the upper front corner (on the brake side), about .375" dia. The internal baffle was fine in stock form. Really like this little saw. Changed the bar and chain to oregon 91 low-profile VX type.
Well, I ordered the bolts and the plate ($0.43) - although I think I will be looking at Baileys next time. I also got the carb adjuster tool today. I pried open the the existing opening in the muffler a bit and I'll try that before I add any extra outlets.

The only thing I won't have is the screen as it was on backorder and I didn't want to hold up the order for it. What do you think about running without it? I'll get one eventually I'm sure.

I really like this little saw too, and I'm hoping for a bit more power, but more importantly a longer life without the extra heat from the cat and the ability to adjust the mixture properly. I'm probably just going to put 90S chain on it - I don't like the 90SG.but I do like the narrow kerf for this saw.

If your local area requires the screen, then you will have to use it. IMO,if not, forget the screen, its just a problem waiting to happen. Plus, that screen = a 40% reduction in outlet area, so leeaving it out give a little better flow.
Thanks Miles - what I was really concerned about was the possibility that the screen might prevent exhaust pulses from pulling oxygen back into the cylinder. But in thinking about it and discussing it with another member on PM, I figure the baffle and the volume of the muffler should keep that from being a problem. It doesn't look like Mark is running a screen from the pictures. Of course I'll be tuning it to match the new flow anyway. My parts should be here in a day or two and I'm looking forward to running it in with the new exhaust.
Well, it's done and I like it.

It was a little too late to tune it up properly, but I fiddled with it enough to hear it. It certainly sounds different, and I'm looking forward to cutting with it. The muffler did not fit very well as it came - the top edge of the inlet cut into the port, so I had to trim it. I went with just prying open the single port for now. I don't know how to post images inline (do I need to upload them to an image site?), so they're here as attachments.

View attachment 194563View attachment 194564View attachment 194565View attachment 194562
Thanks Rookie1!

I ran it today and I'm very happy with it. It definitely has more power, but also it feels snappy on acceleration and I feel better knowing it's tuned properly and won't fail for being lean. It also does not get as hot or stay as hot.

I don't know what more you could ask of a 16" chainsaw. It starts easily and goes right to idle. It has plenty of power to pull a bar that size and it cuts fast thanks to the narrow kerf and a lot less wood to move (I was cutting ash, some of it wider than the bar) and this is still 90SG chain with those huge bumper ties). It will run flat out for an extended time and then drop right back to a happy idle. It used very little fuel. It's very light and easy to haul around. The 142 is a keeper, I expect I'll just bring it along with whatever other saw I'm using as there are almost always some smaller bits to cut up.

I also ran the Craftsman/WildThing for a good while where I needed the 18" bar, and I did a mild muffler mod on that too. I just opened up the existing outlets and peened the back corner of the muffler where the exhaust must pass around it It also ran just as nice.

I like cheap saws.
A final note: I discovered today that there is a ridge in the plastic top cover that was contacting the new (old style) muffler shield I put on. It melted the very bottom edge of the ridge (less than 1/10"). I trimmed the melted edge off and curved the shield towards the muffler. Now there is a gap between the two parts and the metal shield edge does not line up with the plastic ridge anymore, allowing some air to flow around it.

If you consider making this mod I would curve or trim the shield edge first.

I love this saw - as much as I enjoy using the larger saws and I'm kind of bummed that I don't have anything that requires them right now, I've got a lot of smaller stuff for the 142. It even sounds cool now - if I use it in something bigger I can get it to burble ("4 stroke") by reducing the pressure I put on, otherwise it just rips along.
Oh, it will wake up ok. You will like it much better. I did a dual port on my non cat 141. It liked it alot.

Your right though, there nice handly little saws.


Hey MM, on that MM (you like that?, thought of it myself..) did you just make a dremel cut and pein/stretch the metal to make the second outlet port?

A final note: I discovered today that there is a ridge in the plastic top cover that was contacting the new (old style) muffler shield I put on. It melted the very bottom edge of the ridge (less than 1/10"). I trimmed the melted edge off and curved the shield towards the muffler. Now there is a gap between the two parts and the metal shield edge does not line up with the plastic ridge anymore, allowing some air to flow around it.

If you consider making this mod I would curve or trim the shield edge first.

I love this saw - as much as I enjoy using the larger saws and I'm kind of bummed that I don't have anything that requires them right now, I've got a lot of smaller stuff for the 142. It even sounds cool now - if I use it in something bigger I can get it to burble ("4 stroke") by reducing the pressure I put on, otherwise it just rips along.

Now that your saw has more power it wants a more aggressive chain. Are you going to continue with the Micro-Lite bar and chain ?
Now that your saw has more power it wants a more aggressive chain. Are you going to continue with the Micro-Lite bar and chain ?
Yes, I am. I actually like the idea of a narrower chain, at least for these smaller saws. I see no need to make the saw move more wood than it needs to, you're just wasting fuel. If you assume that the kerf is 0.020" narrower, then after you make 12 cuts on a log the amount of wood you've saved is the equivalent of one additional cut. Since it seems to go through just fine, then I don't see the downside. Unless it's more wear on the smaller cutters, but then again I can use a file and the time loss is not a big deal for me.

I need to be conservative with the money, so it may have to wait a while - my next chain purchase will be some 72V for the Mac. After that I'll probably go with 90S or perhaps some Stihl Picco for the 142. The 90SG is actually cutting pretty well, and I have an old loop I'm fixing up with some attention to reducing the bumpers, which will make it pretty close to the 90S anyway.
Ok, I haven't run the 90SG chain but I have a loop of 91VG that is the same type chamfer chisel chain with the bumper tiestraps that I modified instead of buying a new loop of 91VX. If you'll file the bumpers down to the same height as the preset and file the gullet of the cutter down to the same height as the preset it will make a big improvement. Then you can try a little deeper depth of cut. If I remember correctly the 141 made maximum power around 9k rpm.