25 ton Black Diamond splitter

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Nov 29, 2010
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Anybody know anything about this brand?

A little background:
A good buddy of mine lives in Northern WI in the snow belt and is an avid snowmobiler. He has a OWB that has incredible appetite for wood and I help him with processing firewood. In return he lets me keep my sled and 23' in line trailer at his place, (he has 6,000 square feet of storage). He has extremely nice equipment such as a large late model Bobcat tracked skid steer and Bobcat toolcat with about a dozen attachments. One thing he is cheap about is getting a splitter and he needs one.

So I bought a 25 ton Black Diamond splitter for him to use an unlimited amount of time. It's still mine but I have no intent of bringing it back home as I have a high end splitter of my own unless I have a catastrophic failure.

So what is up with Black Diamond? The are owned by Frictionless World LLC and they are affiliated with Dirty Hand tools that have always treated people well. DHT on their web sites lists ALL splitters as sold out?

All I can find is the brand is made for farm type stores in the mid west. Price was cheap @ $809.

Any comments or knowledge?

Anybody know anything about this brand?

A little background:
A good buddy of mine lives in Northern WI in the snow belt and is an avid snowmobiler. He has a OWB that has incredible appetite for wood and I help him with processing firewood. In return he lets me keep my sled and 23' in line trailer at his place, (he has 6,000 square feet of storage). He has extremely nice equipment such as a large late model Bobcat tracked skid steer and Bobcat toolcat with about a dozen attachments. One thing he is cheap about is getting a splitter and he needs one.

So I bought a 25 ton Black Diamond splitter for him to use an unlimited amount of time. It's still mine but I have no intent of bringing it back home as I have a high end splitter of my own unless I have a catastrophic failure.

So what is up with Black Diamond? The are owned by Frictionless World LLC and they are affiliated with Dirty Hand tools that have always treated people well. DHT on their web sites lists ALL splitters as sold out?

All I can find is the brand is made for farm type stores in the mid west. Price was cheap @ $809.

Any comments or knowledge?

Sounds like they had some legal trouble don't it?
If he can afford all that, maybe he can afford an eastonmade ultra.
My hierarchy is about like this:
Splitting maul.
Fishers maul
Box store 8-1200$ splitters.
Higher end splitters, $1800 range, better quality, not much speed gain.
Super split, flywheel type. Around 3k.
Then eastonmade. With shipping, around 4500. Then, add a conveyor. And so forth.
I have a black diamond splitter I bought from rural king about 3 years ago. Other than the detent for the retract position not working I have not had a problem out of it. Can't say much about the motor or anything as mine runs of the wet lines on my tractor.
This should give a clue as to who is manufacturing/ distributing these. A lot of big box knockoffs floating around at the moment. It's easy to get sucked in to the marketing.

Not a whole lot to the marketing, $809 for a full beam splitter that isn't super cheezy sells itself.

I've already got a commercial splitter, this should be fine for my buddies occasional use. This will sit by the OWB to make small kindling and process volunteer trees that come out of the woods. He has a processor come in and process semi loads of logs he buys for the OWB. He can feed the processor with a log grapple with either the toolcat or skid steer. He likes running the toolcat as it is very comfortable.
Anybody know anything about this brand?
Not a whole lot to the marketing,
The thing is, any mention of "brand" needs to be tempered with "wholesale big box marketing". If 25 stores are selling the same thing with 25 different names and colors, then that's something to know about. I looked at a TSC25ton, then went and got one. Good price. Works great. Pretty happy with it so far. Only to find out the exact same thing is popping up all over under different "brands".