Tennis elbow

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Addicted to ArboristSite
Dec 20, 2007
Upstate NY
Been dealing with some severe tendonitis myself, I try wearing the wrap but it seems to migrate it to my shoulder after awhile :msp_confused: It's about time to try a shot I guess, to the point now where I yelped squeezing jumper cables yesterday. :msp_thumbdn:
Anyone else hear the "you just have to rest it" ? Yeah ok, that's gonna happen :laugh:


ArboristSite Guru
Apr 4, 2009
The doctor should only give you cortisone 4 times a years if your lucky and you know or your doctor likes you he might give it to 5 times maybein teh same place . 2 plates 2 pins and 8 screws holding my jaw together. I have a torn cuff in the right shoulder and carpel tunnel in both hands. Left hand had carpel tunnel surgery on when I was 20. I will never have the left side done lost too much movement in the right I will live with the pain, numbness and lack of use it still better then the surgurey. Doctors have now found an access fluid build up in my left should joint and the starting of inflation/accessive wear on the cuff not torn just not good. Doctor told me not much that can be done of the fluid he can drain it. and give me more pain pills but I already do enough dope to kill a horse, cant afford to be off work so I just keep at it The tennis elbow I have found that use the strap daily and a bag of peas at nite wraped until the are warm will help alot with pain/stiffness etc. Some times a tub like the one used to soak feet in filled with ice and some water if you can get your elbow/hand into helps alot cause it really cold.

My dad had cold packs like the ones the doctors use I think it was clay filled maybe? We would keep in the freezeer and wrap his knees with the wrap and then wrap it with ace bandages to keep in place tight he swore by that for years.


Addicted to ArboristSite
Aug 5, 2012
I had tennis elbow yrs. ago when I was part-time logging a good mixed hardwood stand and was using 80 Jonsereds. Those sunzabeeches were nasty . Why they didn't put compression releases on them makes me wonder to this day . Anyway, I ended up going to a chiropractor and was fortunate enough to have an intern there who studied "stripping". It may also be called deep-tissue-massage , as was mentioned earlier. Hurts like heck (WOW) when it is done but the rewards greatly offset the pain. No shots or pills , just massage. And yes , the bands worn on your forearm to keep the muscles from expanding and straining the tendons , really do help !

So was there a massage and stripping?:confused2:


Fish Head
Jul 12, 2010
Success Missouri
Tendonitis in both elbows in 2000 put me into the high performance 50cc (45cc at the time) business. Long hours of Blacksmithing with hammer and tongs, combined with long hours cutting splitting and throwing splits into the truck. What made it worse was the back hand throwing of the wood. Later that year was the first time I ever bought firewood and the last. I never went to the Doc, just worked through it best I could, took about two years to get over it. Now it just flairs up occasionally, but not near as bad as that first time.
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ArboristSite Guru
Sep 24, 2008
SW Washington State
I've got some weird pain for the last few months. Right elbow - hurts right where they find the vein when you donate blood - on the inside of the elbow. Usually the worst when lifting AND turning the wrist. Probably too much information, but hurts worst when cleaning up after daily constitutional - that angle, pressure and motion is the worst.

Is this what y'all are talking about for "tennis elbow"?


Fish Head
Jul 12, 2010
Success Missouri
I've got some weird pain for the last few months. Right elbow - hurts right where they find the vein when you donate blood - on the inside of the elbow. Usually the worst when lifting AND turning the wrist. Probably too much information, but hurts worst when cleaning up after daily constitutional - that angle, pressure and motion is the worst.

Is this what y'all are talking about for "tennis elbow"?

Tennis elbow, or tendonitis hurts on the outside of the elbow and the pain sometime runs from there towards the hand. Griping stuff is usually painful. Your problem sounds like where the bicep connects at the lower end.
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Retired and messing around with old stuff...
Nov 1, 2012
Northern Virginia
Yes indeed getting older and the ailments that come with it are no fun. I have had three back surgeries and headed for another in the future and now have bad knee's and a bum shoulder I just got x-rays and an MRI of. I think I have had 15-20 MRI's over the last ten years or so. My back is tolerable but I have to watch what I do. My knee kills me if I squat and it has torn miniscus or something to that effect and I am supposed to go see a bone Dr but haven't done it yet. If I don't squat I don't have much pain at all but if I do then it stings like hell and keeps my up at night. My shoulder is a new injury/issue and not sure about it yet. Just got the MRI the other day so waiting on results. I been getting injections for a few years in my knee's and they helped quite a bit in the beginning but now don't help much.

Also injections in the shoulder help a little but it still bother's me. I find that these cheap pain patches in the dollar store help more than the injections do. They are Camphor, menthol, and methyl salicylate. At least I can sleep better with those as it keeps me up at night frequently. I just found some cream to put on my shoulder that works pretty good. It is a mixture of 4% camphor, 10% menthol and 30% methyl salicylate. It smells like ben gay but helps quite a bit. My Dr gave me this prescription cream that has about 5 potent pain killers, muscle relaxers in it and when my knee stings I put that cream on and within 5 min pain is gone. It is the best stuff I have used so far. It has Ketamine in it which is a horse tranquilizer I think along with other potent meds. I was surprised how quickly it helped.

A giril/friend I know has Fibromyalga and uses a Morphine cream on her joints and it helps her to be a lot more mobile. I tried Morphine in the past but it didn't help me much so I had to move on to stronger meds. A lot of people won't take them for fear of addiction but I tell you from experience when you have severe pain you will take whatever makes it go away. I have no problem with strong opiates because they help me function and make it through the day. I would be miserable without them. Addiction is no issue when you are on a schedule on a daily basis. Only issue is over time you need a little more and a little more to kill the pain. I manage on what I have now but in the future I will need to try something else. I know some folks that use marijuana and swear by it's pain relieving properties. It isn't legal in my state but when it becomes legal and I'm sure in time it will then I will try it and see how it does.

I only get total relief in a hot tub of water. I mean hot to the point where it is almost too hot. It feels soooooooo good amd no pain at all. But when you get out it comes back real quick. I been living with daily pain for 20 years or more and taking potent drugs to help and can function pretty good. Can't work anymore but I still have my mobility and can think very well with all the meds in me. You get used to them over time and it's just like aspirin. I hope in time it doesn't get much worse as it is bad at times now and a full dose doesn't take away all the pain along with injections. Anyway I feel for you guys with injuries and pain... It isn't any fun but there are ways to deal with it. Just don't get carried away with the opiates if your on them they can mess you up if you abuse them or kill you.

I am going to try some natural herbs now and see how they work. Ginger and Tumeric are supposed to work real good for inflamation and pain. Ginger is cheap so I am going to try a daily does of it and see how it works. You have to watch out taking some herbs though when you are on opiates as it will counter act with some meds so you should always ask your Dr before you experiment. Pain is my best friend these days and it sucks. I will try anything to make it go away as it has had ahold of me for years now and totally changed my life and how I live it. But as long as I can get rid of most of it then I can tolerate it. I wish it was all gone but that's not going to happen. I also have advanced arthritus in all of my joints that that itself is painful especially in the AM when I wake. Ok I have said enough for now...



ArboristSite Guru
Sep 24, 2008
SW Washington State
Tennis elbow, or tendonitis hurts on the outside of the elbow and the pain sometime runs from there towards the hand. Griping stuff is usually painful. Your problem sounds like where the bicep connects at the lower end.

EXACTLY - thanks. No problem with grip, but if lifting something in a "bicep curl" fashion, and turn my wrist - man that hurts. Wonder what MY problem is. Might have to talk to a (insert term of derision here) doctor.
Naked Arborist

Naked Arborist

Hack from way back.
Aug 16, 2011
Cherryhill / Tabernacle NJ
Well I have so many broken parts I won't go into detail. The surgeries have helped on the back,wrist and shoulder. I'm 15 years out on the spinal decomp and the DR said I might get 10-12 out of it :) The only thing that gives me any real relief is a few beers and ole mary jane stops by in the evenings. I can not take all the meds anymore cause they just tear up my stomach and guts. Besides they kill my appetite and that just gets me all run down with no energy. I take some Ibuprofen (600-800 mg) at a pop if the swelling gets up and starts pinching nerves here and there. That only last for a few days and the guts get to churning. The hot tub does help to loosen up the arthritic parts. The best thing I have found to quell the knee pain and inflammation is to freeze them. A damp frozen towel wrapped around the knee and ace bandaged on to freeze it really does get the swelling down after a few times in the evening. 1. Freeze a damp towel 2. wrap it on tight with another towel for insulation 3. wrap that one with an ace or bungee cord :) It stings till things go numb. Do two or three cycles with half hour on half hour off. Don't forget to walk or work the joint a bit between thaw outs to get the blood moving again. Give it a try and see how it works out on those elbows.


Addicted to ArboristSite
May 11, 2009
EXACTLY - thanks. No problem with grip, but if lifting something in a "bicep curl" fashion, and turn my wrist - man that hurts. Wonder what MY problem is. Might have to talk to a (insert term of derision here) doctor.

sounds like you have a torn bicep bro. But, hey I ain't no doc so go get it checked out. All I can say from past experience is that when they tell ya not to do any work and let it heal, DO IT! I have back injuries I ignored for years. Take 3 weeks off work??!! Yeah right! I wish I woulda listened.... osteoarthritis in my spine now. Not to mention two shot knees and a trashed shoulder. I just recently got myself unaddicted to codeine and quit the booze. But I'm not near as bad off as some guys posting here so I'm gonna shut up and stop whining too.


Fish Head
Jul 12, 2010
Success Missouri
EXACTLY - thanks. No problem with grip, but if lifting something in a "bicep curl" fashion, and turn my wrist - man that hurts. Wonder what MY problem is. Might have to talk to a (insert term of derision here) doctor.

I get that at the start of my chainsaw cutting season, after not cutting all summer. It goes away after a few days of heavy chainsaw work.


ArboristSite Operative
Jul 23, 2011
At the lake
I think I have it in both elbows I can pop them whenever I want. The pain is on the outside and sometimes I'll bump them in a doorway and the pain will almost bring me to my knees. Is this the tennis elbow, I've been skipping around in this thread and i truly hate to hear about all the aches everyone has to live with. Both my middle fingers hurt constantly also the only relief is when I pop them like my elbows which really doesn't kill the pain. We will all fall apart eventually won't we... Lol. Almost everyone I know is taking something and sadly most abuse them. Wish everyone well.
Philip Wheelock

Philip Wheelock

Finis Origine Pendet
Nov 8, 2012
The Blackstone Valley
Couple of years ago I developed sore elbows most likely from using poor cutting technique and 60+ year-old body. I had this beginner's death grip on the saw that started it, and throwing heavy rounds to the top of the wood pile kept it going. Better technique + fewer hours cutting = no pain now. I also use a weenie 50cc saw to keep the weight down, which is bit embarrassing when cutting larger wood, but not sure how long my body would tolerate a bigger saw.
Mar 11, 2010
I thought I'd try the Theraband flex bar for my TE. No news to report yet, but doesn't seem to aggravate it any at least.

I'll give it a few weeks and see if it has help.

I hate shots.

The Theraband flex bar seemed to work great. After 2-3 weeks of (only occasional) use, the tennis-elbow pain on the outside of my elbows went away. Some folks may say that they simply healed by themselves, but I had given them months to heal, with not much improvement. Then after using the flex bar for just a couple-three weeks... no more pain.


ArboristSite Lurker
May 27, 2011
Southeast TX
The Theraband flex bar seemed to work great. After 2-3 weeks of (only occasional) use, the tennis-elbow pain on the outside of my elbows went away. Some folks may say that they simply healed by themselves, but I had given them months to heal, with not much improvement. Then after using the flex bar for just a couple-three weeks... no more pain.

Keep us updated, I'll have to look into that gadget.