Gas prices hit your pocket book?

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No Longer Here
Mar 29, 2001
Reaction score
Littleton, Colorado, United States
Anyone have gas prices hit the pocket book? Are you going to charge more this year because of it? $2.00 a gallon is a little much----For cheap gas. Inflation is rising way too fast. Thats what happens when we rely on other countries resources and dont utilize our own. It makes me sick.
I thought I would pass on this email too you all.

I haven't bought gas anywhere except Wallmart and sometimes in a pinch at
Shamrock. This was passed on to me so I am passing it on, who know it is
worth a try. As much as I drive doing Hospice covering 12 counties I need a
break in the price. We only get 25 cents a mile and that doesn't buy much
gas now days.
> Clark Howard says that the gas prices are going to start going up
> again and will be high this summer - - --$2.00 and up. We need to do
> whatever we can, and do it NOW!!!!
> Gasoline Prices
> The following idea may just make more sense than the
> "don't buy gas on a certain day" routine that was going around last year
> re: Gasoline Prices. Whoever started this has a good point.
> By now, you're probably thinking gasoline priced at about $1.49 is
> cheap. Me too, as it is now $1.55 for regular unleaded! Now that the
> oil companies and the OPEC nations have conditioned us to think that the
> cost of a gallon of gas is CHEAP at less than $1.50, we need to try an
> aggressive response. With the rice of gasoline going up more each day,
> we consumers need to take ACTION!
> The only way we are going to see the price of gas come down is if
> we don't buy it. But, (as the gas companies know full well, and are
> counting on), that's not really a practical option since we all have
> come to rely on our cars. But we CAN have an impact on gas prices if we
> all act together.
> Here's the idea:
> For the rest of this year, don't purchase gasoline from the three
> biggest companies, namely EXXON and MOBIL (which are actually one
> company now), CHEVRON and TEXACO.
> You see, if they are not selling, they should be inclined, (i.e.,
> "forced"), to reduce their prices. And, because of their size, and
> hence market share, if they reduce their prices the other companies will
> too. (They would HAVE no choice!). Isn't that a "juicy" prospect? But
> to have an impact, we need to reach literally millions of users. But
> it's do-able!
> I am sending this note to about 30 people. If each of you send it
> to at least 10 more ... and those 10 send it to at least 10 more and so
> on, by the time the message reaches the sixth generation, we will have
> reached over one million consumers. Acting together we can make a
> difference. If this makes sense to you, please pass this message on, or
> one you compose, to at least 10 more E-mail addresses.
> If you're not outraged, you're not paying attention!
Darin - I'd think $2.00 gas was a bargain.

Currently, gas here is 82.9 cents per litre, and since there are 3.78 litres per US galloon, that's $3.13 per galloon. My wife's F-150 4x4 uses lots unfortunately.

Diesel, my second lifeblood, is 69.9 cents per litre, or "only" 2.64 per gallon. My 3/4 ton 4x4 is cheaper to run that a 1/2 ton. We think we will swap the F-150 for a diesel minivan when the time comes. The only problem is that no-one makes a diesel minivan. Soon, maybe.

Talk here is that gas will hit $1.00 per litre during the summer. So much for the tourist trade.
The oil companies here like to crank the price 5 cents per litre at a time, or almost 20 cents a gallon. They do that over 3 weeks, and all or a sudden, we are paying 25% more for fuel.
I see the short-term answer being diesel. I'm on my second diesel pickup, and the first went 200,000 saving me 5 cents per mile on operating costs. I really notice the difference on long-haul driving, and snowplowing. I can plow for 8 hours on $30 worth of fuel, while my father can plow with a 2000 Chev 6.0 litre gas engine for about $55. Same plows, similar routes.
I think we better get used to these higher prices. They are not going to go down again. All costs are ultimately passed on to the customer anyway, so it just means higher prices for our services. I've heard Europeans pay $3-$4 per gallon too. I guess we should consider ourselves fortunate here in the States.
Oh its already hear, I got a letter from Klein tools yesterday, stating due to fuel & mad cow desese, prices will go up as of 06/01/01. One thing about it being around tree work for yrs. seems thats the only trade that drops on a reg.time frame. At least hear in Cal.everyone thinks its the mid 70s or something.
I guess. wheres the beef. I guess it has to do with their leather products.I can live with that . but dont know why there pliers & such went up due to the cows.
How much of Klein's leather came from Europe ? Sounds like they're taking their cue from the fuel companies - any perceived future shortages for the company should come out of our pockets right now.
Gas in New Mexico is running about $1.80/gal, cheaper if you live close to Indian owned stations since they don't charge state tax...much to the states dismay. I have considered charging a nominal fee for driving out to do estimates to cover fuel, say $25, and if the client gives me the job taking that fee off the bid or work total. Might weed out from the beginning folks that shop every tree service in the area and still never do any work?
I thought about charging for estimates too. But since everyone else gives free estimates, we might end up losing some potential work. I don't think it would be that beneficial. We do charge for consultations. Sometimes its a fine line between a consultation and an estimate. And many "estimates" turn out to be consultations. You know the people who pick your brain and want to discuss every single tree and plant on the property.
I too know what its like to get a call for a removal, and then solve the lilac problem, look at the newly planted and mostly dead red pine, wonder at the black ooz coming out of the birch tree, explain the life cycle of white pine blister rust. I relied on my salesmanship to get work and I also tried to not give out any secrets that might cost me the work - hard to do though.

Yikes - I used to spend 3 hours per night on new quotes - and not see too many over that time either.
John, You are killing me. We need to knock on Saddams door again it looks like. Has that been a steep increase in the last few months?


Some things dont change.

... and yes, we knocked on Saddam's door and even hung the poor Bastid ... no WMD and no cheap gas. :deadhorse:
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What kills me is the fact that it takes less refining to get diesel to market, but here it is anywhere from $2.85 to $3.25 per gallon while unleaded runs $2.55 to $2.68 per gallon. This is nothing more than price gouging!! :deadhorse:
I have gone up in my pricing to cover this and my customers seem to understand. Still providing free estimates and don't think that will change. Hopefully a change in the White House will help?

Ekka's digging deep!!! I started reading Darrin's posts complaining about $2.00/gal gas and thought wth is he getting gas for $2.00/gal, then noticed the date 2001.:hmm3grin2orange: :hmm3grin2orange:

So what was the point of digging this up, just to say we asked for the mess in Iraq? :notrolls2:

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