Did you know there was a modified work saw forum?

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Did you know there was a modded work saw forum?

  • Yes, and I'm there a lot.

    Votes: 27 23.5%
  • No, but I'll be there now that I know.

    Votes: 34 29.6%
  • Yes, but it ain't my thing.

    Votes: 21 18.3%
  • No, and I could have lived the rest of my life not knowing

    Votes: 27 23.5%
  • What's a work saw?

    Votes: 6 5.2%

  • Total voters
I do agree with your points on it being better to search/browse for saw specific threads.

And yes I was just joking.

It was obvious that you were...'cause I was laughing.

Wasn't too sure about a couple of others though.

You manage to get rid of that Jred before they tanked the trading post?
here is a good place for a few of you to go.....lol.....

if ya don't like that one here's another....

And Brad, if you'd just ####ing ignore the #### it will stop eventually but you won't do it, you just keep siring the pot along with the others that keep starting the fires........
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MY VOTE-for what it's worth

When you go to the library, do you amble around pointlessly, hoping to stumble over the information you're in search of as if through devine guidance? Or do you make use of the card catalog? I can't find my way around very well out of sheer ignorance and lack of experience on AS. I like indexes and headings, having ideas with like ideas. A place for everything and everything in its place.
I always click on todays post so it don't matter what thread it is in unless I am looking for something particular

Hey why is this thread in the chainsaw section
I don't visit any of the forums. I click on the "Today's Posts" link at the top, and read the thread titles. If it sounds interesting I click on it. If it is interesting, I subscribe to the thread. If it's not, I move on. Couldn't care less what forum it's in.
:cheers: to all
When you go to the library, do you amble around pointlessly, hoping to stumble over the information you're in search of as if through devine guidance? Or do you make use of the card catalog? I can't find my way around very well out of sheer ignorance and lack of experience on AS. I like indexes and headings, having ideas with like ideas. A place for everything and everything in its place.
If I go to the library it is pointless I can't read
Who do you think you're fooling? You make personal attacks and then try to pretend you didn't. We're not the fools you try to make us out to be. BTW, to the both of you, modded saw threads were never an issue until you started trying to railroad me out of here. I suggest you take Darin's advise and drop it before he drops it for you.


It's never ending! If you click on the "Today's Post" then no matter where you started a thread it will come up and guess what all of the exsosure will still be there.

I agree with the Library "Train" of thought. Put it where it goes so everyone can find it.
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So now you're going to start with the crap now that someone else started it? That's just the thing. I've already addressed those same questions how many times now? If you cared about this forum like you say you do, you'd drop the crap.

Wow !!! Talk about an ego, you think just because you've addressed an issue that should be the end of it? You are the final word on everything at AS? How did you ever get a pillow big enough to support your head at night?

Who do you think you're fooling? You make personal attacks and then try to pretend you didn't. We're not the fools you try to make us out to be. BTW, to the both of you, modded saw threads were never an issue until you started trying to railroad me out of here. I suggest you take Darin's advise and drop it before he drops it for you.

Now your making threats in Darins name? Are you going to be doing this to everyone you don't agree with? Stop it or I'll get Darin after you?
You remind me of the kid who hires the biggest kid in school to watch his back. "You mess with me and I'll get Mikey after you" LOL !!!

I saw a general question raised about MWS's, not Brad's MWS's.Your the one who keeps making it personal. Grow up.
Now your making threats in Darins name?

Brad does have a point. Darin did say to cut the crap or he would cut it for you... I think we should leave it up to the admin's and the mods to make the decisions and then they can tell us where to put things... JMO
I was just over in the Hot saw Forum and noticed that there is a lot of chainsaw related stuff over there. Wouldn't it be a novel idea to move it over to the Chainsaw forum. It would get a lot more exposure than being buried in a section that a lot of members avoid due to the whole Hot saw thing. I know that I never went into that forum because i don't run Hot saws. They are cool but not my cup of tea...
I was just over in the Hot saw Forum and noticed that there is a lot of chainsaw related stuff over there. Wouldn't it be a novel idea to move it over to the Chainsaw forum. It would get a lot more exposure than being buried in a section that a lot of members avoid due to the whole Hot saw thing. I know that I never went into that forum because i don't run Hot saws. They are cool but not my cup of tea...
Ya that way it can be over here with this chainsaw related trash talk thread

I didn't even know the thing existed,

And that's the one of the MAIN problems w/ modded, sharpening, collector, etc.

LOTS of peeps get here by a link from some other website directly into CHAINSAW and never look around. "Modded work saws" shows doesn't show up easily.

When I go to a new website I try to see whats there, not just live where it lands me. Most people don't.

Also for a long time hot saws didn't show up on one of the menus.

One of my complaints had been the endless discussions here and in the milling forum about chain sharpening and especially grinders, where the subject is very adequately discussed under the chain sharpening forum.

It seems that the most frequent "mods" (where mod means doing something to the saw that wasn't done on the shelf or maybe by the dealer) someone does to a chainsaw after it's taken out of the box and properly assembled with b&c and after running for a bit is either swap chains or sharpen chains.

But the people that run the site determine that chain sharpening is under hot saws. All we (non-moderators) should do is accept that it's buggered a bit and kindly direct peeps to a more appropriate forum which they might not have found.

Heck, the description under Hot Saws
Discuss all phases of hotsaws and timbersports.
does not lead to collector saws and chain sharpening.

If you personally are bugged by seeing this "off topic" stuff posted in the chainsaw forum simply advise the poster to please stick it where it belongs. Most peeps will ignore it.

It's like telling a litterbug to pick up their trash and put it in the trash can. The irresponsible ignore you, the responsible might say "sorry, didn't see the trash can", and then some try to justify their actions.

Heck most of the posts on any thread in "Chainsaw" are about people arguing.
Lot's of sawdust, few chips.
But the people that run the site determine that chain sharpening is under hot saws. All we (non-moderators) should do is accept that it's buggered a bit and kindly direct peeps to a more appropriate forum which they might not have found.

Heck, the description under Hot Saws does not lead to collector saws and chain sharpening.

I know some took exception to the recent changes (I was not among them), but I think the administrators are open to suggestions.

At present the poll results show a 50:50 split between people interested in work saw mods, and those not interested. Of the 50% that are interested, half did not know that forum existed, but will use it now that they know.

I think AUSSIE1 made an excellent suggestion that would create more exposure.

Lose the subforums in Hotsaws, change Hotsaws to Modded Work Saws so that it comes up on the main forum list, and add collectors corner in the same fashion as modded work saws.

You certainly can slice things too finely, but I think that these are popular and broad enough focus groups that the fora would be active.

As was pointed out, a lot of people browse using "today's posts", so the new stuff wouldn't hard to find, and the searches would be a lot tighter.

Edit: Another option would be to have the collectors corner and modded work saws as subfora in the chainsaw forum.
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Did you know there was a modified work saw forum?

Yes. I like them here. Lots of general questions get asked and answered in them also.
I will check in there sometimes but I don`t think it should be manditory to post about doing little mods to mufflers and woods porting questions and answers. For the big drawn out build threads then maybe. If much more regulation gets shoved onto members posting on here more will just walk away. Anyone notice the abscense of many of the frequent posters on here lately? Hear those footsteps fading away down the corridor??
I will check in there sometimes but I don`t think it should be manditory to post about doing little mods to mufflers and woods porting questions and answers. For the big drawn out build threads then maybe. If much more regulation gets shoved onto members posting on here more will just walk away. Anyone notice the abscense of many of the frequent posters on here lately? Hear those footsteps fading away down the corridor??
Da, slow sucking sound. Other places to go.
I know some took exception to the recent changes (I was not among them), but I think the administrators are open to suggestions.

At present the poll results show a 50:50 split between people interested in work saw mods, and those not interested. Of the 50% that are interested, half did not know that forum existed, but will use it now that they know.

I think AUSSIE1 made an excellent suggestion that would create more exposure.

Lose the subforums in Hotsaws, change Hotsaws to Modded Work Saws so that it comes up on the main forum list, and add collectors corner in the same fashion as modded work saws.

You certainly can slice things too finely, but I think that these are popular and broad enough focus groups that the fora would be active.

As was pointed out, a lot of people browse using "today's posts", so the new stuff wouldn't hard to find, and the searches would be a lot tighter.

Edit: Another option would be to have the collectors corner and modded work saws as subfora in the chainsaw forum.

If they JUST listed the subforums that were in the hot saw forum it would be better. Presently only the international and hot saw forums have subforums. They are easily seen if you click on the bottom left drop down menu, but you have to scroll way down.