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Eew weee! You better check out what that #### does to your stuff.
Jeff :msp_ohmy:

Well, its not going to hurt metal. I keep a spray bottle of iso alchohol and a wire brush on the tool truck.Keeping the pole saw clean is a noticable difference and worthwhile venture, same with any type of saw. Table saw, chop saw, etc. It don't matter with a chainsaw... unless the oiler is broke. brake cleaner or carb cleaner is Ok to use also. Hell, gasoline would work fine. No, you don't want any of that stuff on fiberous goods. The alchohol is the least damaging and works well to clean stuff, mixes good with Monsters and only cost a dollar at , well, the dollar store. Your average spray bottle nozzle should bolt right up to it.
I would imagine a Lockjack or the like would be quite exciting when gummed up. That kind of stuff just sounds good, it will get you in trouble eventually. I wouldn't waste the money on anything but reliable hitch cord, split tails or regular old taughtline for this tree bull#### day in and day out. Don't waste yer money on a new set of speakers, you get more mileage from a cheap pair of hitch cord. Any of those intricate mechaincal devises gonna get you in trouble one way or another. How about that big wierd Petzl thing-a-ma-jig? I have allready seen the breakage on Youtube though its not like I needed youtube to know right from wrong.
Once this dude aske if I had an allen wrench for his Lockjack. I was like " you wanna mess with that now? I dunno, this might not be the time or place." I mean sure, if there was a fence in the way I would reach for the tools but to mess with a Lockjack on a jobsite? Why don't we rebuild the carbs on the saws while we are at it? Check tire pressure? The windsheild is dirty too. Replace a head gasket? Don't even let me see you with a file.

When doing gummy stuff i swap out the hitch and pulley set up on my lanyard for a microsender though. Anything else will gum up too quick. The top rope is a little more forgiving. I use the fatter and cheaper tenex hitch cord for that these days. Why gum up the good stuff? Yer not going anywhere fast in a pine anyway. You can try to, not a lot of good it will do.

The good thing about getting gummed up is the grip you get on the saw. Its hard to let go when you want to though.

To clean gum off your hands use fast orange with pumice. Don't wet yer hands with water.
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Checking in. Haven't been on in awhile because my internet has been screwed up.. I'm back in OK and have been doing more hunting than working. Been mostly taking care of my condo complex here. They've been keeping me busy enough to survive anyway. Got to go bid a tree tomorrow and buy some gear (Pole saw didn't make it home from Alabama). 3 removals and several prunes in the upcoming week. So many I can't remember off hand... Gonna make for a Merry Christmas. Trees sure are a heck of a lot smaller here than in Alabama. :)
Wait, was it the house drop? I think that's your fault. If it happened over the public street you should be OK. Glad you didn't burn though.
Yeah, it was a service wire, so its on me. They did call and tell me that they are not sure how I hit it, when they put it back up, they put it in the same place and seen how high it was. I think that it must have been the wind bouncing the line and it just happen to catch on something. They think that the little piece of plastic holding them on broke and I was just in the wrong place. I dunno, I think I hit it. But I am not going to argue with them, big news of the call. NO CHARGE!
We brought the big Willow down yesterday and hauled out all the brush. I did get smacked in the leg by an upper trunk section but I couldn't blame the rope man because we had no room to let it run because of a neighbor's shed right under it. Today we go back for the bigger rounds and cleanup. The weekend is booked and I have a backlog of work that should take me through January.
We officially finished up this week so it's a couple weeks equipment repair and a couple of months letting my body heal. My wife bought me a tig welder for Christmas so this morning I collected all my Silky pole saw parts and pieces from my "wall of shame" to see what I could patch together. Near as I can figure I have enough parts to make a 60 ft. Longboy and a 110 ft. Hayauchi. I just have to learn how to make a weld that doesn't look like the herpes sore on a hooker's lip.
Yes, but I already had the chipper and some other stuff, so I was running out of affordable ideas for new toys.. you get that load handler on and popping yet bud?? Lol.

Nah, I went with the home depot trailer don't even feel it behind the subaru even loaded with a yard of brush. At least I have my dignity though, I can still pull myself up a tree.
We brought the big Willow down yesterday and hauled out all the brush. I did get smacked in the leg by an upper trunk section but I couldn't blame the rope man because we had no room to let it run because of a neighbor's shed right under it. Today we go back for the bigger rounds and cleanup. The weekend is booked and I have a backlog of work that should take me through January.

Man, and how long you been on that willow now?? And I'll bet you have one serious backlog, your work definitely last you quite a while! :biggrin:

AS should put you on salary, you're too funny old guy!
Nah, I went with the home depot trailer don't even feel it behind the subaru even loaded with a yard of brush. At least I have my dignity though, I can still pull myself up a tree.

So can I, and I'm getting nastier and nastier every day bud (well, relatively speaking anyway). That thing is gonna be sweet for this scene.. the nature of the work made it a no brainer.. chuckle on though and I hope you get them balls you ordered from sherril in the mail and make it out on your own one day. Really man! :cheers:
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Nah, I went with the home depot trailer don't even feel it behind the subaru even loaded with a yard of brush. At least I have my dignity though, I can still pull myself up a tree.

I was wondering what i could get away with using my Outback. I don't have a trailer hitch on mine so I am not sure where Slayer is gonna ride. How many yards do you think it will hold?
I was wondering what i could get away with using my Outback. I don't have a trailer hitch on mine so I am not sure where Slayer is gonna ride. How many yards do you think it will hold?

If ya mince it up nice you could get two yards in easy. I think I saw a pick of slayer in a vid with murph, looks like he will fit in the glove box without a problem.
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If ya mince it up nice you could get two yards in easy. I think I saw a pick of slayer in a vid with murph, looks like he will fit in the glove box without a problem.

Thank god that you take 2 weeks off between visits here , it actually takes that long for me to shake off your annoyance .... I mean at least AA occasionally makes a funny but you, damn not so much
Thank god that you take 2 weeks off between visits here , it actually takes that long for me to shake off your annoyance .... I mean at least AA occasionally makes a funny but you, damn not so much

I know, I shouldn't be such a stranger. Between pulling trim and climbing trees I don't have alot of time. Good to know youre thinking of me though. Have a great weekend fellas.