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Welp! looks like im gonna be in the market for a new truck. Just found out today that my tundra has a design flaw in the tranny that isnt covered under the recall. The over drive bearing is shot and its like a 5g fix. The ####ing worthless piece of #### truck maybe worth 7g if it was fixed. Im not putting a dime into that thing gonna take it to the dealer and let them have it.
A few pics from today. Thanks again Ben for helping me out today.


hate to say it but that is probably what ya got to do. Yeah, 101, I wouldn't go welding rods in there, maybe its best you cut out what you did and start fresh.
No what I meant was I am gonna weld the inside of the shoot to the new plate so there's no gap for #### to get trapped , I need a long arm or a long rod LOL
was there room to let run a little?.....looked like a nice little love tap of a jolt.

I got to agree looks like you could have let it run a little more... But then again angles and videos can be deceiving. It all got down safely so no worries.
was there room to let run a little?.....looked like a nice little love tap of a jolt.

Its gonna take a lot more than that to shake Blue Power Ranger. And I gotta say I am really diggin the Kask ( In English Kask means helmet, it Italian, where the helmet is made, kask means a place to store something precious or a big container for wine).
48Inch came down sportin his a couple weeks ago, I really liked the visor set up. And not only is it a suspension type helmet but it got some styrofoam in there soes it can really take a wallop and it helps deaden the sound when things fall on yer head. My old Petzl was like Echo Canyon amplified.

But NO, there was little room to let things run on that crumbly locust. And YES, I consider that a love tap... if that. But its not like I wasn't ready, if you look you can see my left arm hug the spar just over the pulley, the saw is off and in my right hanging low. If I really have to let the saw go then it goes but so far it hasn't. My ropes are tight, my face is above wood, there is no room between me and the spar. The tree would break before I let loose. If I were to kick out I would be able to quickly wrap a leg around the spar. I always keep a defensive stance in every cut. I have seen guys ride spars leaning back on their lanyards and make it look like they were just hanging out... more power to em! Really, if that's how they do it fine with me but I won't set myself up to be a paddle ball.

We were working with a GRCS which was the first time for me, it made things a ####ing breeze! Some lower limbs were right over the roof, the tips were to crumbly to tip tie and crank up whole, I went out and took the tips off, then the GRCS did its trick. After that we were standing up limbs easy. I worked with a Hobbes years ago, the GRCS is way easier to use.
Not really. The top when it was hanging unside down was in the tops of the trees below. It was a little jolt, but not to bad.

It was coming down through the trees anyways, let it run. If my groundy did that I would have his a-- and he knows it.
If you knew it wasnt going to run and you were ready its not as bad. Its the ones your not ready for that suck.
I got to agree looks like you could have let it run a little more... But then again angles and videos can be deceiving. It all got down safely so no worries.

I actually told him to hold it til it stablized. The roof line was right there, gutter sticking out, there was barley room to land stuff with all the other trees and the washed out hill. If it was let run there was a good chance it would have gotten diverted and went towards the house.
People always apologize for shakin me but the way I see it if you knock me off that pole then its my fault... and anybody is welcome to try... but yeeeer not gonna ;)

Yeah both times I was ragged were my fault. I was pretty green. If you are going to dropping tops onto a pulley then you have to assume the risk and always be prepared for it. I described how I do it, it works well for me. There is only so much a rope man can do and its really not that easy to let stuff run, you have to be good at it , even then things can jolt, they will jolt, you have to plan for it, expect it.
I actually told him to hold it til it stablized. The roof line was right there, gutter sticking out, there was barley room to land stuff with all the other trees and the washed out hill. If it was let run there was a good chance it would have gotten diverted and went towards the house.
People always apologize for shakin me but the way I see it if you knock me off that pole then its my fault... and anybody is welcome to try... but yeeeer not gonna ;)

Yeah both times I was ragged were my fault. I was pretty green. If you are going to dropping tops onto a pulley then you have to assume the risk and always be prepared for it. I described how I do it, it works well for me. There is only so much a rope man can do and its really not that easy to let stuff run, you have to be good at it , even then things can jolt, they will jolt, you have to plan for it, expect it.

Every job is different and calls for different techniques.
It was coming down through the trees anyways, let it run. If my groundy did that I would have his a-- and he knows it.

That's because yer scairt. You have to relax... well maybe not relax but be ready.

If the piece was let run the tips would have gotten into the tree below which would have sent the butt towards the house. I was just trying to enjoy the great veiw of the Susquehana, not be jerking around fixing gutters.

" if you can't take the jolt, get out of the tree" The Dan, circa: just now.
That's because yer scairt. You have to relax... well maybe not relax but be ready.

If the piece was let run the tips would have gotten into the tree below which would have sent the butt towards the house. I was just trying to enjoy the great veiw of the Susquehana, not be jerking around fixing gutters.

" if you can't take the jolt, get out of the tree" The Dan, circa: just now.

I still remember the first time being bounced and gaffing out, its no fun! You learn to be ready and some are worst than others. You did the right thing shut the saw off and relax!
Welp! looks like im gonna be in the market for a new truck. Just found out today that my tundra has a design flaw in the tranny that isnt covered under the recall. The over drive bearing is shot and its like a 5g fix. The ####ing worthless piece of #### truck maybe worth 7g if it was fixed. Im not putting a dime into that thing gonna take it to the dealer and let them have it.

Wait. What are you going to let them have, the truck or "it"?

I would look into it a little more. You can either find a trans rebuild manual online, at the library or Pep Boys.
You can probably find a shop to put the bearing in while you pop the trans out of the truck and put it back in.
Its possible that the bearing is not that hard to put in so look over the proceedure yourself first. If you are not taking apart clutch packs you may not need any expensive specialized tools. If there is a bunch of metal in it though the whole thing needs rebuilt. There should be a magnet in the pan, you can drop the pan and have a look.

You can also get an aftermarket warranty, let the truck sit for a spell then file a claim.

You can also start calling Toyota corporate and really laying it on thick in hopes they feel sorry enough for you to do the job for free or a reduced rate. Tell em you break your ass everyday for a living, need the truck to get to work, your wife is sick from the last pregnacy, behind on the mortgage, got syphyliss, etc. Try to sound really pathetic, it works sometimes in cases like this.

I would say try a junk yard trans, they are usually gauranteed but the labor to redo the job is on you and you could be redoing it a few times before you get a good trans.

I'd have to look over the truck to see what is worth doing but if that is all that is wrong with it maybe you should just fix it. If you are not going to buy a brand new truck then whatever you get has the same possibilties as the one you have now.

Oh and sure, a running truck is worth 7K on the market BUT you need a running truck under your ass. What's that worth to YOU? Any 7K truck is liable to blow a trans bearing.

And 5k you spend fixing it goes as a tax deduction, maybe not all of it though, I forget.
I gaffed out while dropping a large Pine top over the Summer and got a huge friction burn on my forearm. It sucked. I was getting used to using 5/8 bull line instead of my 3/4 which absorbs a lot more energy. Plus I was working with a green groundy who did not let it run... But on the other hand he did not let it go either... which would have been worse. :yoyo:

Sometimes the work load must be held in place and a ride must be taken... I kind of like the ride... It's kind of what got me hooked on this work to begin with... :msp_w00t:
That's because yer scairt. You have to relax... well maybe not relax but be ready.

If the piece was let run the tips would have gotten into the tree below which would have sent the butt towards the house. I was just trying to enjoy the great veiw of the Susquehana, not be jerking around fixing gutters.

" if you can't take the jolt, get out of the tree" The Dan, circa: just now.

I think it looked just fine. It wasnt that rough at all. Plus "The Dan" had eveything under control up there. It was just regular business if you ask me. The climber said "hold it tight" so thats it. Hold it tight. I may have taken that in two pieces but who knows just from a video. I was actually alittle let down. After reading the posts before watching it I was like "thats it??....oh"

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