Looking for a firewood cutting buddy(s) in/around my area.....to share the burden

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Bifurcated trunks


Be very careful and deliberate with those two soft maples and their bifurcated trunks. From the photos neither one looks like an easy drop. Be especially cautious as it appears you'll have a number of people helping you out and sometimes too many people have too many ideas and things are done in haste in order to give people something to do (like hurriedly dropping the maples so others can start bucking). Make sure the guy dropping the tree is fully in charge and capable. Don't be afraid to leave them standing.
Just saying.


Be very careful and deliberate with those two soft maples and their bifurcated trunks. From the photos neither one looks like an easy drop. Be especially cautious as it appears you'll have a number of people helping you out and sometimes too many people have too many ideas and things are done in haste in order to give people something to do (like hurriedly dropping the maples so others can start bucking). Make sure the guy dropping the tree is fully in charge and capable. Don't be afraid to leave them standing.
Just saying.



There could easily be some soft wood in that trunk that could cause problems. If you're not sure, get someone to check it out first or ask for some opinions on how to proceed in the Homeowner Help forum.
Just thought I would mention that I told my dad we would be cutting down in Zumbrota and he said he would like to join us. He lives in Lonsdale, I will be picking him up on my way down. He has been cutting trees since the 60's. He worked for several tree companies and also ran his own. He is very knowledgeable about felling trees. Looking forward to cutting with you folks.

Be very careful and deliberate with those two soft maples and their bifurcated trunks. From the photos neither one looks like an easy drop. Be especially cautious as it appears you'll have a number of people helping you out and sometimes too many people have too many ideas and things are done in haste in order to give people something to do (like hurriedly dropping the maples so others can start bucking). Make sure the guy dropping the tree is fully in charge and capable. Don't be afraid to leave them standing.
Just saying.



There could easily be some soft wood in that trunk that could cause problems. If you're not sure, get someone to check it out first or ask for some opinions on how to proceed in the Homeowner Help forum.

Thanks for the heads up on falling the tree (we're only planning on dropping the first one in the pics)! I've been thinking about how to do it for some time. I expect the tree to be hollow and rotten (thus the reason it's coming down). I think a face cut, and the bore cut leaving holding wood on the back side.....drive wedges(one on each side of the holding wood), cut holding wood in the back (with smaller saw)........and get out of there! Now I bet I've got all of you worried! We'll make sure things are done in a orderly fashion. There will be other things besides this tree....but....I bet it doesn't stay whole for very long! There are some VERY HUNGRY saws coming! LoL! The tree has a very good lean away from the house.....unless a very strong wind came up.....it's falling south!

Just thought I would mention that I told my dad we would be cutting down in Zumbrota and he said he would like to join us. He lives in Lonsdale, I will be picking him up on my way down. He has been cutting trees since the 60's. He worked for several tree companies and also ran his own. He is very knowledgeable about felling trees. Looking forward to cutting with you folks.

Sounds great! He'll probably work circles around me! We'll see if he agrees with my plan on felling this one.

OH....we should have a dump truck to play with too! That should speed up the unloading a little bit!

We've been cutting and burning wood for many years now.....things will be okay.
I'm in for Saturday!

I'll be willing to drive, got a good sized car (Impala) with plenty of trunk space for gear and saws. Looking to leave here around 8, could work out a meeting spot or two along the way. Shoot me a PM if you're interested.
Forgot to add, I'll bring 150' of Amsteel Blue persuader rope in case it's needed for that maple.
Thanks to all who are going to make the drive to Zumbrota to help cut fire wood!

Would anyone that's coming have a Jonsereds 621? Growing up, this is the saw I remember local loggers running. I would really like to run one of these saws! Some day....I would like to get one....
Just an update...Father-in-law just called....something that I should have thought about....the fields are muddy and getting muddier! Looks like we'll be limited to what we can cut on his property unless someone wants to try to get creative....

Sorry.....there may not be as much to do as I had previously thought......if someone wants to bow out....I understand.

We might drop both of those soft maples in the pic.....
Dan, if you want, next week looks like it'll dry out a bunch. I want to get to TreeMonkeys GTG that weekend, but Sunday would work.

Or we could just slog thru the mud and git er done this weekend. Would not be the first time.
I'm still in. I just got in from touching up the chain on my 2101xp. 42" full comp takes a while. Do you know if there is any metal in that maple?
Dan is there more coming than just myself, Steve, Grizz, and Andy? I guess you'll know better than anyone if there is enough for all of us to cut. If you think you might run out of stuff to cut for all of us I can bow out seeing as how I had to leave at 2 o'clock anyways. Just let keep us posted on the mud/water situation.
As of now I can make it. If we need to skid out anything i've got 45' feet of chain, and if we need more I've got 2 more 25' lengths, just need to get some hooks for them. If it's muddy that's ok, car wash in Ellsworth has a self-service wash bay for farm & heavly mudded vechcles.
Dan, if you want, next week looks like it'll dry out a bunch. I want to get to TreeMonkeys GTG that weekend, but Sunday would work.

Or we could just slog thru the mud and git er done this weekend. Would not be the first time.

I think we'll give it a go.....

I'm still in. I just got in from touching up the chain on my 2101xp. 42" full comp takes a while. Do you know if there is any metal in that maple?

I hope not! We'll have to as my FIL..... I don't know what my BILs did as kids.....

Dan is there more coming than just myself, Steve, Grizz, and Andy? I guess you'll know better than anyone if there is enough for all of us to cut. If you think you might run out of stuff to cut for all of us I can bow out seeing as how I had to leave at 2 o'clock anyways. Just let keep us posted on the mud/water situation.

You know.....I've kinda of lost track myself! LoL! I believe that's the group! Sometimes I wonder how guys like JD keep on top of things.....when he had/has a whole lot more coming! I guess it's up to you.... My FIL says he can find a few to cut.....and our idea of not working with mud and his may be two different things. They'll be good food even if we run out! Two large Maples and possibly others are coming down.

As of now I can make it. If we need to skid out anything i've got 45' feet of chain, and if we need more I've got 2 more 25' lengths, just need to get some hooks for them. If it's muddy that's ok, car wash in Ellsworth has a self-service wash bay for farm & heavly mudded vechcles.

We can give the skidding a try....like mentioned above....I don't really know how bad it it......I guess we can pull until we get stuck....! He might now want to rut things up.....????

He didn't get the dump truck.....

We'll just have to play things by ear.

I'll bring my chain grinder if anyone has one they want to touch up.....true up.

We'll have bar oil on hand.......there will be fuel....but we understand guys wanting to use their own magic 2smoke brew!

I'll be coming up Friday evening some time. I'll probably be out and about around 8-8:30 or so..... on Sat.

Thanks again guys!
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Great thread love the idea. I'm sick of working alone. Anyone in Western mass. I have a couple saws and a good splitter, and a :rock:1ton flat bed.
Thanks to all who are going to make the drive to Zumbrota to help cut fire wood!

Would anyone that's coming have a Jonsereds 621? Growing up, this is the saw I remember local loggers running. I would really like to run one of these saws! Some day....I would like to get one....

Well, I've got a couple 621's, but there's that 1500 mile problem. :laugh:

This is a great idea for sure. I think the "Firewood GTG" approach is far more workable than an "everybody shares the wood" approach. The distance quickly reaches the point where it would be impractical for most guys to to take more than one load of wood home. So the radius for equally sharing the wood is pretty small.

A GTG on the other hand usually gets guys coming from hours away. It's great to meet and hang with guys from the site who share the saw and firewood interests. Most times, it's just hanging out and comparing saws/cutting cookies. I think it's a great idea to have a GTG where some useful work gets done. I've been to a few where there's a good mix of work/play, and producing some firewood for the host is a great way to thank him. And when done in a GTG type format, it's certainly a lot of fun and hardly seems like work.
Michigan wood cutters

I will be cutting all weekend if anyone would like to join. I am in Charlotte,Mi which is just south of Lansing.
The wood lot borders I69 and is only a few minutes from the second Charlotte exit (headed south). Two track through cut corn field and around two ponds. You won't get stuck but probably a little muddy.
Cutting tops and a few blowdowns. Also have a few standing cherry that need to come down and by the looks of them they could be hollow. It is back off the main road away and all the wood will be hauled out by a quad and trailer. (tedious) or we can leave it there and I'll get it later. I have enough wood for everyone to take a bit home. More of a GTG than a 'I'll fill your woodlot" type deal. I will provide lunch if there are any takers. Thinking Saturday. Weather looks the best on that day. I do have a giant Ash that is leaning over the fence that borders the freeway. I stilll haven't figured out how to get that one in my pick up just yet. Looking for advice on that one. Lunch will most likley be some Koegel Hot dogs cooked over a nice little fire.
We can't let those other Minnesota boys show us up now can we?
PS- Might be a good time for a bowling ball fire as well!
I do have to be home by 4pm!
PM me if interested.
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Sounds fun Bushman, but i am out of town this weekend. :/ For me it would more of get some experience from people that use their saws a lot more that I do, thing. :)

Sounds like you are covered for this weekend. Tonight's wind may have even taken that tree down for you! So I will beg off, but am close enough that maybe I can help you another time.

Stay safe.

Note from MIL FYI! :

Let the people who are coming know we are feeding them. I don't want them to think they have to pack a lunch. There will be coffee and quick breads available in the morning.

What time are you planning on getting going? I think earlier you said 10 or so, but you mentioned 8:30 as well. I'm meeting Grizz in Red Wing, we can be there by 830-9 pretty easily. If you want to go later, I don't have any problem sleeping in a little more!