surburban wood stoves

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ArboristSite Member
Jun 6, 2008
Reaction score
Germantown, MD
does anybody know if they still make them? i got one in my garage tha i got from my uncle in ohio about 15 years ago. i love it burns great heats the garage nicely for the dogs but it has gone through one too many cords and im looking for another. i will fix it up if i have to but i would like to get another if i can. anybody know anything about these?
does anybody know if they still make them? i got one in my garage tha i got from my uncle in ohio about 15 years ago. i love it burns great heats the garage nicely for the dogs but it has gone through one too many cords and im looking for another. i will fix it up if i have to but i would like to get another if i can. anybody know anything about these? you have a pic? DW:cheers:
建筑玻璃贴膜写字楼节能新招:玻璃贴层膜 大楼就降温 【每日经济新闻】8月2日上午10时,室外温度已经高达摄氏33度,而没有开空调的上海市建筑建材行政管理服务中心大厦二楼走廊内室温才摄氏24度。由于大厦安装了玻璃贴膜,使原本就相差5度左右的室内外温差又拉低了4度至5度。 据了解,使用建筑玻璃贴膜后,温度一般会降低5至10度,市场前景巨大。然而建筑玻璃贴膜在推广初期并不是很顺利。张表示:“现在很多人买10几万元的汽车会要玻璃贴膜,但是买上百万元的房子却不知道使用,中国使用建筑玻璃贴膜的比例远远低于汽车玻璃贴膜,而国外恰恰相反。”上海市建筑科学研究院高级工程师徐强表示,建筑玻璃贴膜的市场前景不可估量,假如一幢1万平方米单片玻璃的大楼,室内外温差10度,通过玻璃损失掉的能量就是580千瓦,如果使用节能型玻璃贴膜,损失掉的能源就只有50千瓦,节能的效果是巨大的。经过3年的技术推广,建筑玻璃贴膜产品已经进入市场运作阶段,产品已先后运用到上海电力、上海市邮政局、联想大厦、华东金融大厦等上百个办公楼和住宅小区,面积达10多万平方米,但相比上海市几千万平方米的建筑玻璃面积,这个分量还是很小的。事实上,建筑玻璃贴膜目前在中国仅仅才起步,因为建筑玻璃贴膜技术对工艺和环境的要求极高,国内还没有企业能够生产。据了解,看中中国的节能市场,3M、MINGFILM等国外建筑玻璃贴膜产商已经纷纷涌入中国。(来自 每日经济新闻 )

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