What is the purpose of the AS chainsaw forum?

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The Champ
Mar 6, 2004
Hey, Big Prick. Where's that bent rod already?:greenchainsaw:

Hush you young punk. Perfection requires patience and time. Remember I'm old, real old, older than dirt so I'm slow. Really I'm a big prick just making you wait on purpose, why, cause I'm a big prick,LOLOLOLOL

Educating you is costing me alot of time and money. I left my memory stick at work the other day uploading those other vids, yes I'm not only old but I'm forgetful as well. Instead of running back to work I ran down to CVS near the house here to buy another memory stick, they didn't have any, grrrrr.

Today I hopped in the Impala and took a ride in the mountains. I got out the car on the highest peak and raised my arms to sky and said why me Lord, why have you chosen me to bend thy rod. I listened closely, a breeze came up, then it clouded up and thundered. Lightening appeared in the sky. I was getting scared, about to run to the car when I heard a voice from the sky. A deep voice, speaking with authority. I knew it was him. He said Tom I have chosen you because your old, older than dirt, only you should bend thy rod. He said go forth and get to Best Buy Wednesday after supper and buy another memory stick. I sayth to him, but I can do that today. He replied yes but your a big prick, make them wait. Lightening struck at my feet. I said yes sir and hauled buggy off that mountain top fast as I could.

After supper thy rod will be bent. I hate to bend my own rod but I've been chosen now by the big man in the sky to do so, therefore it must be done,hehe


Tree Freak
Apr 22, 2001
Loretto/Manton Ky.
I do too,hahahaha

You and me are going to have to tighten up, and Darin is going to have to come off with some serious raises for us.

There is a whole lot of dis-information being spewed out on this forum,
and with Andy gone, we need to get cracking.........

Don't try to hold out, we will never make as much as Lakeside.....

Bend this rod and put this one to bed, we have bigger chickens to fry.....


The Champ
Mar 6, 2004
You and me are going to have to tighten up, and Darin is going to have to come off with some serious raises for us.

There is a whole lot of dis-information being spewed out on this forum,
and with Andy gone, we need to get cracking.........

Don't try to hold out, we will never make as much as Lakeside.....

Bend this rod and put this one to bed, we have bigger chickens to fry.....

Ok Fish I will get off the pot and go do the show. I just got in from Best Buy. I got me a new memory stick and man I bout had a heart attack, $99.00. Seems they don't make the standard old stick anymore. Now they have this scan disc card that goes into an adapter that fits in the memory card slot on the camera. I was about to say no way, 99.00 for that thing, no way when I heard that bold, deep low voice, the same one I heard upon the mountain. I listened and heard these words.

Tom the truth is priceless, now buy the stick and go bend thy rod. I stood and refused. Then I felt a nudge, then my own hand was being forced in my back pocket to grab my wallet. I shelled out the dough, bought the stick and left.

On the way home I said why me Lord, why must I spend the money to show the truth. The voice came again saying your reward will be showing the truth and secondly because your a big prick,hahahahaha

This memory stick is a whopping 16GB. Hell I can foget vids now and make 3 hour movies. Fish whatcha doing later, wanna come by and help me bend my rod,:hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange:

OKOKOKOKOKOK, I'm off to the shed. Be back in abits..


Dec 16, 2006
Central Kansas
Ok Fish I will get off the pot and go do the show. I just got in from Best Buy. I got me a new memory stick and man I bout had a heart attack, $99.00. Seems they don't make the standard old stick anymore. Now they have this scan disc card that goes into an adapter that fits in the memory card slot on the camera. I was about to say no way, 99.00 for that thing, no way when I heard that bold, deep low voice, the same one I heard upon the mountain. I listened and heard these words.

Tom the truth is priceless, now buy the stick and go bend thy rod. I stood and refused. Then I felt a nudge, then my own hand was being forced in my back pocket to grab my wallet. I shelled out the dough, bought the stick and left.

On the way home I said why me Lord, why must I spend the money to show the truth. The voice came again saying your reward will be showing the truth and secondly because your a big prick,hahahahaha

This memory stick is a whopping 16GB. Hell I can foget vids now and make 3 hour movies. Fish whatcha doing later, wanna come by and help me bend my rod,:hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange::hmm3grin2orange:

OKOKOKOKOKOK, I'm off to the shed. Be back in abits..

Bout damn time. I been waiting for this for a while. Crow pie.


Addicted to ArboristSite
Nov 16, 2006
QUICK START GUIDE, no need to read entire thread

1 Andreas lay with his wife Eve, and she became pregnant and gave birth to Cain, and they called him Bradley. She said, "With the help of the LORD I will next bring forth a mighty man." 2 Later she gave birth to his brother Abel, and they called him Tommie.
Now Abel kept flocks, and Cain worked the soil. 3 In the course of time Cain brought some of the fruits of the soil as an offering to the LORD. 4 But Abel brought fat portions from some of the firstborn of his flock, doing all things by the book, in a better and proper way. The LORD looked with favor on Abel and his offering, 5 but on Cain and his offering he did not look with favor because he shot from the hip and didn’t follow the proper way. So Cain was very angry, and his face was downcast.
6 Then the LORD said to Cain, "Why are you angry? Why is your face downcast? 7 If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it."
8 Now Cain said to his brother Abel, "Let's go out to the shed. "And while they were in the shed, Cain gazed upon Abel’s remarkable saw collection and attacked his brother’s MS180 and killed it.
9 Then the LORD said to Cain, "What happened to your brother Abel’s MS180?"
"I don't know," he replied. "Am I my brother's mechanic?"
10 The LORD said, "What have you done? Listen! Your brother's MS180 cries out to me from the shed. 11 Now you are under a curse and driven from the shed, which opened its mouth to receive your brother's saw from your hand. 12 When you work the forest, it will no longer yield its timber for you. You will be a restless wanderer on the earth."
13 Cain said to the LORD, "My punishment is more than I can bear. 14 Today you are driving me from the shed, and I will be hidden from your presence; I will be a restless wanderer on the earth, and whoever finds me will kill me."
15 But the LORD went to Abel and said to him, "Show thy brother the proper way to work the MS180”. And Abel said, “As you wish LORD, for I will do it your way, the only proper way” 16 So Abel showeth the proper way and Cain went out from the LORD's presence and lived in the land of Franklin, south of Dayton.
17 Now the friends of Cain doubted the impeccable results that Abel showed to the world via the internet, and they said to Abel, “Can you bend thy rod? 18 Abel searched the internet posts and discovered the fallacy of his brother, Cain. And he bore witness to same, and the doubters and followers of Cain demanded that Abel produce the bent rod from his own hand.
19 Now Abel went to the mountaintop and the LORD layed upon his soul a mighty burden as Abel looked up into the sky and said, “Why me O LORD, why me?” And Abel said to the LORD, “But I have no memory card LORD” And the LORD said, “Go forth and purchase said item”. And Abel said to the LORD, “But the store is out of memory cards LORD” And the LORD said, “Be strong, persist, go forth in further search”. And Abel said to the LORD, “But this memory card is very expensive LORD” And the LORD took out his wallet and slapped Able across the head with it and said, “Go forth and purchase the memory card now or I will smote thee”.

....... to be continued ........


The Champ
Mar 6, 2004
Results are in..

The funeral for the deceased 180 rod will be held on Friday, 12 sharp, don't be late, bring flowers.

As I knew it would, it bent. However Brad says he used about a foot of 1/4 inch soft rope. I didn't have any so I used a piece of 3/8 rope. 5.5inches long. No rope was in the exhaust or intake. However just 5.5 inched puts the piston near the bottom of the cylinder, this explains the huge bend. The most room in any cylinder is in the bottom, not in the top. For the rod to bend so much it has to have room to bend, it can't bend past the cylinder walls. If it has plenty of room, as in the bottom of the cylinder it can bend so much it will not even go up into the cylinder. As the vid will show I had a tuff time getting that wedged assembly out of the cylinder. As a pic will show the bend in the rod is past the piston skirt. Thats impossible unless it broke past the cylinder wall or it was in the botton of the cylinder where it had much more room.

I used the scrench like Brad did and put all I had on it till it bent and slipped off the clutch. I didn't feel any give in the cylinder. I grabbed the torque wrench still set at 80 lbs. When the wrench clicked I still didn't feel any give in the engine. At best the scrench may have put 50lbs on the assembly. The torque wrench turn it some way before it clicked at 80 lbs. I went ahead and went way past the 80 lbs and then I felt the rod give way inside.

I can't upload the video here but I can post a pic of the results.

In closing rope is not the suggested method regardless of who uses it with no problems what so ever. The scrench isn't the preferred tool either. In all do it like the book says and these failures won't be showing up.

Now Brad none of this or the other thread was meant to hurt you or to discredit your abilities in any way shape or form. I did this to prove the rod is not weak and that something other than the rod caused it to bend, it was the method you used on it. I duplicated it best I could and got a bent rod as well. All playing aside and no kidding around at all I mean this for you. I know you love them chainsaws, your really into them and thats great. Do what the manufacturer suggests from now on. Everyone has their own way of doing things and thats fine and dandy. However the maker and the designer of the product know more about it than anyone else so follow their guidelines, you can rest assured if you do you will have no more failures during a repair or tear down. When your work goes out the door you can relax knowing you did it by the book.

This I don't mean so here. Give ole big prick a hug and go get me a coffee punk!,:cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers:


The Champ
Mar 6, 2004
This one proves everything..


How can a rod bend past the piston skirt within the bore of the cylinder, it can't, its impossible, it would have to bust the cylinder out to bend past the piston skirt. This bend is only possible if the rod has enough room to bend as far as it did, it did have that room in the bottom of the cylinder, not the top where it was suppose to have been.

This proves Belgians theroy on angles and placement while under pressure and force. Belgian got it right,:cheers::cheers::cheers:


Addicted to ArboristSite
May 24, 2006
Adds new meaning to the ol' "Rope Trick". All this time I thought Stihl made those piston stops just so they could gouge their customers on another over priced, unnecessary item.
Nov 8, 2006
Franklin, OH
Beautiful! We have an answer to both a mystery and a false theory. We now know why my rod bent. We also know that lots of rope in the cylinder is a bad idea. It has previsiouly been thought that you wanted to get the cylinder well away from TDC. Not true! Tom, thanks for ruining a good crank for all the AS community.

Now go learn how to embed pictures, you Big Prick!


The Champ
Mar 6, 2004
Beautiful! We have an answer to both a mystery and a false theory. We now know why my rod bent. We also know that lots of rope in the cylinder is a bad idea. It has previsiouly been thought that you wanted to get the cylinder well away from TDC. Not true! Tom, thanks for ruining a good crank for all the AS community.

Now go learn how to embed pictures, you Big Prick!

I admits I'm not a computer buff. I used to be able to upload pics on here but they changed the system and I can't get my slow dial up to upload any pics on AS.

If anyone learned anything at all I'm happy. I don't claim to be a Lakeside, he had no peers on here cept for Anderson and they are both gone, what a shame.

Brad wheres that smoke coming from off your house,LOLOL

Ya know I did get one good thing out of this just for me. This little memory card I bought claims it can record up to 12 hours. Man Hollywood better look out,haha.

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