"Bad sellers dispute" thread needed

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Jun 13, 2010
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knoxville, TN
I have been thinking of asking about this ever since DH1984 called someone out about a Ebay deal gone bad which turned out to be a lie. Anyway, Pirate 4x4 is another forum that i frequent for offroading info, its basically the equivalent of Arboristsite for the offroad community. In a off topic section there is a "Bad Sellers Dispute" thread where people can commit or argue about deals gone wrong or companies that dont deliver whats promised. Basically its a way to warn others of who to avoid when buying or trading parts based on their personal experience. It seems like there has been alot of this going on lately in the chainsaw thread which is not were it belongs. I understand why they put it here because theres no other place to put it and this thread gets the most traffic. I am not asking for this post to become a sticky nor do i want people to start replying to it with there problems, just wondering if there should be a place in the "Off Topic" section for something like this to take place so it wont clutter up the chainsaw threads and maybe warn others of who to avoid dealing with. What about Mods?
or how about a feedback thread in general? both positive and negative?

it'd only work if the search worked tho...

anyway to incorporate feedback into the classifieds?
Maybe a section like that would benefit everyone. It could include good/bad ebay sellers also.
Actually he called me out on an e-bay deal several years ago, and the whole thing made me decide the online arbitration is a bad idea.

He bought a used 026 crankcase from me, I packed it up, I could have shipped it cheaper if I removed the bar studs, but I never do, unless it is a ms290 or similar.
He got the crankcase, gave me positive feedback, then 4 weeks later sent me a message asking whether Stihl offerred oversized bar studs for
that saw model. I wasn't sure, I told him to throw up the question here, as there were several members that worked at a Stihl dealership, and
they could check.
His thread started as an "I got screwed on E-Bay from someone here" thread, and I immediately hopped into the fray, calling him out.

After a while, he showed the forum a pic of an almost fully assembled 026 with removed/boogered up stud holes that someone had already tried to oversize.

I showed my pics from the auction, and asked why he almost totally built up a saw from a bare crankcase with such a "blaring stud defect".....
But by that time there were at least a dozen members calling for my head on a pike.

I also pointed out other differences from his pics and my auction pics, and he kind of shut up, but many still felt I screwed him, I was pissed, and still am. Just because he started the poopstorm, a large section of the guys hopped onto his wagon, and that was that.

Which is why this stuff should be not allowed here, in my opinion.....
or how about a feedback thread in general? both positive and negative?

it'd only work if the search worked tho...

anyway to incorporate feedback into the classifieds?

I suggested something like that a long time ago, but it never got off the ground.

People would rather fight I guess. Good entertainment for a few minutes though.
This is a great idea. IMO it's very immature to post or "air" your situation to the world. Handle it like a grown adult, not a teenager with a facebook account. All too often facts get bent to one way or the other, then the peanut gallery starts in with all their comments about whose right or wrong when they have absolutely nothing to do with the situation. No good ever comes from a situation when you have 100 different people calling each other names on a thread. That solves nothing.
This is a great idea. IMO it's very immature to post or "air" your situation to the world. Handle it like a grown adult, not a teenager with a facebook account. All too often facts get bent to one way or the other, then the peanut gallery starts in with all their comments about whose right or wrong when they have absolutely nothing to do with the situation. No good ever comes from a situation when you have 100 different people calling each other names on a thread. That solves nothing.

True, very true.

Also relevant!!!
IMHO, while its a great idea in principle, in action its not a good idea.

There are 2 sides to every story & as Fish has shown with his anectdote, we often see only one side & get everyone riled up before we have all the facts.

There have been several cases here over the years where one guy comes in & screams bloody murder over a bad seller & the forum is out with pitchforks until we hear the other guys' side of the story & realize the original poster was either exaggerating or totally mis-telling the truth.

The mods here have been pretty clear about this issue. Id be very surprised if they went for this idea.

Just my 2c
two down one to go guys.:laugh: oh sorry this ones serious.
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We feel one of the problems with this sort of thing is like that with the "other" auction site....
Alot of people know the "squeaky wheel gets the grease" theory. Also it is easy to jump on the "bandwagon" when the tide seems to be going that way, if "popularity" is one of your concerns. Adults (MEN) find a way to sort out their differences without needing to "air" them in public, unless of course you are struggling with a hormonal imbalance or the moon effects your "mood"
It is pretty simple, the difference between right and wrong. If either party makes a mistake, then "man up" and take care of it. Nobody's perfect, but this site will not benefit from being like that TV show "The View"(correct me if we are wrong here). Popular support for your differences does not determine the difference between right and wrong...

Brian and Tina
after the DH1984 incident you think we would have learned to wait until both sides of the story were out before taking a side. Maybe I missed something in the last fiasco but I only heard 1 side and that is not enough to pass judgement.
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I have a stolen name for such a topic

Not saying if it is a good or bad idea...but if it gets created, call it the Thunderdome sticky
There will always be somebody complaining about something, so another "bellyaching" thread will at least provide a nice place for them to do that.
How about ...NO! Winner or loser of such a battle doesn't matter. The sellers name will be searchable for years to come, and the negative opinions of the buyer will always remain and show up in Google search engines. Doesn't matter if they are true or not, they are always there. It's wrong. People are allowed to attack and attempt to destroy ones reputation.

How do I know? google my name and my ebay item, and you will see a thread from this site attacking me and that item. Can it be fixed? is it against the site rules? Yes, and yes, but not by me.

I am one of the best sellers you could come across. Case in point, sold a saw perfect condition ran great. The guy tried to adjust it, couldn't make it work. I said take it to the dealer, they would adjust it back. "No, I don't feel right about the saw, I want to send it back.' he said.

OK no problem. I took the saw back, took the package unopened to the dealer and explained the situation. They opened the box, tuned the carb and tried to make it not work. The saw ran perfectly. I sent a video to the guy of the saw cutting. He apologized and asked for the saw back. I modified the muffler and sent another video. The dude was floored. Beyond happy. Sent the saw back no charge.
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