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Well we logged the beast today. What an experience that was. Couple of scum bags stopped to watch for less than a minute... I think they knew I would have had them chased off if they stayed too long. Anywho, we still have to clean up tomorrow for a few hours, but otherwise all went well. Crane showed up on time, support equipment and personel showed up on time too. Operator looked at the driveway, almost chickened out, but gave it a go and got in without any major troubles... 33 ton National boom truck, made it in the driveway with INCHES to spare. After taking down some fence we got the cribbing and outriggers set. Operator said that this was the worst access he's ever had. 127 feet of main boom on the truck and he used every bit of it to get to the tree 90+ feet away. There was one point where I had to keep pieces under 200 lbs because he was so far out, he was good for 700, but that was pushing it, so I said I'd do 100 - 200 until we were in a better spot. Not 1 piece went over 1,100 lbs.. most were showing between 800 and 1000, with quite a few pieces coming in less than that. While we were taking lunch the operator told me that the job was written up as a 12" white pine in a tight driveway, even showed me the work order... he took pics to dispute that which I hope to have and post soon. All went well though, except for a lot of nice saw logs having to be trashed due to being short.
i hear ya ! Problem I run into is not even getting job in the first place . What takes me n my crew (we r NOT slackers BTW) all day Many of these guys who own there own crane can do in 3 hours . . And they do three jobs in one day. I bid a job over summer , BIG oak , Gonna take two days . Plus comen back for stump . I will need 1 extra laborer for two days . I need 2k for this job . HO was cool and seemed to like me . So we he called and asked If I could match the TWO other lower bids (from reputable companys) and just couldnt do it . $1450 n $1500 ! He said " sorry man" N I said "I understand". I hear from a good source that the company who did the tree got there bout 8am and was gone by 2:30 . Stump ground and everything raked up n blown off freakn outa there.

Don't sweat the small **** if they are not charging for the equipment it is just a matter of time before they are oob. But yeah, I understand the principal based on time and more and more are getting them here too I would just a soon rent one and operator if ever needed. I would see value in a spyder of some type but a crane has too many limitations for the nice landscapes I find my talent in!
Well we logged the beast today. What an experience that was. Couple of scum bags stopped to watch for less than a minute... I think they knew I would have had them chased off if they stayed too long. Anywho, we still have to clean up tomorrow for a few hours, but otherwise all went well. Crane showed up on time, support equipment and personel showed up on time too. Operator looked at the driveway, almost chickened out, but gave it a go and got in without any major troubles... 33 ton National boom truck, made it in the driveway with INCHES to spare. After taking down some fence we got the cribbing and outriggers set. Operator said that this was the worst access he's ever had. 127 feet of main boom on the truck and he used every bit of it to get to the tree 90+ feet away. There was one point where I had to keep pieces under 200 lbs because he was so far out, he was good for 700, but that was pushing it, so I said I'd do 100 - 200 until we were in a better spot. Not 1 piece went over 1,100 lbs.. most were showing between 800 and 1000, with quite a few pieces coming in less than that. While we were taking lunch the operator told me that the job was written up as a 12" white pine in a tight driveway, even showed me the work order... he took pics to dispute that which I hope to have and post soon. All went well though, except for a lot of nice saw logs having to be trashed due to being short.

jesus dude i would've been absolutely bullchit at the dude if i had to make that many cuts... you couldn't plywood in any closer? time saver that plywood especially when it comes to that many in tree cuts.....

lol. whatya gonna do with all that firewood?
been with the 60ton this week. that crane is silly. we had a big donkey elm done in 6 picks yesterday and then today's 2nd job was 10 ash trees in the backyard picked over the house in 20 picks. reason so many picks was size of the landing zone. lol

those groves are sick and the guy we borrowed it from has 4 of them! lol
My God, the dreaded G word.....:D too many guys bringing it up....:censored:

uh oh... sounds like I´ll be diggin the bike out of the garage again soon!LÖL!!! Been 2 weeks since I had to climb, and itll be over a month till I have to do it again. The dreaded huff n puff. How much snow over there Slayer?
"your not my son"?!?!?! That makes me wanna pound some mofos head in. If U KNOW its true then I guess MAYBE a little slack/understanding may be in order . Problem is...he will HAVE to just accept it and move on . And one more thing...I may catch hell for this one...is your climber a heavy drinker? I know climbers can be a wild bunch and ya boys will b boys n work hard play hard and ya ya ya but I really think if he drinks alot or often that his problems have only just begun . I hope Iam wrong .

No, he doesn't do anything, pretty straight laced kid.

Blakemaster, really,lol!! Just so you know, and I will try to explain this as best I can.
He never came close to "RUNNING" the show, out of 4 guys, he was top guy, he climbed tree's, kinda why he is called a climber/foreman, now, I understand that title may represent "running" the show, but it don't, he is in charge of that job that he is doing for me, under my direction. See, now listen up, if you want to make ALOT of money, sometimes people hire other people to do things for them, some get paid more than others, the ones who get paid more, usually are in charge of the ones who get paid less, still with me?, now, when a owner/Arborist hires a guy to do work for him, does that mean that the Arborist goes home, no, it means he is out working on getting more work for HIS employees, fixing equipment, making contacts, sitting on boards, meeting with accountants, insurance, working with city's on projects for future, checking job sites! I am on every job, at the start and finish and a few times in between if large enough. I am sure the guys here can add hundreds of other little task that need to be done everyday. Its called check and balance, or "inspect what you expect" ultimately called "Management", its in the dictionary. Now I could be a "control freak" like you describe yourself, I however, do not believe in Micro Management, I don't want a bunch of mongols that cant think for themselves, that have to be told every single thing that I want them to do. See, I like guys who have Initiative, Responsibility, Work Ethic and Pride. I had that with this kid, like I said, his performance in the craft was great, when he showed his butt, I canned it. He knew what he did was wrong, and accepted the canning. He may be back, but not until he can control his temper. A small task for some, big task for many.


I went up yesterday for first time this year, small 40' Norway Maples, feel pretty good today, neck and shoulder are not screaming like I thought they would, heeling maybe? I hope so!, felt good up there, got to try out my new Zubat, very nice! The guys had never seen me climb, it was kinda funny! They had no idea! It was good tho, any question of my Skill and Experience was answered very quickly, they now " I understand very clearly why you are the boss!"

Skill and Experience,
Blakemaster, those words is in the dictionary too!
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jesus dude i would've been absolutely bullchit at the dude if i had to make that many cuts... you couldn't plywood in any closer? time saver that plywood especially when it comes to that many in tree cuts.....

lol. whatya gonna do with all that firewood?

We were pretty much as close as we were gonna get. Another 5' wouldn't have made much difference in capacity, but would have made the set-up far more time consuming, and that's the most we could have gone. As far as the wood goes, it's on its way to the mulch plant. To carry these logs out would have taken DAYS.
We were pretty much as close as we were gonna get. Another 5' wouldn't have made much difference in capacity, but would have made the set-up far more time consuming, and that's the most we could have gone. As far as the wood goes, it's on its way to the mulch plant. To carry these logs out would have taken DAYS.

I hate those jobs, when you have a super tight work area and everything has to be cut small. Makes for a hard cleanup.
too add to OD's comment about the plywood, we use it for a cut up station, in other words, so the 100,000lbs of sawdust doesn't get smashed into the yard, we lay the wood down, helps big time.
We did a big Oak last year, worst access ever! had to rip all the disk down to hand size, I'm guessing we had 10"of sawdust, it was cold,but the ripping made lots of insulation!
I had the guys lay plywood down on the driveway after the crane got in to protect the blacktop from the logs. Most pieces I cut were around 6' long, so the grapple was at least able to pick them up. Figure a full sized log truck would have had maybe 1.5 loads from the 1 tree.
Plywood is good for many things I was on a stump yesterday the machine sunk to its axles I was sinking in the quick mud, there was a pallet so I had to put it down so I was not waist deep in mud lol. I then had to put down scrap 2 by 8 form boards at this construction site to get the machine out of its hole was the softest gumbo I have seen in years.
No, he doesn't do anything, pretty straight laced kid.

Blakemaster, really,lol!! Just so you know, and I will try to explain this as best I can.
He never came close to "RUNNING" the show, out of 4 guys, he was top guy, he climbed tree's, kinda why he is called a climber/foreman, now, I understand that title may represent "running" the show, but it don't, he is in charge of that job that he is doing for me, under my direction. See, now listen up, if you want to make ALOT of money, sometimes people hire other people to do things for them, some get paid more than others, the ones who get paid more, usually are in charge of the ones who get paid less, still with me?, now, when a owner/Arborist hires a guy to do work for him, does that mean that the Arborist goes home, no, it means he is out working on getting more work for HIS employees, fixing equipment, making contacts, sitting on boards, meeting with accountants, insurance, working with city's on projects for future, checking job sites! I am on every job, at the start and finish and a few times in between if large enough. I am sure the guys here can add hundreds of other little task that need to be done everyday. Its called check and balance, or "inspect what you expect" ultimately called "Management", its in the dictionary. Now I could be a "control freak" like you describe yourself, I however, do not believe in Micro Management, I don't want a bunch of mongols that cant think for themselves, that have to be told every single thing that I want them to do. See, I like guys who have Initiative, Responsibility, Work Ethic and Pride. I had that with this kid, like I said, his performance in the craft was great, when he showed his butt, I canned it. He knew what he did was wrong, and accepted the canning. He may be back, but not until he can control his temper. A small task for some, big task for many.


Skill and Experience,
Blakemaster, those words is in the dictionary too!

ouchy that gonna leave a mark

Blakey don't need no stinkin dictionary......his schit don't stank :notrolls2:
Plywood is good for many things I was on a stump yesterday the machine sunk to its axles I was sinking in the quick mud, there was a pallet so I had to put it down so I was not waist deep in mud lol. I then had to put down scrap 2 by 8 form boards at this construction site to get the machine out of its hole was the softest gumbo I have seen in years.

Plywood is just another tool in the box.

Yesterday we pwooded backwards to the tree with 10 half boards and left and came back and went in to the stump on the same boards in the same place and grounded her out.:chainsawguy:
Well it looks like stumps are on the agenda got 6 huge stumps today about 60 inchers and 65 tomorrow. I bid on 500 a few days ago, if I get them they will book a week :clap:
nice....gotta do clean up? How do you do it without a mini?

Lol I never clean up but not because I won't, they just wont pay to have it done! On the few jobs that want it clean my ole skid steer gets deployed you may remember them they were the first Melroe 600 no rops lol gotta be careful in these hills ya know:smoking:
Lol I never clean up but not because I won't, they just wont pay to have it done! On the few jobs that want it clean my ole skid steer gets deployed you may remember them they were the first Melroe 600 no rops lol gotta be careful in these hills ya know:smoking:

u da man

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